Beyond Parody

Yesterday I watched a press conference by Rudy Giuliani and other members from Trump's legal team... Maybe I shouldn't have watched that. Watching this sad display really is an assault on anyone's belief in the sanity of institutional power, a belief that's been crumbling for decades as is, without a bunch of government-appointed officials spew insane and unfounded conspiracy-theories of the worst kind...

source: YouTube

I'll link the entire 1.45 hour ordeal for those of you who think they're up to it, but for me the entertainment value resulting from the ridiculous and already thoroughly debunked accusations coming from a man who's melting on stage was quickly overshadowed by a feeling of deep sorrow and sadness. We've all seen it happen over the days and weeks after Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election, but this press conference is the worst yet, and definitive proof that these people don't give a damn about democracy or the people they're supposed to represent. I'm looking at these people standing on stage proudly announcing that they will not give up on their efforts to put the final nail in democracy's coffin. One of the ladies answers that "if you think that evidence is important in this stage, you don't understand the legal process at all" when answering a reporter who asks why there's still no evidence shown for the wild accusations of election fraud. I'm paraphrasing here, as I don't have the energy or will to go back at the video for an exact quote; that's how repulsed I am by this group of Trump-sycophants.

LIVE: Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign Officials Hold News Conference at the RNC

During this press conference Rudy Giuliani and his little band of legal misfits manage to weave a story so wild, so far-fetched and so outrageous that even Tucker Carlson has given up on them and publicly declared that this team is unwilling and unable to present proof of anything they assert, and he did so after having declared that nothing, not even stories about UFOs is too wild for his show. You can watch that happening in the next, much shorter video. Trump's lawyer, Sidney Powell, manages to cram all the right-wing scarecrows into one wild conspiracy; Venezuela, Cuba, China, Hugo Chavez, Maduro and Dominion Software are all in collusion against their dear orange leader, and of course no far-right conspiracy theory would be complete without throwing in Soros or another random rich Jew, as well as casually mention Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Whoever put together this concoction really understands how to appeal to the Trump supporters who at this point in time still believe anything he says...

Tucker Carlson SLAMS Sidney Powell for not Providing Evidence Election was Taken from Trump

Trump has already denounced Fox News for not repeating his endless stream of lies, and this bit from Tucker Carlson will only make him more resolute in his intention to start his own network when he finally leaves the White House. This network will probably be named after himself like everything else this incurable narcissist has ever created, and Trump TV will be to the right of Fox News... That is if he actually goes through with it this time, as he's already had plans for his own TV station in the past. The sad thing about all of this is that many of his supporters agree with him that Fox News isn't right-wing enough. That's astounding to me as someone who grew up in Europe and thinks that Joe Biden is already comfortably right-wing. Trump may go, but Trumpism is here to stay for a long time. That's truly disconcerting to me and leaves me sort of speechless right now. It's easy to make fun of the above linked press conference with a literally melting mad-man ranting about the "My Cousin Vinny" film and looking for the FBI under the microphone-stand, and there are tons of videos on YouTube doing just that. But I can't. That would be missing what's really going on here, an attempt to murder what little's left of American democracy. That's not funny. At all...

Let me conclude with this: I'll eat my words if any of the claims in the press conference is ever proven to be factual. Truth has to matter. But I doubt we can expect such courtesy from the "other" side; the damage this has done will take a long time to heal...

Giuliani MELTS at Deranged Trump Fraud Briefing

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