5 Things To Do With Your $PNS


5 Things To Do With Your $PNS

  • Hold it
  • Show your frens
  • Increase it
  • Show everybody
  • Compare and Measure it

Hey hey hey, it’s a meme world and what we try to do amidst everything is to be unserious! So time for that unseriousness to come out. 🤣

What are the top 5 things to do with your $PNS?

Hold it

$PNS has an interesting design to literally make money go up, with all things being equal. You can read more about that in this post! Holding your $PNS is like holding lottery card that keeps getting valuable whenever someone buys and price increases or someone sells and tokens are burnt…

It’s not the amount of tokens you hold but the amount of possibilities you hold. The more you hold your $PNS, the more possibilities you’re exposed to.

Show Your Frens

Why keep the excitement to yourself when you can spread the joy around? Showing your frens your growing $PNS is like sharing a piece of digital gold.

Not only does it feel good to flaunt your savvy investment, but it also brings more people into the fold. Who knows, your enthusiasm might just inspire them to join in on the fun, making your circle of frens the coolest crypto crew around.

Increase it

The only thing better than holding $PNS is having more of it! Look into ways to increase your holdings.

Whether it’s through savvy trading, participating in community events, or simply taking advantage of the system's design to accumulate more, there’s always a way to pump up your digital $PNS.

Show everybody

Why stop at your circle of frens? The whole world needs to know about your $PNS adventure! Share your journey on social media, blog about your strategies, or even start a vlog.

By showing everybody, you're not just boasting about your success, you're also educating others on the potential of $PNS. Plus, the more people know about it, the more the value can potentially increase. It’s a win-win!

Compare and Measure it

Who has the biggest $Pns? Aren’t you intrigued to know? Yes the bigger your $PNS the more manly you are, little $pns holders must touch the biggest $pns holders bag every morning as a form of respect before beginning their day 😂🤣😂letter to self, don’t be a small $pns bag holder.

Just joking…….Gather around in forums, chat rooms and share those growth charts. Remember, it’s not just about the size of your $PNS portfolio but how you use it to create joy and wealth in this meme-fueled world.

Recent Stats


Unto more serious stuff - Holders counts keep rising, now at 341, from 336 last I wrote about, that’s nice to see, also as the broader meme coin market are taking a beating, $pns has been more than stable through it. Transactions activities are still quite low but that would be for long anymore.

As soon as hard launch goes live, I’m sure they’ll be more transactions here than usual.


We have %51 of all $Pns set aside as marketing funds, it makes me so bullish because if it’s spent on the right things, it’ll bring back more than double in value of what it’s currently worth and I really can’t wait.


Price of $Pns keeps ranging between $800-900k marketcap, I can smell $1m market cap coming soon infact I can taste it. This ride is just about to take off.

Thanks for reading…..

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