Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - January 7th, 2022 - 2PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Hardpoint (Chief Technology Officer)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Breakingbenjamin (Narrative Team)
    • Chatter (Director Of Growth)
    • Waffles Kitty (DYGYCON Event Coordinator)
    • Kbux (VP Of Engineering)
  • Main Topics:
    • Copmany Updates 💥
    • Eye Candy 👀
    • AMA Summary ⚡️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 00:50 - Intro
    • 2:30 - Hardpoint Update (Dev & Support)
    • 9:05 - Yabapmatt Update (Dev)
    • 15:20 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 23:15 - Breakingbenjamin Intro/Update (Creative)
    • 30:25 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 34:55 - Waffles Kitty Intro/Update (DYGYCON)
    • 38:10 - Kbux Update (Dev)
    • 58:45 - Q&A
    • 1:31:15 - Eye Candy
    • 1:49:30 - More Q&A
    • 2:04:25 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Dev Updates:

  • Scaling issues have been mostly remediated and servers have been running very stable
  • Big tournaments like the Brawlers should be back very soon!
    • In the past, these would cause server issues due to a large number of participants
    • Servers are well prepared to handle the stress now!
  • Matt's main priority/focus is the SPS Validator software
  • Other big priorities for Q1:
  • Team is almost done developing functionality for downloading account balance history
    • Export your whole balance history for all of 2021
    • Great way to report taxes accurately

Support Updates:

  • Support team significantly cut down all the WAX, Hive Engine, and SPS tickets
  • Tickets received is constantly decreasing every month
    • December had half the tickets received in November
      • December total tickets vs solved ==> 2618 total / 1900 solved
      • November total vs solved ==> 4417 total / 4200 solved
  • Solved 34,619 total tickets in the last 4 months
    • Only 1,161 outstanding tickets
    • Outstanding tickets mainly involve email address changes and bugs
  • Launched a new Knowledge Center that will be including guides and articles for common issues

Marketing Updates:

  • Team is focused on launching new ad platforms
    • Launched Brave Ads last week
    • Snapchat ads should be starting soon
    • Facebook/Instgram/Google ads hopefully by end of January
    • Also billboard ads in Southeast Asia
  • ZenSports Chaos Legion Showdown and + Chaos Legion Trivia Giveaways - Tune In!
  • CoinMarketCap alpha is live
  • Bunch of conferences coming up:
    • Southeast Asia - Arcade Event
    • Asia - Metaverse Conference
    • Los Angeles - Edge of NFT
  • Splinterlands Stream Team is looking to expand
    • Contact R0nd0n on Discord
  • Learn to Play Stream with Hardpoint & Chatter
    • Weekly stream with Hardpoint & Chatter
    • Starting new, fresh accounts and will stream their journey to setting up their accounts, playing ranked battles, and climbing higher leagues
    • Will be streamed on Twitch

Creative Updates:

  • Creative team's main focus is to go head-to-head with AAA studios and elevate production quality
  • Want to expand on the SplinterBites
    • Splinter Bites appear when searching for a battle
    • Currently includes little snippets of the Lore of characters
    • Will add other snippets that will inlcude helpful information for new and advanced players
    • Team will accept community feedback for these snippets
  • To reiterate, Splinterlands is trying to be way more than just a card game
    • Ranked play is only one little aspect of the whole ecoystem
  • New Chaos Legion lore story/video has been posted - checkout the Team Updates section!

General Team Updates:

  • DYGYCON is coming up - January 21-23rd
  • Team wants to integrate Splinterlands streams within the game
    • Would be great for players to easily follow-in on
    • Would be great for streamers to expand their awareness


⚡️ AMA Summary ⚡️


  • New potential feature coming could be auto-staking
    • If set, would auto-stake the SPS you receive from SPS staking rewards


  • Potential plan is to allow tract & region claims to be split before revealed
    • So these claims would turn into individual land plot claims
    • Then land plot claims can be revealed individually
    • Allows tract/region pools to be distributed evenly
  • There will be 14 different geography types
    • Aggroed wanted 30+, Nate cut down to 14
    • Each geography type has 4 different rarities
    • Also magic-based land and non-magic land, and occupied/unoccupied land

Reward Cards:

  • No plans on reducing the total max supply of reward cards
    • Team doesn't want to constantly be adding new reward cards into the game


  • Aggroed wants to require vouchers for 100% of the Riftwatchers sales
  • Matt is hesitant as a lot will probably change by the time Riftwatchers is released

Chaos Legion Airdrops:

  • Regardless of how many packs are sold in phase 2, the airdrop drop rates for the 2nd and 3rd airdrops will remain as they are
    • 0.33% per pack, 300 packs guarantee one airdrop
  • The subsequent airdrops will have larger drop rates as it takes in consideration the amount of packs sold
    • Drop rates aren't officially announced until closer to general sale
  • All packs bought in pre-sale and phase 2 will count towards all subsequent airdrops

Ranked Reward System:

  • Team wants to do a high-level overview of the reward structure
    • Looking to improve the incentives for climbing to higher leagues
    • Will keep bots vs players in mind so bots never have more advantages
    • Always looking to keep players interested and reward those who try to climb higher

Chaos Legion General Sale Stream:

  • Team wants to do another stream for the start of the Chaos Legion stream
    • They did a very similar one for the first day of opening Chaos Legion packs
    • Lookout for a stream link on Discord/Telegram!



Chatter's Updated Art

Chaos Legion - General Sale Countdown

Chaos Legion - General Sale Live Page

Swamp Land - Common & Occupied

Swamp Land - Rare & Unoccupied

Swamp Land - Epic & Occupied

Swamp Land - Legendary & Unoccupied


Recent Updates

Chaos Legion Lore: Below

  • 4th War Tale from the Chaos Legion Lore

New Available Job Opportunities

  • Splinterlands team is looking to expand their team!
  • Open Positions:
    • Executive Admin Assistant
    • Game Designer
    • UX Designer
    • Community Manager
    • And Many More...!


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Friday, January 14th, 8PM Eastern (1AM UTC)

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