Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - 3 Mantras to save our planet


Hello Readers,

In our big and vast world, every choice that we make is responsible for shaping what happens next. As humans, we are at the top of the food chain and have advanced so much technology in current times that our actions unlike all other animals, sometimes leave a permanent mark on our home planet. Sometimes, we forget how our actions affect our mother nature while racing towards growth and development and end up harming our environment and the result not only affects us but our next generations as well and leaves a long-term impact on natural resources. So in this post, I will try to discuss the 3 good practices that we can learn and practice and bring a positive impact on the environment and this can do better with our nature. These three important ideas that we should practice in our daily lives are - reuse, reduce and recycle. So without anymore further ado, let us jump right in!



Reusing Things to Make Them Last

Imagine if everything we used could be used again and again and we never ran out of resources. Well, That is what reusing is all about. For example, think about a glass jar that you got for free while buying a jam. After you finish the jam, you can clean the jar and use it for something else, like a glass to drink from or a container for your pen or pencils. Or take the soft drink plastic bottles we get every time buying a cold drink, do you know you can now make plastic threads from these bottles and the thread quality is very strong and lasting than normal tree-made threads?

Reusing things helps us produce less waste and allows us to be creative with what we have already, just by having a creative mind with the trash we generate, we can not only make something better and useful with it, but some people even go one step further and creating handcrafts and home decoration items and selling them to generate income. For example, many of us have seen the famous humble mason jars which were once used for preserving jams, but nowadays it has found new life as a trendy drinking glass, a stylish candle holder or even handy storage containers. So the message is clear by embracing reuse, we not only reduce waste but also infuse creativity into our daily routines and make our world a little but more cleaner in the process.



Using Less Stuff to Help the Earth

We live in a materialistic world where people buy a lot of things they don't need. But we know how this world works and to get connected and get respect, you have to keep flashing your apparel, gadgets etc. But if we use less and can manage the things we already have, we can not only help our finances but also help the planet's environment. For instance, instead of buying a new bottle of water every time we feel thirsty outside, we can just bring our own bottle from home and refill it and make it stylish so people still find curiosity at you, lol. This way, we make less plastic garbage and also show the companies that we care about using less stuff.

The same thing goes for our clothes, Watches, Smartphones and other electronic gadgets etc. Also, maintaining a simple lifestyle and using fewer things we don't really need can make us happier because now, we can focus more on doing our work, and enjoying fun things instead of buying things and getting stressed over it. For another example, let’s talk about shopping bags that we take from malls or shops on a daily basis. By simply avoiding using single-use plastic bags like these and bringing your own bag to these malls or stores, we not only reduce waste but also send a powerful message to corporations about our priorities as consumers. But yes, your own bag won't have the Logo printed to flash others about which big brand you took home with you, so that’s a little sacrifice you have to make here as well. Anyways, reducing our consumption of non-essential goods can not only be a blessing to the environment but also lead us to a more fulfilling life focused on experiences rather than possessions.



Recycling to Give Old Things a New Life

When we recycle, we not only help the environment but also unknowingly give these old things a chance to become something new. For example, we can recycle paper, plastic, glass and metal to make new things like books, backpacks and toys. It is like magic where your old things suddenly become a brand new thing! Recycling helps us use less energy and resources from our mother nature and helps keep our planet clean. So when we recycle, we are helping the Earth and making sure we don't waste anything. For example, you know that recycled aluminium requires 95% less energy to produce than virgin aluminium and thus making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative.

As a normal human. Every one of us can take part in this initiative by disposing of our recyclable trash where the recycling process is available and also, by separating our waste and supporting local recycling initiatives, we can create the way for a circular economy where nothing goes to waste and creates a win-win situation.




Last but not least, I see people are finding cool ways to reuse, reduce, and recycle all around the world. In places like Japan, people are really good at sorting their trash into different bins like Organic, Metal or plastic etc so that everything can be recycled properly. And in places like Costa Rica, people use old stuff like vehicle tires to make playgrounds for kids. Even in our own neighborhoods, there are events where people can trade old or unusable things to vendors that they don't need anymore in exchange for money and these things go to recycling centers to be used to create new items, which indeed helps everyone and makes less garbage. By doing these simple but important things on a daily basis, we can make a big difference in taking care of our planet.

So, let us start right today and show everyone that we care about our Earth too. I strongly believe that together, we can make the world a better place for every one of us and for the next generations to come!

I hope you liked reading my post and found it informative and helpful. Do you also do these 3 practices in your daily life? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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