What do you consider one of the best days you can remember?

I know that on more occasions than not, life doesn't go as planned but every time my life goes as planned, positively, I take that into record as one of the best days of my life. I woke up that day at about 5 am and while I was saying my prayers, dozed off again. A call woke me up at about 7 am that morning.

The best of the best days as I can recall is the day every single thing worked out perfectly; What made it even more special was that it was just a random day. Birthdays and other celebratory days have a way of just being special, whether there's something attached to it or not but this particular day was effortlessly special without any strings attached.

I muted the call and rushed to say my prayers to ease myself of the guilt that I didn't pray that morning, then groggy-eyed as I was, I returned the call.

It was Benedict, one of the guys who posed as one of the richest people in my class.

When he didn't take the call, I reached for my carton of cereal and grabbed some biscuits, poured them into a mug along with milk and groundnuts, then added a little bit of water to munch on before I rose to find out what I would have for breakfast. It was while I was eating this combo and seeing the Bridgerton movie that Benedict called me back.

“Hey, Treasure. Good morning to you” and he was even polite. I nearly burst into laughter. The same Benedict who used to hold himself with such prestige that the only greeting he could give one who wasn't in his clique was either a curt nod or a flat “Hi”

“Good morning,” I responded with no hint of enthusiasm in my voice. From the way he was sounding, it seemed he wanted to ask for a favor and I was about to make having an audience with me so difficult for him.

“Please, I have an offer for you. I want a short script of about five thousand words. How much can you get to do it for me?” After calculating and telling him the amount, he sent the full amount to me with two thousand naira extra for the rush work since he needed it in two days.

I set to work immediately, writing my story for that morning then since Benedict's work was a job I could do in a couple of hours, I didn't want to put pressure on myself so I took my time drafting the storyline, sent it to him, and wrote the first three chapters that same morning.

By 1 pm, I was finally ready to have breakfast but since I starved myself to get a job done, I decided to spoil myself a little and head over to Chicken Republic for their big boy's meal that consisted of rice, chicken, salad, a mojito drink and a burger.

I was not done with eating that meal when Benedict called me back, thanking me profusely for the work and saying that if it was not too much trouble, he needed a sequel when I was done with the first five thousand words.

There is nothing I love more than making money without stress so I agreed and went ahead to adjust the first storyline so it could leave room for a new story, then I went back to my meal and Bridgerton.

After such a heavy meal, I slept off naturally and was woken up by another call. This time, it was my boyfriend. He was at my gate.

“Get up and get dressed, we're going shopping” It was almost 5 pm. I wondered what kind of shopping we were going for by that time but if there was anything I knew about the man I was in love with, it was that spontaneity was his favorite card, so I always played along.

I didn't expect that I would be changing my wardrobe that very evening but after getting new pairs of t-shirts, jeans, and dresses (after much reluctance), I knew that was what this was; a change of wardrobe.

I couldn't contain my glee when he took me further to a famous Amala spot for dinner after the entire shopping spree.

“If there's space in your stomach we could use some ice cream after all that pepper,” he told me after dinner. I burst into hearty laughter.

“Wait, did you win the lottery or what? What's with the spending today?” He leaned forward and showed me his account balance. I nearly screamed with shock.

“What happened?”

“I got three jobs between yesterday and today and I was paid upfront.”

“Me too!” I had totally forgotten to gist him about the script I was writing so I told him immediately.

Upon getting home that night, I spent time reminiscing on the events of that day and I realized that I did every single thing I planned successfully, I saw Bridgerton, did my usual job, and took a nap for the first time in many weeks. Then the things I didn't plan as well ended up being even better.

That day was one of the best days of my life and isn't one I would forget in a hurry.

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