Hive community spotlight #8: Interview with @saffisara


Welcome dear friends again to the #8 spotlight! Today we have with us another wonderful user that we can learn a lot from, we have the privilege of learning from @saffisara. She shares her beautiful journey on hive, how she embraced new passions, the people behind her success. She also offers good advice for newbies and we can learn a lot from her kindness, consistency and positivity.

Stay tuned and keep reading! Let the fun learning begin:


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you first got involved with the Hive community?


Saffisara: I am a swedish Lady who loves to make people smile 😊 and Hugs are my favorite thing and belive one hug can do wonders.
I am a preeschool teacher and I love my job, love the mind of a Child and I learn just as much from them as they do from me.
I have a dog name Bobby that is my best companion and friend πŸΆπŸ€—
Photography is my passion along with collecting silver.
I love my family offline and online and feel blessed in many ways.
I came across the blockchain after a friend made me watch Jeff Berwick and he mentioned the blockchain alot so I thought... I think I need to check it out.
And after I joined as a clueless newbie in both posting and crypto back in 2017.
I found quickly that reading posts and commenting was my new favorite thing so I did that daily for a while before I posted myself.
I been stuck here ever since πŸ˜πŸ‘


What inspired you to start taking beautiful photos, and how has your passion for photography evolved over time?


Saffisara:I always been fascinated by photography, loved looking in family albums and was inspired by my grandfather who did his own albums and took lots of pictures and movies all his life. He gave me my first camera and I took some pictures on different ocations. However it didn't last as I got older and found other things and kind of forgot a little about photographs and also think I didn't really found my nich in what kind of things to capture.
But then in 2000 I went to Cyprys with a friend and I took more pictures there than ever and when I got my photos in the mail my grandfather was like... Wow, you really captured the beauty of that place.
After that I started to love it more and more and fillowed in his footsteps with making albums.
Then I came to the blockchain but didn't really share much at first.
And when I shared a picture or 2 I still didn't think I was good enogh.
Until 2 fantastic photographers @derangedvisions and @tattoodjay told me to share more and enter some photo contests.
And after doing that and getting amazing feedback and support... I started to share more and learn much from others. Also started to edit much and see the difference in a picture.
So I had the passion early but my confidence to belive in myself came after joining Hive and met People Who belived in me and gave the push I needed.


You're actively involved in communities like The Alliance and Ladies of Hive. What motivated you to join these communities, and what do you enjoy most about being a part of them?


Saffisara: I didn't know much about communities back then or the importance of being part of one. So I just did my thing until @enginewitty found me in August 2017 and he brought me to Thealliance ❀️ and it's been my home ever since.
Never seen so much talents in one place before, and the support and love still warms my heart.
I have learned so much and grown more than I ever thought possible under those years.
I joined as a very shy and insecured person, saw all talented people and didn't feel like I was a fit in the family. But Witty pushed me out of my comfort zone and saw something in me.
Guided me and became a close friend from day 1.
He has the biggest ❀️ and knows how to lead thealliance forward and supports everyone in all ways. He makes this place a home and thealliance peeps are truly my family. Love them all sooo much.
And the reason I joined ladiesofhive was cause @thekittygirl and @silversaver888 asked me to join and after seing the community and see the Great job they do... How could I not join 😊
Lovely bunch of ladies and I wish I was more active in there but I been Mostly in thealliance. The community that I live and breathe in 😁 lol


Can you share some memorable experiences or interactions you've had within the Hive community that have left a lasting impression on you?


Saffisara: That is a hard question but I guess one thing that became a BIG passion that I NEVER had before but found here.
Is my passion for silver 😜

I never been interested in coins or collecting it, thought all coins were boring look-alike-ones.
But Man was I wroooong.

Back in 2017 I had no idea what a raffle was but I saw many silver Stacker making posts about it.
Then I came across @silverd510 and @thedamus who both had raffles and I thought... Why not 😁 LMAO
So I joined in and I Mostly wanted Mr Damus Gooose coin as it reminded me of my favorite Childhood book.
"Nils Holgersson's wonderful journey" about a boy traveling the world on a goose back.

AND... I won both raffles.

