Battle Mage Secrets - Five Alive Ruleset

Hello Friends,

Good day to you all and I hope that this week is going well for you.

The weekend is on and today is Saturday so I'm trying to utilise this time more on the gaming because I prefer playing more better over the weekend. I also play the battles on the weekdays but the weekend is the perfect time to spend more time on the battles as well as view multiple things in the game. I also check out the rental arrangements in my game account as well so that if any card is out which is necessary to have can be managed. Also, participation in weekly battle share is fun because I get to know different rule sets and that is so much fun so I mostly try to participate. With the new change, my gaming journey is going up and up and for the first time, I have unlocked the Champion League. It was a dream for me to play in Champions finally it is done and I'm very happy to be there because earlier it was not possible for me. It was not possible but now it is possible because of the game changes and I'm enjoying this change a lot.



The rule set far better this week is five alive where we can play the battle only with five units. The units are called Monster Cards that can be used in the battle along with summoner cards. The rule set is not common and I have played very few times with this battle however the strategy I used in the battle was good enough and I won the battle.


Challenge Rule this week - Five Alive

This is a simple rule set where we are supposed to play with only five cards and there is no other rule applied on this particular rule set. Depending upon the battle mana we need to pick the right set of cards so that we can win and this is what makes the bigger difference in the game and also determine if we win or lose. I'm hoping that the battle I have shared is more of interest for you people because I tried my best but any feedback I would love to have so that I can follow it in future battles.

Up to five Units can be used.

Cards Picked for the Battle

I have got 54 mana for this battle and it is very good because with this number we can pick some powerful cards with Hai Mana cost. I tried picking some nice cards in the game but looks like my strategy was not good this time and this is why I lost the better but its ok because I consider this as learning and will be trying my best to do even better next time. Below are the cards I have picked for the battle and hopefully you will like my card selection for this battle-

  • Failed Summoner
  • Earth Elemental
  • Doctor Blight
  • Wood Nymph
  • Djinn Biljka

Battle details

There are 3 rules set in this battle which I have shared but the main focus is on the ruleset for the theme. The battle mana was not high and that too I needed to pick only five cards to play which meant I needed to plan my battle accordingly in a proper way to win this. I tried picking the cards coming with low and placed them in the right spot.

This is the battle link that you can go through to see how I played and it will help you have more details about this specific battle-

I am also sharing some battle snapshots below about this and I discussed in this post that this is a nice and fun battle.




I won the battle and it got me added 20 ratings, 84 glints along with 0.48 SPS which is not. I certainly need to focus more on the SPS but I'll be doing it later because this time I am trying to get hold of the game 1st and utilising the rental market.


The battle was so much fun and I enjoyed playing it. I have shared whatever strategy I followed for the battle and am happy that I won it so hoping that you will like it I'm always open to feedback because I am trying to improve my gaming skills. I understand that nobody can kill everybody and I also lose a lot but I try to maintain the winning ratio of around 50%%. This is a very good percentage for me in the game and I hope that with time, I will be able to improve it even more and maybe I can find myself around 55 or 60%. It's hard to predict but that's what at least I can think of doing in future. I'm not worried about the asset price because some people are saying they are making value which is happening in the market but I'm more focused on the game to learn it and have more variety of assets in the game in my game account.

Declaration- have used images from the splinterlands website wherever not mentioned for this post and these are not mine.

I am part of the game so if you are not and want to be part of it, please use my link-

Thanks for stopping by

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