Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 18th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Plucktor (Data Analysis/Quantitative Researcher)
    • Chowda (Executive Assistant)
    • WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
    • Doogie (VP of Project Management)
  • Main Topics:
    • SPS Validators 💥
    • Ranked Rewards ⚡️
    • Eye Candy 👀
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:10 - General Intro
    • 03:30 - Yabapmatt Update (SPS Validators & Ranked Rewards)
    • 35:30 - Plucktor Intro (Data Analysis/Quantitative Researcher)
    • 42:20 - Chowda Intro (Executive Assistant)
    • 46:15 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 48:35 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournaments)
    • 53:10 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 1:00:30 - Doogie Update (Project Management)
    • 1:02:30 - Q&A
    • 1:58:55 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

SPS Validators:

  • Goal is to have Validator licenses to be available for many years to come
    • SPS price will need to increase in order to make higher tranche sales reasonable
    • Teams goal is to constantly add value to assets and SPS is no exception
    • As a result, the team envisions SPS price will increase down the road and make higher tranche sales viable
  • Reward pool is split between top Validators and those who run a Node with licenses
    • Helps spread the rewards around and encourage others to run Nodes (increases decentralization)
  • Team has looked closely at similar DPoS systems and made the best system possible
  • Phase 1 includes only SPS & Voucher tokens
    • Additional phases will expand to all Splinterlands assets
      • DEC, Land, etc..
  • License sale will be similar to the Waka sale
    • Will have some limitations to give everyone a fair chance to buy in
    • Presale requires vouchers so current players who stake SPS and receive vouchers have an advantage to buy licenses first
  • Multiple licenses will most likely be able to be used to run only 1 Node
    • No need to run multiple instances of the software
  • Each account can own as many licenses as they want
    • There will be some limitations to prevent someone to buy them all
  • Rewards won't be live until the mainnet is released in Q4
  • Team is beginning to analyze ways to encourage running Validator Nodes beyond the first 5 years once the SPS rewards are discontinued
    • Future sales will probably have sale proceeds go to the DAO/pool

Ranked Rewards:

  • Bots, farming rewards, multi-accounts, etc.. are ultimately underlying issues with the economy/mechanics of the system
  • Real issue comes down to the starter/ghost cards
    • Solution is to still allow starter cards, but each starter card used will reduce earnings
  • Once Ranked Rewards are live, every battle will give reward shares (depending on your rating)
    • Bonuses like guild bonus, winstreak, Gold Foil & Alpha/Beta, etc.. will increase reward shares
    • Reward shares determine the amount of DEC you earn and also accumulate to earn daily/season reward chests
    • Starter cards used will reduce your reward shares
  • Takeaway: If we can fix the underlying issues, it will increase the rewards for all leagues and be managed by the free market system
    • If rewards are high and rentals are low, then rentals will increase
    • If card prices go up, rewards value will go up
  • Team is planning on heavily increase rewards across all tiers/leagues
    • Higher leagues will have much higher rewards
      • Champion will have a higher chance to get Gold foil Legendaries for example
  • Optimal way to earn rewards will be to play every day on a single account (~30 battles/day)

Marketing Updates:

  • Lots of partnership discussions still going on
  • Chatter & 16bit are flying to Utah in two weeks for more guild talks
  • Marketing team continues to support any Splinterlands events that people want to host
    • MangoMayhem & LevelUpLife host events in PH at their bars
    • Been a great success in introducting new players to the game and bringing communities together
  • Updated Yodin Zaku plushie:

Creative Team Updates:

  • Team wants the Avatars to represent the Battle Mage of every player
    • If a player enters a tournament, there would be a small introduction of each Battle Mage
    • Would fully immerse the player into the game and the Lore
  • Highest priority is still working on Ranked Rewards
    • Lot of cool, new artwork & animations (See Eye Candy)

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • WeirdBeard is beginning to discuss with community members about brawls
    • Want to tackle brawl issues (structure/rewards)
  • Ongoing battle with different ESport organizations and how to get Splinterlands recognized


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

First Build Of Splinterlands:

  • Launched website around end of May of 2018 where players could only buy card packs
    • Took a few months to develop
  • Battling launched in October of 2018
    • Initially, every day would have a new ruleset & mana cap
    • You basically would submit the same exact team for the whole day since rule sets and mana cap didn't change until next day


  • Whole new reward system will force empty accounts to buy/rent cards in order to earn rewards
    • Since starter cards won't allow earnings anymore
    • Other changes will incentivize players to aggregate their cards in one account to reach higher league rather than spreading them out across multiple accounts
  • Team wants to add new rulesets eventually which would add new data to the game
  • Decentralization vs Banning Bots
    • Whole concept of a decentralized game is not having a single entity own/control who can play the game
    • Splinterlands is trying to do something different and new by allowing anyone to play the game
      • If you own a Hive account and keys, you can play Splinterlands
    • Hope is to be one of the first games to get this right
      • Be decentralized with an economy that will handle all these issues

Increasing Players:

  • Team is excited to work with gaming guilds to increase number of players
  • New Reward changes will add more value to scholars, which gives value to the gaming guilds, which should allow for more scholar opportunities

Employee Asset Transparency:

  • Team doesn't want to force employees to disclose their accounts/assets if they don't want
  • Most news is not disclosed internally other than those who are working on it
    • Meaning the community and internal team members typically learn about new updates/partnerships at the same time
  • Additionally, most updates are released to the community as soon as possible, and the team is very transparent with what they are working on and what is to come

Splinterlands TV:

  • Have almost 700 subscribers already on Twitch
  • Main obstacle is having 24/7 management of the stream as there are always potential issues of OBS not working, internet going out, etc...
  • Have a large number of streamers on the waitlist though to fill in the missing gaps



Novice League Background (Upcoming Reward Changes)

Bronze League Background (Upcoming Reward Changes)

Bronze Chest Animation (Upcoming Reward Changes)

Bronze Chest Open Animation (Upcoming Reward Changes)

New Upcoming Character


Recent Announcements

SPS Validator Node Overview & License Presale

  • Validator Nodes will run on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) system
  • Planned to launch Q4 2022
  • 3.75M SPS tokens allocated per month to SPS Validator Node operators reward pool

Upcoming Release

  • Next planned release is planned for Tuesday, April 19th
  • Downtime scheduled 11AM - 2PM EST

Google Ads Approval

  • Finally been approved for Google Ads
  • Will be kicking ads off shortly
  • Official Domain: https://register.splinterlands.com/
    • Please do not report this one link
  • Our Head of Security is looking to partner with a security partner to help shutdown malicious sites

The Black Circle - Tome of Chaos Story

  • New addition to Tome of Chaos
  • Touches on the Lore of General Sloan


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, April 25th, 4PM Eastern (9PM UTC)

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