The GHAWG Diaries, Part 10

The GHAWG Diaries, Part 10

What's happening behind the scenes to bring new GHAWG content? The GHAWG Diaries is my recap of what I've been doing.

Base image came in another form from PublicDomainPictures.Net. Edits made using MS Paint.


There's more to #GHAWG than just daily zapfic entries and the spreadsheet I use to track them. There's research. There's review. There's also thought and inspiration. Then there are the tools involved in doing any of those tasks.

Just to keep things from getting scrambled in my head, and also to document for myself what I've been considering, I began keeping a diary of my activities as they concern #GHAWG. With posts in the GHAWG, Uninterrupted series on hold at Act 5 while Act 6 remains in progress, I decided to share these diary entries with everyone on Hive blockchain.

On Mondays which don't feature a GHAWG, Uninterrupted post-- GHAWG-U-- I'll post diary entries from the previous 7 days or between GHAWG-U posts if the time between them is short. For Part 9, there are 7 days' worth of diary entries. The first entry starts on 2023-November-27.

Before anyone scratches their heads at a few terms, here are 3 I began using since the previous post:

Rat BikeCode name for #GHAWG (the first and current zapfic serial)
Blue LionCode name for the middle zapfic serial in the GHAWG Universe
The BronzeCode name for the final zapfic serial in the GHAWG Universe

Monday, 2023-December-04
📓 Today I posted TGD Part 9. I spent much of the day working on a post documenting the way LeoThreads handles-- actually, mishandles-- blockquotes, whether they are done using Markdown or HTML. While typing the final version of my post I noticed another bug which I hadn't been expecting. This means I need more screen captures, and companion text to explain them. I need to put long form GHAWG activity on hold for a bit as I work on this post.

I understand that not everyone cares about blockquotes (especially in short form, microblog format). However, this is something which can affect a LeoThreads user's experience on the platform. It's one thing for people to not want to use LeoThreads because it's as complicated as the rest of the Hive ecosystem. It's another thing entirely for people to not want to use LeoThreads because it doesn't handle inputs-- our content-- properly. So I'm documenting my tests and discoveries in this post. When I publish the post (ETA = TBD), one hashtag I will include is feedback, and I'll use LeoThreads to point to this post. It's not a fun or exciting topic, but it's necessary for helping to make LeoThreads better for all of us.

📓 I finished updating the GHAWGnav sticky post for navigating The GHAWG Universe. All posts for Weekly Summaries, The GHAWG Diaries, and GHAWG Behind the Scenes are listed as of 2023-December-04. GHAWG, Uninterrupted remains with Act 6 in progress, but soon it gives way to Interlude 3. At that point, I will include the URL for the post to the soon-to-conclude Act 6.

Tuesday, 2023-December-05
📓 While reviewing the digital map for Arizona near Flagstaff, I was looking for Winona-- as in "Flagstaff, Arizona / Don't forget Winona". It turns out that (going eastward) Flagstaff is 16 miles west of Winona. Both places are in central Arizona, so I have some time to see if I can have the story do anything at either place (especially Winona). Winona is in the song, and it's a name I want to use later as The GHWAG Universe develops.

Wednesday, 2023-December-06
📓 I wasn't at the computer much today, so I wasn't doing much in the way of getting GHAWG onto "print" or digital media. To keep the mind on GHAWG I listened to a few songs which seem to form a soundtrack for the zapfic serial. "Route 66" was one because that's what I'm working on. "Born To Be Wild" was another because it's the iconic motorcycle song even among "no-bikers" (similar to "no-coiners" in cryptocurrency). Wonder Woman's Theme isn't part of GHAWG's so-called soundtrack as such, but it helps me to focus on developing more of Rhonda Bella's history. "Crazy Train" sounds like a song to be associated with Harry Hoqualogue, and in The Bronze it will be. "Where the Streets Have No Name" seems like it fits during the Arizona and New Mexico phases of the ride eastward on Old Route 66. The mind must always be churning when it comes to advancing GHAWG through Rat Bike and into Blue Lion and then The Bronze.

