GHAWG, Uninterrupted: Act 4

GHAWG, Uninterrupted: The First Daily Zapfic Serial Published at LeoThreads

This post features Act 4-- uninterrupted, no comments-- of the daily zapfic serial #GHAWG published at LeoThreads.

Post images made using MS Paint.


  • About #GHAWG
  • Previously, in Act 3
  • Act 4
    • Zapfic entries from [116] 2023-May-31 through [138] 2023-July-1
  • Quick Summary of Act 4
  • Navigation to Other Acts in #GHAWG
  • When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG

About #GHAWG

Below is the description taken from the first annotated weekly summary covering #GHAWG:

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

(Hyperlinks in original)

2 months after I began publishing the daily zapfic serial, I decided to publish a weekly summary which also included commentary relevant to each zapfic entry.

The weekly summaries add depth to #GHAWG. However, they are capped at 7 entries (with perhaps a few bonus entries). With the serial entering its 6th month, it can take a while to get caught up even with the delayed weekly summaries.

Recently it occurred to me that some people would prefer to read the zapfic uninterrupted; that is, with no commentary, just the text. For this reason I will publish on a recurring basis a post containing all the zapfic entries associated with one Act (or Interlude) of the daily zapfic serial.

Eventually, these Uninterrupted posts will catch up with the daily zapfic serial. At that point, these Uninterrupted posts will be published at the end of each Act (or Interlude) as needed.

For anyone interested in commentary, start with the post featuring zapfic entries 1 through 7 along with the introduction.

Previously, in Act 3

David Guardia, motorcycle courier from Bayonne, New Jersey, comes out of his 10-day coma fully healed. At first no one believed him, but x-rays confirmed the improbable, thus validating a miraculous recovery.

Once he exits the hospital in LeClaire, Iowa, he is directed to a Harley-Davidson dealership in Davenport. There he is gifted a motorized tricycle by Jacob Angel, the older gentlemen he had met back in Cleveland. While having a glass of hard cider he meets Rhonda Bella, the very tall redhead he had barely glimpsed when he and Manny Rey were in Defiance, Ohio. They take time to learn about each other and how they got to where they find themselves at that moment.

Rhonda Bella joins David Guardia on his ride to STURGIS, and right off the bat they find a badly beaten body close to death on the road. They resume the ride to STURGIS after bringing this person to the nearest emergency room. Along the way they meet Lionel Odunsi of Nigeria and Sanjay Rampersad of India, foreign exchange students attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Later they meet native Iowans the Brothers Marchenko (Hank & Frank) as they beat each other to a pulp over a sports gambling dispute.

These riders arrive at STURGIS, but not after evading one of the few tornadoes to hit South Dakota in August. It take a while, but David Guardia is finally able to locate Harry Hoqualogue of The Mongols. Just when he thinks he can deliver the message to Harry and get on with his stay at STURGIS, Harry Hoqualogue turns out to be a tough customer with a mean streak.

Act 4

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 116. 2023-07-02 00:04:54
After we refueled, we rode until we reached STURGIS. With at least half a million riders attending, I needed to find Harry Hoqualogue.

"Harry who?" I was asked. Then I explained.

"Oh yeah. You'll find The Mongols over there."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 117. 2023-07-03 00:11:42
Given the Mongols' reputation, I had no idea what to expect. Nor did I realize how many Mongols there were. We weren't worried. When I asked "Where can I find Harry Hockaloogie?" everyone laughed. Everyone, except Harry himself.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 118. 2023-07-04 00:16:36
"The name is Hoqualogue, mack," he said after he floored me with a hard jab to the face.

"No disrespect intended," I said from the ground as I caught my breath.

"What do you want?"

"Special Delivery from Manny Rey."


View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 119. 2023-07-05 00:08:45
"Manny Rey's the name of the man who handed me this sealed envelope to give you," I began to explain. "We met east of Sandusky, Ohio; he said he wasn't going to Sturgis."

"Of course he wasn't going to Sturgis. I killed him."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 120. 2023-07-06 00:02:36
"SOMEONE handed me that envelope," I insisted as I stood up. I should've been shocked by his statement; I wasn't. I just wanted to complete my delivery, which technically I hadn't. Mongols surrounded me, Rhonda, and the crew.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 121. 2023-07-07 00:17:24
"It's not my concern what history you & Manny Rey had," I said unfazed by knowledge I was feet away from an admitted killer. "My mission's to get you to take delivery of this envelope," I said. "Do what you want after that."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 122. 2023-07-08 00:06:21
"Just for wasting my time," began Harry, "I'm going to waste yours." He motioned Mongols nearest to me to beat me into the ground. While I landed my punches, I was taken down. "I had a good run. The rest in in Your Hands, Lord."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 123. 2023-07-09 00:03:33
As I was getting beaten all over, I felt heat hotter than that from the explosion which sent me into a coma. Before I knew it, Mongols stopped beating me. From the ground I looked around. Then I walked to Harry to face him.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 124. 2023-07-10 00:07:24
Harry could feel the heat still radiating from me. He also saw that I wasn't going anywhere.

"The sooner you take delivery of the letter," I said, "the sooner I can leave you alone."

