Profiting from Propaganda: Why Does Bad News Sell for Top Dollars?


Bad news is one of the things that sells quickly, particularly in Nigeria. Some people thrive on hearing bad news. There is an adrenaline rush to being the first to hear negative news; it is like a source of pride or joy, and sometimes I do not understand how people can be joyful; they get this negative fulfillment and are always there to create this environment of crocodile and shallow empathy.

Content Creation| More Farming Less Quality

When an adult video of a popular person is leaked online, you can see X (Twitter) content creators pillaging it, sharing it on Telegram channels, and almost charging people money to watch the sex scenes. I do not really have an issue with this. What bothers me the most is posting about people's deaths when they have not yet been confirmed dead. Twitter has made matters worse with their idiotic content monetization strategy.

Almost anyone can buy the $8 tick and start farming any type of negative news. The most farming occurs when rumors or a popular person is reported dead; no one wants to conduct research; instead, they want to flood X (Twitter) with unconfirmed content in order to farm from an audience that already thrives on negative news. People have taken negative news to new heights since the introduction of web2 content creation and monetization.

X Monetization Takes Thos To A Whole New Level

There are people who are constantly looking for negative news, all for Musk's money, and it is sometimes extremely shameful. With Elon Musk's newfound content creating money, people are willing to do anything to get those precious dollars, hook or crook. I have no problem with people farming views for money; my issue is when they try to profit from propaganda, fake news, or other people's misfortunes.

Selling Fakery Without Empathy

Many people live unconscious lives, never caring about anything except money. There is no empathy, feelings, or responsibility for their fellow man, and while I understand that bad news sells faster, I believe that people should make an effort to prevent bad things from becoming negative or sad news, rather than wanting it to happen so that they can profit from it.

Farming Profit Off Pain

Most people who come out to post "RIP" content have no idea how it feels to lose someone because they are so caught up in their own lives. Their content is primarily for cosmetic purposes, not because they are feeling anything or emotionally. It is a shallow world, and some people are wired to do things without emotion.

They live their lives as if they own them, and when bad things happen to others, they are quick to discuss it without emotion, understanding, or reasoning. This is why people would rather film someone bleeding out than rush them to the hospital. They want to be the first to post such videos in a meaningless social space where everyone wants to be famous for being the first to post rather unfortunate events.

It is a soulless world, and one thing I try to tell others is not to believe you are infallible, no matter what safety precautions you take. Knowing and understanding that you are infallible, just as others are unfortunate, fosters a greater sense of empathy, humility, and genuine responsibility for another person.

In Conclusion

I do not condemn making money; I just think it is morbid to try to profit from the pain of others, or to celebrate the life of someone who has passed away without any genuine emotion or sadness. Life may bestow upon you attributes that make you feel invincible at the moment, but you are not infallible, and I believe that everyone should keep this in mind.

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