Why Democrats Lost

Yes, Joe Biden has won the election. But... The Democrats lost, and Biden severely under-performed the polls; projections were that he would win with anywhere between 320 and 351 electoral votes, but in reality he only got 306. That looks like a comfortable win, Trump even called it a "landslide" when he got exactly the same amount to defeat Clinton in 2016, but it's not that big of a win when we look at how bad Trump handled the pandemic (and the rest).


source: YouTube

Remember what I and many other leftists predicted during the Democratic primaries? After Joe Biden won the nomination on Super Tuesday, we all said that if Biden would lose, the narrative in the media would become that he lost because of the left and their "crazy" socialist proposals like Defund the Police, Medicare for All, legalizing Marijuana and canceling student debt. We always said that a defeat would be blamed on the "Bernie Bros"... Biden won the elections, but the Democrats didn't win the down-ballot race: they lost seats in the House and their chances of winning the Senate are problematic at best with everything depending on an extra election in Georgia in January.

Now that they can not blame the party's left-wing for a Biden loss, they sure as hell will use that narrative to explain why they lost the rest of the race. Without control of the Senate, Biden will not be able to get anything done in the 4 years allotted to him except for executive orders that can be rolled back as soon as a Republican wins the White House in the future. Seeing how establishment Democrats are so fiercely fighting off all progressive voices in their own party, I believe they might even welcome 4 years of powerlessness; they'll be able to pander to the progressives by making progressive proposals without having to worry about any of them ever really seeing the light of day, and being able to blame that on the Republicans. Remember how I on many occasions said that the Democrats are campaigning like they don't actually want to win? Well, winning the presidency and losing House and Senate might even be better than losing overall...

The reason why Democrats lost the down-ballot race is simple; they never ran on a progressive program of their own, but instead only ran on "orange man bad" and a "return to normalcy". And it's now proven that this gets you your wish of defeating Trump, but nothing else. Blaming progressives only underscores the Democratic party establishment's inability to see what people really want; every Democratic candidate that ran on Medicare for All has won. Only one actually ran on Defund the Police, and she won. All the Democrats that lost ran on weak-sauce moderate programs or were ousted as corrupt. These losing Democrats are now spreading their propaganda saying that they lost because of the "crazy leftists" in their party. That they are the ones who destroyed the Democratic brand by using the terms "socialism", "social democracy" and "medicare for all" too often. This is crazy. Medicare for all has won, every time, in every poll. In the middle of a pandemic and an economic downturn with millions of people not being able to pay the bills, they WANT a strong program that will help them whether this storm. They WANT a living wage, cancelling of student debt, taxation of the rich and corporations and medicare for all so that they won't have to worry about a medical bankruptcy. All of these points are extremely popular, even among Republican voters.

But no, Democrats didn't want to run on the popular policies, instead they yelled "orange man bad" while seeking moderate Republican votes and making an alliance with never Trumpers in the Lincoln Project. It's no wonder that people will then vote out Trump, because you've told them that he's the only bad Republican, but will vote for Republicans down-ballot. The Democrats and the mainstream media have separated Trump from the Republican party in the minds of the general public, when in reality the Republican party stood behind Trump 100% (bar the few neocons in the Lincoln Project), and Trump was the party's best and greatest conservative in years, even Ben Shapiro had to admit that. The Democrats, my friends, are a bunch of corporate hacks and natural losers, and it's sad that we're all depending on them to bring back sanity to the American leadership...

Bill Maher On Why Democrats Lost

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