IMPORTANT PolyCUB Launch Countdown Update | Incentive Pendulum Release

The announcements about PolyCUB have been met with a lot of excitement from the community. Many have been ready and waiting for this moment for months and this is truly a game-changing release for LeoFinance's Web3 Ecosystem.

The launch target that we set yesterday is set to go in just 1 hour:


We've decided to push this launch window another 24 hours and the airdrop will now start 24 hours from when this post goes live - congrats to all the people who left comments on our launch post wishing they had time more time to prepare! Now you've got 24 more hours to prepare yourselves for the biggest launch in Leo History.

There are a few key reasons for this and we know that it is less than ideal for the community. We've already told Cointelegraph and Coindesk to hold their PRs until tomorrow.

CertiK, however will likely still release the full audit report published on their website. This is totally fine as it is not launch critical - we only want to ensure that it would be live once the platform goes live.

But Ser, Why?

The main reason for the hold-up is a last minute issue with the Curve Data API. This API is causing some data to not load on the Kingdoms UI - namely, everything works except for the Curve Stablecoin Kingdom:


This 4th blank vault slot is intended to hold the Curve Aave Stablecoin Kingdom. While one option we have is to launch without the stablecoin Kingdom now (and it will likely be ready in less than 3-5 hours), we think it's more important to have the stablecoin Kingdom ready right at launch and to give everyone a proper headsup about the change in the launch window.

We're currently deploying our own API solution which will fix this issue and also prevent it form happening on any other Kingdoms. It's a pretty minor UI bug, but we'll get it ironed out before launch.

More Time

More time to prepare is not the worst thing in the world. I know everyone is feeling the hectic rush that is preparing for a launch of this magnitude. I've been awake for about 36 hours getting prepped and now I'm preparing to do it all again tonight as we prepare for the big day in 24 hours.

Updated Launch Window


The Updated Launch Window can be viewed at this link. We've pushed it just about 24 hours worth of blocks.

As most of you know, weekend launches are not my thing. I prefer to launch during the week as just a matter of personal preference. Despite that, we're going to launch on Saturday Morning - March 5th.

This is a massive launch and all the preparations and partnerships are in order. A little API bug causing us to delay is not the biggest deal but I for one was all excited to launch today. I guess I'll just use this opportunity to add a little more CUB to my Kingdom bag!

Airdrop Instructions, Polygon Tutorials and Docs


At launch, we were going to release all of the airdrop instructions, tutorials for Polygon and extensive docs to explain CUB and POLYCUB to everyone.

We're going to go ahead with the release of all of that information today on schedule with the original launch window. It's kind of like launching without the actual app launch! (What a tease!)

This will give everyone time to dive deep into the docs, start setting up Polygon in Metamask, etc.

We want the whole community to fully understand the magnitude of PolyCUB. @edicted wrote an awesome post outlining just how limited the POLYCUB supply is and why it's exciting. POLYCUB is an absolute game-changer from a mechanics perspective.

Incentive Pendulum!

Expect a detailed post today! We'll also be releasing the Incentive Pendulum on schedule even though the launch of the actual PolyCUB App and Airdrop is pushed to tomorrow!

Today is still a Launch Day... Just not the launch day for the actual Airdrop and PolyCub app!

Questions? Concerns? Wens?

Please feel free to jump in the comments below with any of them. I may also jump on for an emergency AMA sometime today - along with being scheduled on the Cryptomaniacs podcast with @jongolson and @taskmaster4450

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