SpaceCatch Is Making A New Beginning With The Launch Of The $CATCH Token

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Hello guys my name is Lucky Ali today I’m going to talk about spacecatch. Spacecatch is One of the biggest players in the gamify industry and recently they have launched a native token catch of augmented reality. This announcement was made by the official Twitter account of Spacecatch and because of this investors in Crypto enthusiasts are happy. You know most of the crypto enthusiasts and investors are on Twitter so it is easy to get the hype on Twitter for any project Spacecatch launching a token for its galactic ar this is like a new time for the spacecatch community and this is a smart move because it is announced immediately after successful catch token presale.

You will be excited after hearing that Spacecatch has been doing development activities for the last 1.5 years under the leadership of Pixelfield which is a famous studio finally SpaceCatch announced its much-awaited token. You should have a question in mind why SpaceCatch taken so much time to launch its token the reality is first they have focused on game development And this was not just game development. Still, it was a quality improvement of the game so Spacecatch's main aim is long-term stability as well as product quality and this is the reason they have taken a long time to complete the development. Then they focus on token launch so this is a smart move and this shows that this particular project is here to stay and it has it has a long-term vision and big goals.

It has a balanced tokenomics and because of this reason investors and players are passionate about buying this token. So this platform has an innovative approach and unique features which is why it is getting hype catch token is not just an in-game reward token but it is providing long-term value that assures sustainability. Because as I said it has a balanced tokenomics. Let's talk about some tokenomics, through the presale round, Up to 43% of the tokens have already been allocated to the users, and this particular move making its inflation even lower. SpaceCatch company has raised a total of $3.37 million, with the most recent round raising $1.17 million in just 42 hours.

Like Bitcoin Halving CashToken has been annual halving and early adopters Will definitely get a big profit because at the beginning when you take a catch token you will get a higher APR but later the Apr will reduce and also annual halving will reduce the supply so the long term token value increase this mechanism is similar to the splinterlands and splinterlands already did this thing years ago however this particular project is doing also good so we have to appreciate every single project in Crypto Field so I hope you liked this post please share this post and do a comment below.

Lucky Ali

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