Thursday, 2023-December-07
📓 The post documenting the blockquote bug at LeoThreads took me longer than I had anticipated. Now that it's out of the way, I should get back to developing content for GHAWG. This definitely includes additional zapfic entries (currently in queue until 2024-February-22). It also includes fleshing out the zapfic serial to make it more three-dimensional. A while back I mentioned character sketches or dossiers. I need to give each character a history and a backstory. I also need to give them items which are uniquely associated with them (e.g., motorcycle, fashion, hometown, identification items, etc.).

Friday, 2023-December-08
📓 What kind of motorcycles do Our Heroes ride? For Harry Hoqualogue, it's a no-brainer: Harley-Davidson. At the moment, David Guardia rides a Harley-Davidson tri-cycle; when he began his epic ride he rode a Harley-Davidson two-wheeler, and before that he used a Honda rat bike for his courier work. Rhonda Bella rides a Victory motorcycle.

What do The Brothers Marchenko and The Kids ride? That's what I'm trying to figure out. For Hank & Frank, it doesn't matter: they build their own bikes; however, for day-to-day riding I need to find makes and models which suit them. For The Kids (Lionel Odunsi, Sanjay Rampersad, and Lindsay Etxeberria), I have more options. Lionel seems to be the type to ride Triumph motorcycles. Sanjay could go with Honda, Yamaha, or Kawasaki (whichever of those offers cruiser models for long-distance riding). Lindsay doesn't have her own motorcycle yet, although she seems like the type to have done BMX riding when she was younger.

📓 Tonight I typed up the weekly summary to be posted tomorrow. All I have left is the cover image and updates to the spreadsheet I use to track the published zapfic entries.

Saturday, 2023-December-09
📓 Today I published the Weekly Summary post. All I had left (besides proofreading) was the cover image. It took me longer than expected to get the cover image done because I decided it was time to update it to reflect both the LeoFinance re-branding to InLeo and the changes in my profile data. Even if I recycle this image next week and make relevant changes, it would still take me a decent amount of time to get done. So this evening I did for the Weekly Summary what I did for The GHAWG Diaries: I let a spreadsheet to the dirty work for me. Next week I will use the spreadheet-powered cover image, and all I have to do then is simply crop it to size. The spreadsheet will update not only the entries to be covered, but also both the zapfic entry to appear on the cover image and its respective URL.

Sunday, 2023-December-10
📓 Music selection bounced between Wonder Woman's Theme and "Route 66" as performed by Depeche Mode as I walked through the rain in my neighborhood.

Tonght I began work on the first character dossier. No surprise, it will feature David Guardia. I took the skeleton for the informational sidebar from the Anakin Skywalker page at Wookieepedia, so the skeleton needs to be modified as needed. Many details were never mentioned as GHAWG evolved, so I had to spend time coming up with details which made sense. For started, Bayonne, New Jersey, US is his hometown, but he was born in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Why there? His father (who is known as "Pops" in the zapfic serial) was a Marine with 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company in Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (FMFLANT) during the 1960s. A zapfic entry or two lightly touch on Pops-- Samuel Guardia in the dossier-- and his time in Force Recon. It will be a while before I can get the dossier finished, never mind publish it here. Even if the zapfic serial never makes use of these details, they will be useful once I port Rat Bike into long form content.

Navigation to Other GHAWG Diaries

As more posts become available, this section will be updated with links to them.

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:
● Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
● Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with modified screen capture from LeoThreads as cover image) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
● Monday -- Either GHAWG, Uninterrupted if present, or The GHAWG Diaries
● Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday -- GHAWG Behind the Scenes -- The goal is to publish these posts on all days not dedicated to the Weekly Summary, GHAWH-U, or The GHAWG Diaries (TGD). There may be days with no post, so I'll minimize those occasions as best as I can.


● Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
● All long form posts-- Weekly Summaries, GHAWG-U, and TGD-- can be accessed using the #GHAWGnav sticky post or from my LeoFinance profile page

This week I hope to have more content published and recorded to Hive blockchain.

That's it for this edition of The GHAWG Diaries. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

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