Dark Side Victory

It's looking like Biden will be the next president of the United Stated of America; he has several paths to victory, while Trump's paths are all but closed off. Trump won't concede of course. He'll keep word and not grant America a peaceful transition of power, he'll keep filing lawsuits and he'll keep making accusations without a shred of evidence, and his supporters will gobble it up while the courts will keep it real and throw all the accusations aside.


source: YouTube

However, this is not a time to celebrate as far as I'm concerned. If you've been keeping up with my blog, you'll know that in my opinion this election has always been a choice between two evils, and that no true leftist should be celebrating a Biden victory. You'll also know that it hurts to have to admit that all the people who said that Biden wouldn't have to do or promise anything that so badly needs to be done in order to aide the hurting American people, that all he had to do was sit back and watch Trump destroy his own chances, that those people were right all along. Eventually I said it myself as well, but we must pause and realize what that says about this turn of events. It means that without the corona pandemic, and without Trump's abysmal handling of it, he would be cruising to his second term in the Oval Office. It's sad enough that 70 million Americans voted for fascism, probably without even realizing that's what they did, but to stop and realize that Trump would have easily won without the covid-19 disaster happening with 230,000 deaths, sends chills down my spine.


So let's enjoy this short moment of relief, because what's ahead ain't pretty. The Senate will most probably stay in Republicans' hands, which means that a Biden Presidency will be 4 years of utter incompetency; under Mitch McConnel's leadership every proposal that even reeks of being slightly progressive will be stopped short in its tracks. Biden already has a reputation of being subservient to Republican ideals and policies, so anything that will be done, won't be any good for the American people. And leftists who believe we had to vote for Biden because we could then pressure him from the left are simply wrong. Literally the one and only reason to vote for Biden has been to vote Trump out of office. That's it. There's nothing more. Biden's campaign has shunted the left during the primaries and during these general elections, so now that he's won he'll only be reaffirmed in his belief that he and the Democrats don't need the left. At least that's what I believe will happen and what's consistent with recent history. I know, it's a bummer; leftists have come out in great numbers because they saw fascism coming, but they'll be shunted just as hard as they've always been by the Democrats. There's no light side here, only darkness...

Joe Biden Has Won, Donald Trump Melts Down

Understandably, I hear many voices saying that democracy has failed all of us. And it would seem so; no matter who or what we choose, we always get the short end of the stick. That's true. But... That's not democracy's fault. It's the anti-democratic forces that keep fucking things up for us, with capitalism being THE main culprit here. Democracies and dictatorships alike, all function under that greater overarching system of capitalism, which is based on the private accumulation of wealth and power. Competition you say? Well that has one goal, which is to defeat the competition, and through elimination we get stuck with the handful of winners, who have all the wealth and all the power. There is no "invisible hand" coming to the rescue here, so the only way to stop monopolies forming, is through legislation. "But that's interfering with the free markets!" ... Sigh... See how stupid and self-defeating this system is? Democracy isn't failing people, it's being murdered by the winners in the capitalism-game. Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Governments, whether they're elected or not, are all in the pockets of those who have the power and money to buy them up. Trump was no different, and Biden won't be either. Capitalism and the capitalists are our real enemies. As long as we've not defeated that enemy, we've only got dark side victories to look forward to...

Leaked Skywalker Rant Reveals Hateful Murderer

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