Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 23rd, 2022 - 4PM Eastern!


Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Hardpoint (Chief Technology Officer)
    • Chatter (Head of Marketing)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • WafflesKitty (DYGYCON 9)
    • Orillion (Developer Team - Validator Team)
    • EatherFeast (Developer - Validator Team)
    • Wolf (Developer - Validator Team)
    • r0nd0n (Splinterlands TV)
  • Main Topics:
    • Company Updates 👀
    • Q&A 💥
    • Eye Candy ⚡️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:00 - General Intro
    • 02:40 - Yabapmatt Update (SPS Validators)
    • 33:55 - Hardpoint Update (Development Updates)
    • 44:35 - Chatter Update (Marketing Updates)
    • 47:05 - Nateaguila Update (Creative Team)
    • 55:55 - WafflesKitty Update (DYGYCON 9)
    • 59:15 - Orillion Intro/Update (Developer Lead - Validator Team)
    • 1:08:00 - EatherFeast Intro/Update (Developer - Validator Team)
    • 1:14:25 - Wolf Intro/Update (Developer - Validator Team)
    • 1:29:10 - r0nd0n (Splinterlands TV)
    • 1:35:25 - Q&A
    • 2:12:05 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

SPS Validator License Sale

  • SPS Foundation is starting the License sale on Wednesday, May 25th (Check out the Node Shop page)
    • None of the sales is going to the Splinterlands company
    • 80% of the SPS is going to be burned, 20% goes to the SPS DAO
  • Licenses will be NFTs so they can be transferred like all other assets
    • Will be included in the non-card market when released as well
  • Will be able to hold multiple licenses under one account and link that account to the licenses
    • That way you won't need one account per license
  • Goal with SPS Validators is to have all assets (DEC, cards, land, etc..) to be mixed into the validator system
  • Outside interest has expressed they'd like to invest $1M+ in Node Validators
    • The presale is geared mainly for current players who already own SPS + Vouchers
  • Presale will only allow 1 license to be purchased per transaction
    • Tranches will allow as many licenses to be bought in one transaction

Development Updates:

  • "This is the summer for Splinterlands where we will be dropping things left and right" - Hardpoint
    • Land development is progressing
    • Ranked Rewards being officially released at the end of this season
    • Modern/Wild will start the testing phases shortly after Ranked Rewards are out
  • Win-trading solution
    • Team automated the process for analyzing patterns between accounts to determine who may be win-trading
    • If players are found to be win-trading, they will be grouped together so that they can't be matched together
  • Team has had some major wins on server performance
    • Team put more rate limiting on servers
    • Team also put out some critical fixes out that has helped reduce server costs by 50%
    • Means the team has more money to put towards other projects/teams

Creative Updates:

Marketing Updates:

  • Ads are scaling up with Google, Brave, Snapchat, & YouTube
  • Team is attending conferences monthly
    • 16bit is attending Permissionless this week
    • He will be attending Consenous in two weeks
  • Reminder that Splinterfest is officially happening on September 17th & 18th
  • Shoutout to NFTy Arcade for helping with new upcoming guild and reward tracking tools + helping more guilds into the game


  • OPEN: 5/27 - 5/29
  • Main Date: May 28, 2022 | 2 PM - 5 PM EST / 7 PM - 10 PM UTC

General Team Updates:

  • Team plans on updating the Roadmap every month
  • Hardpoint is saving his SPS and vouchers for the SPS Validator Node License sale!
  • Splinterlands TV - Goal for streaming Splinterlands 24/7
    • Twitch -
    • Almost at 1000 followers on Twitch


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

SPS Validator Nodes:

  • Q4 2022 SPS Validators - Mainnet will be live & SPS rewards will begin
  • Q1 2023 Splinterlands Validators - When other assets (DEC, cards, land, etc..) will be moved over to the Validator system

Ranked Rewards:

  • Ideally, you should be getting roughly the same amount of chests in each league you are in
    • If you don't have the levels for higher leagues, you should optimally stay in the league that better suits your levels
  • What is being released next week at the end of season isn't going to be the only changes made to Ranked Rewards
    • Team will constantly monitor the changes and adjust based on analysis and feedback from community
  • Team would like to add a whole bunch of different focuses in the near-future

CL Summoner Airdrops:

  • Airdrop rates are set to still be an additional 25 packs for each Summoner released
    • These numbers won't change even with more packs being opened recently

Riftwatchers / Vouchers:

  • The team will determine how the Riftwatcher sale will be handled once we get closer to the Riftwatchers release
    • Anything could change in the few months leading up to the release so the team wants to adjust as they see best
  • Generally, vouchers will be required for at least a certain part of the sale
    • Still up to debate is whether vouchers will be required for the whole sale or not

Guild Brawls:

  • The team did release changes in regards to brawl rewards a few weeks ago
    • Team is monitoring the changes and analyze how they affected the economy
  • Team is limited in capacity and would love to put more work into Brawls when time allows

Modern/Wild CP Requirements:

  • Team doesn't want to increase CP requirements even as more and more cards are released into the economy
    • Would make leagues harder for new players overall to climb
  • Team will review how the economy and system works once Modern/Wild is live and will adjust as needed after



Validator Nodes Wallpapers


Recent Announcements

SPS Validator Node Overview & License Presale

  • Validator Node licenses will be going on presale as of May 25th, 2022
  • Node licenses will be purchasable directly on the Splinterlands website
  • Once presale ends, tranche sales will begin immediately


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, May 30th, 8PM Eastern (12AM UTC)

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