Happy New Year 2022!!

Happy New Year 2022 To All!

Well, looks like we made it another year! Woooohoooo! :D

Today everything comes down, decorations and tree... the whole nine yards. It's time once again to get a new year going, and going strong.

I am hoping that we do not have a repeat of 2020 seeing as some are referring to it as 2020 too. L0L. Ummm no thank you! I had my fill of 2020 and looking into the past, as in hind sight. I am using this year too look forward.

The past two years served as a distraction of the worst kind. Enough is enough. Starting with a clean slate, gonna be an excellent year. :D

I am going to hopefully be posting some more, as compared to last year lol. I got some plans that I am working on currently, and things are looking up!

There will be some new music on the way, after a few more songs to go... we are getting there. ;)

I am in a decent rhythm as far as home schooling goes, and if my child co-operates like she has been(for the most part) things are looking up.

I would like to to take this opportunity to say thanks to everyone in @thealliance, y'all are some awesome people and I consider myself lucky to know you. To my @lucksacks.com peeps, you too are awesome, and a blast to talk to l0lz. Last but not least... to others that I follow on Hive, you make for an interesting read & thanks for sharing. :D

Happy New Year To All... who use Hive to share your life, your memories, your wishes... and your stories. :D I hope you have the best possible year ahead.

Peace Out!
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