Prompt #53 [Headlights] - The Surprise Drive Home

Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky:
"9 PM!” Rachel exclaimed as she glanced at her watch. It was already late but she was still hellbent on making the drive back home ignoring all the warnings of an incoming storm.

"Ma'am, are you sure you're still going to travel? I mean it's a long drive home and considering the coming storm, I'll advise you to travel tomorrow" Estar, her assistant, advised as she made her way into the office, her shoes clacking as she walked.

"No, I'm still travelling. I'll be careful on the wheels," Rachel said, closing files and turning off her computer.

Of course, the warnings of a coming storm have been incessant in the past few days, but she missed her husband, John, and couldn't wait to be in his arms again that night.

They've been married for a couple of years now but have stayed apart from each other because of work. She worked in a state far away from home.

Also, it's been two weeks now since she visited home because of work. Now she longed to be with her husband and had decided this night to surprise John by being home for the weekend.

The wind howled from all directions beating down on her windshield like it was Thor's hammer as she drove home. It felt like she was the only one commuter on the road that night because, in the few miles she had driven she hadn't seen any other car drive past her. But she kept being strong behind the steering, her mission the fuel driving her. Her headlight piercing through the dark night.

"Come on Rachel, you can do this. You've driven in the worst terrain before." She muttered, motivating herself.

A sharp sound buzzed from the passenger's seat. She glanced and it was her phone. John was calling.

She smiled and answered "Hello darling" trying to sound cool.

"Hey, babe," John's deep voice echoed from the other end. "How's it going?"

"Fine, just great," she said.

"Are you sure because you don't sound good? You sound different " John asked, concerned

"I'm fine honey. Just tired from work" Rachel lied, trying hard not to spoil her planned surprise.

"Try to get some rest, you'll be fine. I love you."

"I love you more" She quickly hung up the phone to focus well on her driving.

She smiled, thinking of how lovely it would be to wake up in the morning next to John.
It's been a long time since she had wanted such.

Her mind was brought back to the road as she noticed now that she wasn't the only one driving on the road.
There were a bunch of other headlights. At least she could tell that she had passed a few of them. A sign she was just a few miles home.

She smiled and looked into the rearview mirror, she saw her reflection and banged the steering hard. She looked like a mess as there were clear signs of exhaustion on her face.That wasn't exactly how she wanted to look when she got home to the love of her life.

Quickly, she put her hands in the glove compartment of her car and pulled out her makeup bag. A few touches of powders to her face, she smiled. She looked better now. She brought out her red lipstick which she was sure was John's favourite and applied some to her lip.

She was about to put the finishing touch, then the lipstick slipped out of her hands and fell in between the driver's seat and the console.

“Damn," she cursed. She bent over and slipped her finger into the hole in which the lipstick had fallen. Trying her best to keep her eyes on the road too. But as she got back up a blinding flash of light from an incoming vehicle filled her vehicle, blinding her vision.

She quickly swerved to the left but that was a wrong move as that action sent her car skidding out of control on the wet road and her car somersaulted into the bush. She could hear herself scream at the top of her voice, scared to the bones as her car spinned without control. She had flashbacks of her life and her husband John.

Suddenly, the car came to a halt and everything became quiet. She wondered if she had died from the crash. Sharp pains all over her body. She tried moving but found out she was stuck with the seatbelt.

“Help!” she screamed.

Gradually, she heard distant voices and footsteps coming in her direction.

"We're from the car you just passed. We got you now. You're safe." a deep male voice assured her.

And within minutes she was pulled out of the wrecked car by a strong arm.

"I'm alive," she was all she could mutter, still shocked at what had happened.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me, ma'am?" The deep voice asked again.

She nodded instead.

“We've called 911. They'll be here soon. Got anybody you might want us to call"

She looked from the voice speaking to her to the people gathered around her. "John" was all she could say.

Her head spinning, she was in severe pain.

Soon the emergency ambulance arrived and she was rushed to the hospital for proper treatment.

Hours later, She woke up to see John by her bedside holding her hands. He smiled at her and she forced a smile too.

"Hey," John said with a smile.

"Hey," Rachel replied.

"I got here as soon as I heard," John said.

"I'm so sorry," Rachel replied instead. "I just wanted to surprise you"

"Well, you did. But I need you to promise me you won't take such a risk again" John said, squeezing her hands a little. His voice was laced with concern.

"I promise" Rachel replied, in tears now.

Rachel injuries were not serious as she was discharged days later. She took a month leave from work to be with her husband.

Ps- Story is from my imagination with no help from AI.

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