Rody's Heart

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Her strides were slow, well calculated and beautiful to the eyes. She walked like she had no concerns whatsoever in the world, like the world was a field and therein she layed as a beautiful flower being tossed by the wind, like the world was an endless sea and she was a beautiful fish with bioluminescence, whose light shone in its glory. She was gorgeously dressed in a monochromatic outfit that amplied her petite frame. The colour lilac had never been worn so pretty as she did on this fine Tuesday morning.

Grinnnn, grinnnn, grinnnn. The sound continued as she approached me on the line waiting for the train. Apparently it was her phone ringing.

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The sound of her voice soon hit my ears like a melodious tune from an orchestra. It sounded so pure, young, joyful, shy, brave, fierce and free at the same time. Instantly, i was struck and marvelled by how one can be swept away by such a wonderful voice. Her's was not just a voice, it was a weapon, a weakener, a silent and deadly dose of pleasure that can take one's soul away. There i stood, hearing the sweet constellations of her voice, the rising and falling tune in her words yet, i could not make sense of the conversation she was having.

I found myself in the trian stitting right in front of her, my eyes peeled on her, my body tuned to her frequency and my mind in a frenzy. My inner voice with its usually sharp mouth had been silent, not a sharp response or remark on the situation at hand. Weirdly, it too had been mesmerized by the beautiful lady in lilac. I found myself standing and walking up to her. I had calculated what I'd say, how I'd tell her she was as beautiful as the lilies in the field, clothed with the glory of the goddes of beauty herself but as soon as her eyes fell on me, i went dumb.

"Hello. How can i help you"? I heard her say. Oh that voice again, it sounded even better than the last time i heard it.

"Is something wrong with you?" She said again. This time i sure could hear my inside voice laughing out loud because i was making a fool out of myself.

After what must have seemed like an eternity, i happened to find my voice back. "Hi, I'm Rody" i managed to say with a croaked voice that needed some vocal realignment.

"Are you all right? Your cheeks look void of colour like you've seen a ghost or something". As soon as these words left her lips, my countenance fell even more. As if she had pity on me, i heard her say " I'm Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres" she reached out to shake my hand and i responded likewise. Still dazed with the whole electric atmosphere, i went limb and felt her forcefully retract her hand before i regained consciousness.

The walk back to my seat which was just opposite her's was the longest of my life. I could feel my knees buckling and my heart thumping even louder than the voice calling the stop locations on the train.

Speaking of voice locations, where was i? Looking around. I realized that i entered the wrong train. My inside voice was back again, with the laugher of a roaring lion. Ellen the beautiful lady in lilac was leading me to an unknown destination. After a long train ride of 45mins, Ellen made the move to disembark from the train and just as you're about to guess, i followed. I just had to apologize to her for the stunt i pulled, that was if she was kind enough to listen. It turns out she was not only beautiful but kind as well. After walking her to her cab, what she did next surprised me.

She dipped her hand into her purse and brough out her card. "You're very weird but you're not so bad. Here's my card".

The moment that card touched my hand, i held on to it like my life depended on it. As i made to leave, i heard her sweet voice again " why not hop in let me drop you off where youre headed?". "I don't mind".

My voice was gone once more. How do i tell her i was at an unknown destination, that i followed my heart and left my head behind. "I wouldn't want to bother you miss Ellen" i managed to say. "My destination is right around the corner" i said pointing to the unknown.

Relief flooded me when she entered her cab and finally left. I was beyond overjoyed. The mission felt accomplished, the target achieved. Where's my inside voice's sneer now? i asked myself triumphantly. Now, all that was left was to find my way back to familiar territory. If i could achieve this, I'd achieve that as well.

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