"Oh really?" he asked, looking like a meme.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 125. 2023-07-11 00:39:51
There was a loud noise; all I felt was a buzzing near me, which ended when I shooed away whatever buzzed near me. Everyone else looked shocked, but I didn't know why. Rhonda pointed to my feet, where I saw a .44 caliber bullet.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 126. 2023-07-12 00:10:06
Harry couldn't believe what was happening; I didn't blame him. I should have been dead, yet I stood with the Magnum .44 bullet in my hand and my body just cooling down. I put the bullet in my pocket and handed Harry the letter.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 127. 2023-07-13 00:15:33
Harry glared at me, but he finally took delivery of the letter Manny Rey charged me with delivering. Once he opened the letter, I began to walk away; my job was done. Behind me Harry went from angry to remorseful in 60 seconds.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 128. 2023-07-14 00:20:24
¦ "I forgive you, Wallace. -- Gromit"

Harry looked like he saw a ghost as he read the letter aloud. Then he said to me "Only Gromit called me that." There was a minute of silence before Harry said to me "Please forgive me."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 129. 2023-07-15 00:05:36
If Manny Rey could find a way to forgive someone who had killed him, then I could forgive Harry and his Mongols for what they did to me. I turned around and approached Harry with a hand extended in forgiveness. We shook hands.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 130. 2023-07-16 00:10:15
When Harry and I began talking, it was as if nothing happened. The rest of the crew began to shoot the breeze with Mongols who were ready to kill them. Rhonda found me telling Harry about my trip from Bayonne to Sturgis.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 131. 2023-07-17 00:02:09
"What's that second letter?" asked Rhonda. Harry and I looked at each other, then Harry looked at the open envelope.

"Well ain't that a kick in the kiester," said Harry. After he looked at this letter he said "This is for you."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 132. 2023-07-18 00:06:15
Harry handed me this letter addressed to "The Courier." After opening the letter, I saw the photograph of a group of bikers dressed in safety yellow riding through town at night. Photo caption: Riding through Portland, Oregon.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 133. 2023-07-19 00:01:48
I showed Rhonda this message. "I began this ride so I could go to Sturgis. I'm here, but my ride isn't over."

"When do we go to Portland?" Rhonda asked. "Soon, but not yet. As with this ride, it'll unfold before us as needed."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 134. 2023-07-20 01:06:06
"Portland's been a wreck for a while," Harry said. "You're sure you want to go there?"

"You were ready to kill me earlier," I reminded Harry. "Now you're concerned for my safety?"

"It's the least I can do for Gromit," he said.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 135. 2023-07-21 00:02:21
Over the next few days we made fellowship with riders from all over the Americas. When possible, we brought The Lord into their lives. We even grew our crew. On the last day, I informed the crew as it was about the ride to PDX.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 136. 2023-07-22 00:02:57
I told the crew about the letter Harry delivered to me. "The ride to Portland is something I need to do," I told the crew. "You're all free agents. No one else is obligated to join me. If we part company, God Bless you."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 137. 2023-07-23 00:11:03
"We're from San Diego," said Harry, "so we can ride with you." Hank & Frank gave me thumbs up. Lionel and Sanjay nodded at me. Rhonda squeezed my hand. I had no idea what to expect in Portland, but I had good people with me.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 138. 2023-07-24 00:16:15
"It's your first time in South Dakota, right?" Harry asked me. I nodded. "We'll take a detour to Mt. Rushmore," continued Harry. "It's about 60 to 75 minutes south west of Sturgis. This may be your only chance to play tourist."

Quick Summary of Act 4

The moment of truth has arrived: David Guardia delivers Manny Rey's message to Harry Hoqualogue. Not believeing that the messagewas for him, he refuses to accept it.

After David explains that the message came from Manny Rey, Harry's disbelief is reinforced as he reveals that he had killed Manny Rey long ago.

He was annoyed with the motorcycle courier to the point of having his fellow Mongols beat him to death. Just after David Guardia resigns himself to his fate, Divine Intervention takes place. Extreme heat radiating from David Guardia forces his assailants to back away. The .44 caliber bullet from a Smith & Wesson Magnum handgun meant to kill him is swatted away as if it's an annoying housefly.

Harry Hoqualogue ends up taking delivery of Manny Rey's message simply out of sheer frustration. Just as the two men were going to get out of each other's lives for good, The Mongol's demeanor changes when he realizes that the message was real and what the message means.

The dead Manny Rey forgave Harry Hoqualogue for killing him, so that was David's cue to forgive Harry for what he had done to him a few minutes prior.

Thanks to Rhonda Bella's keen eye, she noticed a 2nd message David had been delivering. This message was actually for him, and it directs him to ride through Portland, Oregon at night. Earlier Harry was willing to kill David; on seeing this 2nd message, he decides to escort him to Portland so that he can fulfill his mission there.

Navigation to Other Acts in GHAWG, Uninterrupted

As later Acts (and Interludes) are published, this section will be updated with links to all other Acts (and Interludes).

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:

  • Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
  • Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with modified screen capture from LeoThreads as cover image) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
  • Monday -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted posts


  • Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
  • Both kinds of posts-- Weekly Summaries and GHAWG, Uninterrupted-- can be accessed using the #GHAWGnav thread or from my LeoFinance profile page

Thank you for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads first daily zapfic serial. Until next time!

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