Trump's Greatest Achievement

There are a lot of things Trump will be remembered for, almost none of it positive. One of his "greatest" feats must be his ability to dominate the news each and every day; he's mastered the art of simply saying or doing something completely outrageous to have the country, no, the world talking about it all day, and thereby erasing from public memory the outrageous feat of the day before...

Image by Andrea Widburg - source: Flickr

This all started right at the start of his campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016; his "grab them by the pussy" comment dominated the overly politically correct liberal media for, what, days, weeks, months? Then he proceeded to demand that his opponent, the outrageously unpopular Hillary Clinton, be locked up and promised to do as much should he win. We all know all politicians, as well as Trump himself, are criminals, and up until Trump's campaign it was an unwritten rule to not attack each other on that basis. Trump broke all the rules though, written or not. When he won those elections, I believe that's when Trump realized that he would get away with literally anything, and that the liberal MSM's news-cycle would be held hostage by his crazy statements and ludicrous promises. In the end, part of why Trump won those elections is exactly because the MSM gave him so much free air-time by hammering down on his dumb comments and tweets with mostly fake political correctness and exaggerated indignation.

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Throughout his presidency Trump continued this winning strategy and upped the frequency of the lies and ever bolder claims; no president before him has had the fact-checkers work so much overtime. Not a day goes by without a tweet or interview that has the American media outlets and citizens falling over themselves discussing what went on in his mind, how his words and actions would affect the nation, what it would do to America's standing in the international community of nations. He is without doubt the most divisive POTUS in recent history, maybe ever. The Republicans, who are known for standing united in their fight for their conservative and libertarian goals saw a real breaking up of their ranks with the advent of the "Never Trumpers" coalition. That, by the way, should be seen as a leveling of the political playing field, as the Democrats have always had that internal division; even now Joe Biden shuns and insults the left wing of his party by continuously reminding the leftists he has absolutely no love for them.

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Right now though, it looks like him acting like a man-baby, constantly acting like he's the victim of multiple conspiracies and the fake news, backing out from the second presidential debate, shutting down negotiations for a second stimulus program and handling his covid-19 contraction with total disregard for those in his immediate proximity, has virtually assured his loss in November. It looks like finally the American people have really had enough of this irresponsible authoritarian crybaby; Biden now leads in the polls almost with double digits.

And this, my friends, is his greatest accomplishment; he is so bad, so despised, so hated, that he makes a horrible candidate like Joe Biden look good. You must have some superpower if you manage that. Joe Biden is one of America's biggest corporate lackeys, his track-record is disastrous, especially when it comes to him feeding the prison industrial complex with countless non-violent offenders by way of his 1994 criminal justice reforms, and his numerous attempts, in cooperation with the Republicans, to cut social security. In times like these, with the pandemic and a severe economical depression at the doorstep, a candidate like this should be the last thing any sane person would want as their next president. But Trump has miraculously made Joe Biden look like a welcome alternative; that's some feat. And yes, you all SHOULD go out and vote for Biden, as he is by far the lesser of two evils. And if Biden wins, Trump can chalk that up as his greatest achievement...

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