Biden: Not There Yet!

Many progressives, and those who merely think they are progressive because of their support for the excessive politically correct virtue signaling coming from the Democratic party establishment, who are willing to "settle for Biden", are already celebrating the win in November. That's wrong on two accounts.


source: Wikipedia

First it's wrong to celebrate a Biden win because with a Biden presidency the left has won nothing but the prevention of a second term for the current Demolisher In Chief; from the very start of the primary elections the Democrats have made clear that stopping Trump is their number one priority. It took a while for me to jump on that train, but in this choice between two terrible candidates I would eventually vote for Biden, even is he's too senile to put together a coherent sentence. The immediate priority of arresting the rapid decline towards in your face fascism overshadows any criticism I have against senile uncle Joe, the Republican in Democrat clothes... But a Biden presidency is nothing to be cheerful about, quite the opposite.

Second it's wrong to celebrate because Biden hasn't won yet, not by a long shot. The polls are not reliable to begin with, just remember 2016 when every poll had Hillary Clinton win, and Biden's lead in the polls has been on a steady decline over the past weeks. No longer do we have regular headlines shouting that Biden has two-digit leads in either national or state polls. The "settle for Biden" campaign doesn't count on enthusiasm to vote for Biden, but enthusiasm to vote against Trump, which is about the weakest argument a candidate can have in their favor. And don't forget that there are still many voters who are not willing to simply settle for a return to the neoliberalism that lead to Trump in the first place; they will simply not vote or vote for the Green Party, and no one can blame them for that. On top of that, remember that on the Republicans' side there IS very much genuine enthusiasm to vote for Trump; his voter base will go out to vote under any circumstances.

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Something that many may have forgotten is this: it's not clear if the Democratic party establishment even WANTS to win in November. If you remember that slug-fest of the Democratic primaries, you'll have noticed that the Democrats have done everything in their considerable power to prevent a win from the only candidate who would have a chance to clearly win against Trump; even Obama was called in to make Joe Biden their candidate instead of Bernie Sanders. Sanders was the clear cut choice to pit against Trump; a left populist against a right populist would have been a real race with a real choice for the people. Instead the Democrats rather opted for a senile old uncle Joe who will be eradicated on the debate stage by Trump.

And now the Democrats have given potential voters another reason to not vote for a Biden presidency by picking Kamala Harris as his VP... This is such obvious virtue signalling that it defies reason. Kamala Harris is a political failure when observed from a leftist perspective, she recently voted AGAINST a mere 10% cut to the Pentagon budget and has supported ALL of the eternal foreign wars, and as a prosecutor she has refused to prosecute police brutality cases (she labeled herself California's "Top Cop"); one might say that she and Biden deserve each other, but just going by the neoliberal corporatist goals of the Democratic Party, someone like Pete Buttigieg would be a far better choice, if only he weren't a white male... No, instead they chose a female of color in the holy name of fake progressivism. Everything they do seems to be in favor of a second Trump term. Really, the only hope there is, is that Trump fucks up so badly, that he makes himself so hated that people will vote against him. And here's the killer conclusion: while both parties are giving us this abominable performance, they both actively work at destroying whatever's left of democracy in the United States. Sure, Trump and his administration are the open fascists, but what we're witnessing now are two parties that both want to see democracy destroyed. If that doesn't give you the chills, I don't know what will.

In closing, let me just say how difficult it must be right now to be an American citizen; unless you're a true believer in Trump (which doesn't look good on you from these eyes), there's simply no clear direction to go, no truly right choice to make, not if you're even remotely politically aware. I'm glad that I don't have to make so hard a decision myself, truth be told. Just watch this video: it's sickening to listen to Aimee Allison from "She the People", when she goes on about how historical a moment it was when Biden picked Harris as his running mate. This will animate some "normies" to vote for Biden, but will push away some true leftists who were just ready to finally "settle for Biden"... I really feel for you, my American friends, but all I can do is give you my best wishes and hope that you have the strength and wisdom to weather this bipartisan storm...

As Kamala Harris Makes History as VP Pick, Her "Top Cop" Record Faces New Scrutiny Amid BLM Protests

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