
It started when our family friend had a problem with her husband. She had three boys and two girls. The husband threatened to kill her if he returned from a journey he was embarking on. I don't really know the whole story, and I don't care to know because I don't like to interfere in married couples' disputes. We believe that when they decide to settle their issues, the one who tried to help will be seen as the enemy, so I just respect myself and don't ask questions.

She was scared and decided to travel to her parents without one of his sons because he was about to write an important exam. She met with my parents, and they agreed for him to stay with us. Long story short, we took him in as our brother. We shared everything. My younger brother was running a cobbler shop, so we always hung out there. When I came back from work, we would stay there. My brother and I spent a lot on feeding.

At the time, we had just started our crypto journey and were holding Shiba Inu; we were constantly buying more. I got angry that we had more Shiba coin than he did. We didn't know he was secretly receiving money from his dad while pretending that he had no money. My brother and I always spent heavily on breakfast and lunch, even from our little earnings.

Everything got ugly one night, and it made me lose trust in him. We were going back from the shop, the three of us taking our usual route. Suddenly, I don't know what happened, but he drew back from us. Immediately, six guys grabbed my brother and me from behind. He ran past us from behind, and they couldn't catch him. I was like, where did he come from? We were literally walking together. The robbers took our possessions—my laptop, phones, some cash, and my sandals. I had to walk home barefoot that day.

On our way home, we wondered where he might have run off to. Surprisingly, we got home before he did. When we asked where he ran to, he said he ran to a street we had passed, screaming for help. I thought to myself that the street was awfully quiet. Then I knew something was fishy. The next day, he mistakenly showed his Shiba balance, which he had been hiding from us. I couldn't believe he now owned millions of it. From then on, he started treating us poorly. I just regret everything. Normally, I don't trust people easily, but it annoys me that I let my guard down. As soon as his dad returned, he took his things and left to join him. I was really confused because his dad had threatened to kill all of them. It was then I remembered his dad is not someone to mess with and knows a lot of bad guys.


I felt cheated and betrayed, losing my only source of income—my laptop and my phone. I was actually working on a project for a client, a complete drawing of a duplex, and I lost it. My reputation decreased too, for failing to deliver on time. During that period, I went in and out of depression, trying to get back on track with little support from my parents, which was not actually enough to hold on to, but I’m thankful for them. I truly felt lost.


I'm not really sure if he will want to cross our path again, because after he left to join his dad, he neither visits us nor calls or messages. If he sees us on the road, he just puts his head down, greets, and passes by. We once invited him to come collect some packages that were brought for him, and he requested to meet at a particular shop, refusing to come home. So I will keep doing good, but I doubt if he will feel comfortable receiving any kindness from us.

Special thanks to @nwothini335 for this opportunity

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