
Sofie Wintour gazed at herself in the mirror, the image that looked back at her was stunning in a black designer gown that clung to her every curve. With a plunging neckline that left little to the imagination and a belt cinched at the waist, she looked like a model. You couldn't tell that the cleavage was the work of brilliant plastic surgeons, and her had been brushed back and styled

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She touched her hair in disbelief, grateful to have hair, grateful to have her body back, grateful to have her health and most importantly, she was grateful to be alive. She said a prayer of thanks, closing her eyes briefly. A quick glance at the wall clock showed she had 30 mins until her boyfriend Elliot arrived. Today was her 33rd birthday, and they were going out to dinner to celebrate.

She decided to go through her photo album to remind herself how far she'd come. The first page was the picture of a bald woman with sunken cheeks, hollow eyes and pale yellow skin.

“Oh God” Sofie said. Tears sprang to her eyes as she went down memory lane.

“Doctor are you absolutely certain about the prognosis?” she asked Dr. Meyer.

“I'm sorry Sofie, but we are sure, we even ran tests more than once just to be certain it wasn't something else” Dr. Meyer replied, grabbing her hands across his table.

She stared at him blankly, confusion written all over her face. How did she have Cancer? She was one of the healthiest people on earth, she exercised and was careful with her diet. There wasn't a history of cancer in her lineage so how…and to think she wouldn't have found out if not because of her monthly checkups.

“Sofie, Sofie!” she heard Dr. Meyer say

“I’m sorry, did you say something?” She asked him.

“I said you shouldn't be on your own now, is there anybody I could call to come pick you up?” he asked

Alice chuckled dryly as the thought of leaving her loved ones behind hit home. Her friends, Zoe and Elsa her besties, her parents, Elliot her love. She broke down in tears while Dr. Meyer comforted her. Eventually, she convinced him she could get home on her own and left the hospital.

On getting home, she laid down on her couch, thinking of the doctor's words and shivering. Cancer of the breast… She played the words in her mind over and over again. She stayed there even when it became dark. A while later Sofie heard a key turn in the lock.

“Babe, Baby, are you home?” she heard Eliot ask before he switched on the light. He spotted her crumpled on the couch and walked swiftly to her.

“Sweetheart what's wrong? Are you okay? I've been calling you” he asked.

“Hi love” she said hugging him tightly, “I apologize for getting you worried”

“Sofie, what's going on baby?” he asked her again in a soft calm voice that brought fresh tears to her eyes.

“Oh nothing much, work has been stressful, I've missed you, I'm tired, and I've got cancer” Sofie said as the tears slid down her face.

Elliot looked at her as if she had gone crazy. “I'm sorry, you've got what?” he asked, fear written on his face.

“I've got Cancer, Elliot, cancer of the breast for that matter. Of all the cancers to have my body chose cancer of the breast which when you come to think of it is funny because…”

Before she could finish her rambling, Elliot engulfed her in a hug, calming her down and rubbing circles on her back.

“Look at me baby, shh we'll get through this okay? You'll be fine, I love you. You're strong. I'm here for you” he said to Sofie.

He'd kept to his promise, through all the chemotherapy he held her hand and made her laugh. Even when her hair fell out, he told her she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Elliot bought scarves and wigs and practically put his world on hold for her. Her parents and friends hadn't been left behind, they had all rallied around her, supporting her. When after a while the cancer left, they'd had a little party and toasted to her health. Then when it came back so viciously that she'd had to undergo a mastectomy and finally on the day the doctor had announced “The cancer is in remission”. They had been at her side.

“You did it, I've always known my baby was a fighter” Elliot had said excitedly

“Thank God, I'm so happy” Zoe said while she and Elsa jumped up and down.

“Take it easy girls” she'd said, laughing. While her parents just held her and shed tears of joy.

After she had fully recovered and had been declared cancer free, the plastic surgeons had worked their magic and her hair had started growing slowly…

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…” Elliot sang from her doorway, off-key.

“Oh stop it” she said laughing and blushing as he whistled when he saw her dress

“My oh my, you my dear are a sight for sore eyes” he said as he embraced her. “Happy birthday once again. Here's your gift” he said, handing her a small bag that contained an expensive diamond bracelet.

“Thank you! You do know how to make a girl happy” she exclaimed, admiring her bracelet.

“There'll be time to properly thank me later” he said winking, “Let's go!”

Laughing, he led her to his car and drove to the restaurant. On arrival, she discovered they were at a popular bar.

“Are you so thirsty that you couldn't wait to get to the restaurant?” she asked him, grinning and shaking her head

Elliot laughed and walked over to the passenger door to let her out. They walked through the entrance and moved to the upper level.

“Baby, we've passed the bar” she told Elliot helpfully, but he smiled and kept on climbing the stairs.

She jumped a mile when she heard people shouting “SURPRISE!!”

It turned out he'd planned a surprise birthday party for her. Their families, friends, coworkers and almost everyone they knew was present. This was even better than a romantic dinner. Compliments about her appearance poured in from around the room. She smiled and beamed and felt like a queen.

She heard a spoon clinking on a glass and turned around to find Elliot preparing to make a toast. After making sure everyone had a glass of wine, he began.

“I would like to make a toast to the gorgeous celebrant, Sofie, the love of my life, my fighter queen. As you all know, we've been through a lot these past years, but somehow we've pulled through. Words are not enough to describe just how much you mean to me, and this journey called life will not be complete without you by my side. It will be an honor to call you mine forever”.

Sofie was glad she’d used her waterproof mascara because tears kept on pouring from her eyes. She gasped as Elliot walked to her, took her hand and went down on one knee.

“Sofie Wintour, will you do me the honor of being with me until we're old and gray?” he asked with tears in his eyes.

Sofie was so emotional that she could only nod yes. He placed the ring on her finger to cheers and clapping from the guests. He picked up his wine glass and screamed,

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“Cheers everybody!!”

The room resounded with sounds of cheers and clinking wine glasses. Zoe, Elsa, her mother, Elliot's mother and some other girlfriends surrounded her to admire her ring. Sofie was so happy and said another prayer of thanks in her mind. Smiling, she looked across the room and caught Elliot's eye.

“I love you” she mouthed to him.

“I love you more” he mouthed back and blew her a kiss.

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