All you have to know about media [A local news]

Media which we all know as a news canal.It can be local or foreign news.Media can include, radio, television, internet and so on.Today we want to talk about the local news.Local news can take place in the radio, television, internet,journals, magazines, billboards etc.

All these mentioned above are different local news canals.Today in the world especially in our country Nigeria there are so many local news we hear from different news canals.Some are bad news while some are good news. But recently, the rate of bad news is increasing on daily basis, and the good news are just few.

In this country we run inflation and deflation at a time.But currently I think we are running inflation which is more money purchasing few goods.That is to say That Nigerian currency currently do not have any value.its value is diminished on a daily basis.

The price of goods and services are rising each day that people are really suffering both the rich and poor are crying.What u get in the market today might not be what you get it tomorrow,the price might increase overnight.

Currently masses in the country are running Helter skelter especially the poor masses don't have anything to eat and it is really raising an alarm in everyone's ear.News have showed that our government especially our president who is by name Armed Bola Tinubu are not even bothered of what is happening to the people they are leading,it gives them less or concerns.

It's really painful because our dear country really needs an urgent rescue.Imagine little children who are supposed to be in school are now roving inside the market Hawking one thing or the other, some from there become agbero.

Some of these too are from parents whose duty is to keep reproducing children that they can't train.
You know you are not financially buoyant while not give birth to how many you can train than bringing innocent souls to the world just to suffer them. This is really an unjust treatment. All these above are some local news we get today in the country.

Another one is the rate of sexual molestation is becoming excess.Today we hear mostly in the radio station that a full grown adult man of 40s will be raping a little girl of 7 years,what the hell is this nonsense??

I couldn't even believe it until it happened in the street where I leave and I witnessed it with my two naked eyes.

A young man of 30s raped an 8 year old little girl. Can you imagine the stupidity?

He was caught and arrested and till date he is still under police custody. Indeed, this generation is a shameless one. Government are being encouraged today in the local news to do something about this before this gets out of hand.

The local news further goes on to say that the rate of liabilities in the country is increasing which is mainly caused by unemployment, Government should be created quality employment opportunities for young youths in the society. And please any civil servant that is above 60 years of age should please retire and give space for younger generations to continue.

Another case of alarm in the local news is the bad roads especially in my town Aba which is found in abia State. Some roads in aba are nothing to write home about and will even get worst during raining season.

Masses are really begging the government to please do justice to these roads as it will benefit both the government's and it's citizens. Next in line in the local news is bribery and corruption which is now the water we take in everyday in this country Nigeria.

Corruption has become the order of the day because it is everywhere even in the mortuary as doctors now work with mortuary attendants to sell body parts of human beings who are dead.

Please if u have a corpse in the mortuary, before taking the person out please check if the body parts are complete please to avoid falling victims of this rate of corruption. Corruption is further spread out to the government officials who do not observe the rule of law.

The rule of law is said to be the supremacy of the law and that the law is a respected of no one. But today partiality is being carried out especially on the part of government officials or even rich fellows as the will use money to sort out their crimes.

This is a high rate of corruption and which must be stopped.

This is one of my entry for the April monthly prompt announced by @leo.tasks, check out the Link and join this initiative.

All images are from free site pixabay

Thumbnail image from pixabay

Second image from pixabay

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