I was happy but still didn't think it was a big deal. But then I got the coins along with a silver eagle from @silversaver888
And I started to think that this was pretty cool.
Then I followed them and saw more posts about coins I never new existed and @thedamus and @silverd510 was like mentors and I learned alot.
So I started to look up coins myself and bought some myself and that was how it started. Then @enginewitty nominated me to join the #silvergoldstackers and that changed me from a small stack baby to a big hungry pirate who couldn’t get enogh πŸ˜‚ Hahahaha
So I found my kind of coins and have got many friends over the years to that I probably never met if I hadn't seen my first raffle posts.
So being a Stacker was a passion I never had or thought I wanted, but now so happy and thankful for having. And I became Wittys Silver pimp to over the years so another fun thing.

There are SO many things that I could mention that changed me here.
@snook made me get over my fear of voice talk.
@thekittygirl always been a big supporter and one who made me feel comfteble and appriciated.
@mariannewest made me do some freewrite stories that I never done before.
Pictures I can but write... Nope
I think hive is a place where any passion can grow and all kinds of things can happen when we come together


How do you balance your time between your various interests and responsibilities within the Hive community?


Saffisara: I think over the years I learned to filter, choose the things that I love to do and have time for. Before I took on to much and wanted to do it all and help everyone who needed it.
But I got drained and lost my motivation when I couldn't keep up and felt like I was letting people down. So today I am in thealliance and ladiesofhive and check in on other at times but I as I work fulltime as a preeschool teacher and sometimes does some translate for friends. I feel like it is enogh πŸ˜‰
And I am a guild leader in splinterland along with my best friend @Brisby
We both are leaders and help each other out.
Do what you feel you can and be present, but never feel like you failed if you can't keep up. Look at what you accomplished instead of what you didn't.


What are your favorite types of posts to create and engage with on Hive?


Saffisara: Funny cause when I started I was all over the place...
Posted about silver, pictures, splinterland, weard mix posts and whatnot. I didn't know what to post so I did all kinds.
Also used lots of bitmoji and mojipop.. They are my favorite to use still 😁
And I also done some stories with thealliance members in them with mojipop gifs.

But then the photography passion came back and I started to post more.
I still do some silver posts and sometimes poems or more like what happens in life. But photography is my favorite thing to post.
And it can be anything from beach pictures, flowers, garden, Bobby my dog, things we do at work with the kids, travels, haturday posts. A passion both me and @enginewitty shares.
We have sent each other some and I accidentally made up the Haturday tag in a post about me and my family passing a Aussie hat around and taking pictures. After that... It became a thing 🀠 pretty cool.


What advice would you give to newcomers joining Hive, based on your own experiences and journey?


Saffisara: The only advice I have for new people is to do what they love and makes them happy. Be YOU and never be afraid to try new things.
Engage with people and find ones who share your passions. That Will help you grow and learn on your hive journey.


Finally, is there anyone else you suggest should be interviewed here?


I have one that is amazing and who I met through silvergoldstackers @dfinney
She shares all kinds of things and does alot that both snook and I love is @Brisby she is our good friend and one I got the closest with.
She is amazing, never hesitate to help others and always makes me smile. She is funny πŸ˜‰

Saffisara: I want to Thank @Snook for suggesting me to be interviewed and BIG thanks to YOU @madilyn02 for including me in your amazing questions and interviews πŸ™β€οΈ honored


Thank you so much @saffisara for sharing your experience and for the honor of this interview, I am so happy to get to know you and learn from you along with all these other wonderful people, I hope everyone get's inspired by your story as well


Thank you @snook for the suggestion!

Leave your thoughts, suggestions or questions in the comments below!

Also comment if you have anyone else in mind you want to interview.

See you in the next edition!!! πŸ€—

20% rewards to the interviewee

Post format was snook's suggestion

Previous Editions

Community spotlight introduced
Hive community spotlight #1. Premiere with @thekittygirl 🌟

Community spotlight #2 Featuring @shadowspub

Community Spotlight #3: Interview with Dreemsteem

Community Spotlight #4: Interview with Juliakponsford-aka-alien-honey

Hive Community Spotlight #5: Interview with @bluefinstudios

Hive community spotlight #6: Interview with @enginewitty

Hive community spotlight #6: Interview with @snook



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