Check Your Vote!

We can see it coming from a mile away; Trump will try to pull some stunt to maximize his chances of staying in office after the upcoming elections on 3 November 2020. And it's not just the constant fear-mongering around mail-in voting...


Image by mohamed hassan - source: PxHere

Trump, like the authoritarian he is, is already preparing the American people for the "unfair" or "rigged" elections come November; every chance he gets is used to make people not trust mail-in voting and to smear the U.S. Post Office. The latter is a standard strategy to get government services privatized, and is done all over the western world. Wherever utilities or medicare or any other government regulated service isn't privatized yet, the narrative is the same; government is inefficient and things would become better and more affordable if a private business would take care of it. Businesses are efficient after all, because, unlike governments, they're used to run an efficient operation, cut excess costs and keep an immaculate bookkeeping... After decades of this we now know that the opposite is true because these businesses are for profit operations, while governments don't have to make a profit. The only country in the developed world without some form of single-payer health care system, America, is the only country in the world where healthcare related bankruptcy is even a thing and where most money per capita is spent with some of the worse results. And that's no coincidence. The same strategy has been deployed with regard to the U.S. Post Office, to undermine the public's trust, and to get them to beg Fed Ex or Amazon to take over... Don't fall for it!

But yes, Trump is doing everything possible to rig the upcoming elections, and there's several ways to do it. For months now he's done nothing but throw gasoline on the fire of social unrest since the George Floyd murder and all subsequent acts of violence, mainly committed by law enforcement and right wing vigilantes. In the mainstream media we see that the protesters (mostly the left wing protesters) bare the blame, which is yet another feat of propaganda and misinformation; you should be used to that by now. Right wing voices are still defending Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17 year old "Blue Lives Matter" Trump supporter who murdered two protesters, and Trump still refuses to condemn this vile act. We can be sure Trump will use the social unrest to his advantage in November, and I wouldn't be surprised if he used it to call the elections unlawful, as explained in the below linked video.

And that's besides the countless other methods used to rob Americans, mainly Americans with foreign, non white names. Watch this interview with one of the last true investigative journalists in America, Greg Palast, as he explains how colored voters have been betrayed and their vote stolen during the 2016 elections and the 2018 mid-term elections, as well as the recent primaries on both sides; don't forget that the Democrats aren't innocent in this, and how they rigged their elections against Bernie Sanders. All in all it's mind-boggling how the American people are screwed over; there is no democracy in America and it's literally a racist voting system. What makes this even more painful is that the election crimes discussed in the video would be reason for a military intervention from America if they were committed in a foreign country, like Venezuela or Bolivia... Watch the video, and more importantly, watch closely what happens to your vote!

It Will Be Rigged – But Not In The Way You Think

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