In The Face of Danger


Happy new week, Hive Learners community. It's another beautiful week to be our best and make it amazing in the end. I saw the first edition and I was just laughing because I already know what to write about.

As an introvert who doesn't talk too much offline but can chat like an extrovert online, I still don't know what to do at that point. There are some times when I would just create an imaginary scene in my head of how some people came to break into my room and while I was inside waiting for them to force themselves in, I would have heated some water then carried it and hid at a corner, then pour immediately as they enter. How is that even possible? 😅

Or...another one is when some people keep asking me to open my door in the middle of the night and the only thing I would think of is holding a sharp knife behind me, opening the door with my second hand then with force, stabbing the first person, remove the knife, stab the rest like some sorts of power rangers 😃😃

You know those Indian movies that would keep you rolling on the floor with laughter? Like, how do you stab someone with a pencil and then onto the next till you stab hundreds of people? Only you? Haba na! 🤣🤣🤣

But then, I don't think knowing some things would help me out in this situation because like I said, I don't talk too much in public. But before you hear that thing I would do for these kidnappers to free me or just throw me out of their bus or van. Of course, I must have scared them or confused them too. Read this first.

I will be sharing an experience with you. This happened to my siblings — my big sis and immediate younger sister, but I would be talking about that of my big sis since both are similar.


My sister was saved from kidnapping and this was how it happened. It was on a Sunday morning while going to church. She had boarded this tricycle, which we call "Napep" here right in front of her estate gate and was the only female out of the 4 guys including the driver in it. She had her backpack on her legs and as she entered, she said she wasn't feeling comfortable and knew something was wrong. She started calling the blood of Jesus repeatedly in her mind and her legs were wobbling alongside.

She said she didn't mention the name out loud but in her mind, then one of the guys beside her told her to shut up and not to mention that name again. She said she told them that she wasn't saying anything but still kept mentioning the blood of Jesus. Out of frustration after some minutes, they dropped her by the roadside and zoomed off. She told me that if not for the blood of Jesus she called incessantly in her mind and even she was surprised that they could hear it too and felt disturbed. That was how she was saved in the city of Lagos.

I don't need to go further on which words to say when I am being kidnapped because all my life, I have seen how miracles happen by only believing and having faith in God to save you. There are several cases of people who are kidnapped and are released because of God's intervention and to those who have been killed, it still won't stop me from calling that name or the blood of Jesus to save me, especially for those who have been kidnapped, called the name of Jesus and still are killed in the end.

At first, I would be scared to death as I wouldn't be expecting to be kidnapped all of a sudden, I would scream and continue to beg them and cry too while they bundle my small body into their car/bus. Then after some minutes of crying, I will start shouting the blood of Jesus and reciting Psalm 27 which is very easier in English for me while other scriptures I can remember especially in my language — Yoruba. I will begin to mention those that were saved in the Bible which I know very well and talk about those God struck to death because of their sins just to disturb them.

I have many times been saved by calling this powerful name. I could remember a time I had my nap one afternoon, had a strange dream of someone strangling me to death, and couldn't speak out as I was suffocated but my mind was calling on Jesus until I woke up.

Some people might think this isn't real or true, but it is. This name works wonders and is still effective today. Whenever I am travelling or stepping out of my home to get something, I call the name of Jesus in my mind till I get back home or to my destination on a journey. Since that day my sisters had such an experience, I have believed in that name to save someone.

Do you know that name could inconvenience these people like that scenario of my sisters? Those people who are kidnapping aren't doing it ordinarily or naturally, they are dressed with charms too and it will only take God's mercy to deliver the ones who call on His name. I am not being religious here but it is the truth.

With what I have been saying, you know already that thing I would be talking about until they are confused and throw me out and take off. I have so much known this through my relationship and interaction with the Bible which is the word of God. I so much believe in it.

The images belongs to me

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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