Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 9th, 2022 - 10AM Eastern!


Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
    • 16bit (VP of Sales)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Ellemnian (Concept Artist)
    • H4liax (Human Resources Director)
    • RoyalEagle (Support Lead)
    • Doogie (VP of Project Management)
  • Main Topics:
    • Eye Candy 👀
    • Company Updates ⚡️
    • Q&A Summary 💥
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:20 - General Intro
    • 04:10 - Chatter Update (Director of Growth)
    • 08:45 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournaments/ESports)
    • 11:00 - 16bit Update (VP of Sales)
    • 19:00 - Nateaguila Update (Creative Director)
    • 29:40 - Ellemnian Intro/Update (Concept Artist)
    • 36:15 - H4liax Intro/Update (Human Resources Director)
    • 44:15 - RoyalEagle Intro/Update (Support Lead)
    • 1:05:40 - Doogie Update (VP of Project Management)
    • 1:13:30 - Q&A
    • 2:02:25 - Townhall Shoutout
    • 2:04:30 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Development Updates:

  • Ranked Reward changes are in the testing stages
    • Estimating to be released for the first season in June
  • SPS Validator Node license sale should have details released soon
  • Right after Ranked Rewards will be Modern/Wild
    • Modern/Wild development is mostly done, just need to merge Ranked Reward changes once final

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • Still a few weeks out from releasing any announcements on what the team has been working on
    • New tournament mode
    • New tournaments with sponsors
  • Team is in Maintenance mode until the releases are out
    • All Noob tournaments have been relabled as "Beginner" now

Marketing Updates:

  • RAD AI partnership helping Splinterlands team activate micro influencers
  • Potion partnership - App rewards users for completing certain events
    • Daily quest, buying spellbook, etc...
  • Team has a conference almost booked every month of this year
  • Splinterfest is in the final stages of being planned
    • In the contract stage still
    • But most likely will be in Las Vegas, NV in September
    • Looking at the HyperX arena

External Guild/Scholar Updates:

  • External Guilds = Groups/organizations that come together and get in on Play To Earn games
  • Team has developed some tools to help Guilds and their Scholar programs
    • Discord Bot
      • Goes into a Guild discord server
      • Populates stats of each member in the Guild and a bunch of other things
    • Script for scholar accounts to have their earnings automatically sent to the main Guild wallet/account
  • Goal is to increase Guild presence in the game
  • Team is thinking of creating a generalized Guild Leadership channel or Discord server for all Guilds to partake in and help each other

Creative Updates:

  • Team is wrapping up most of the assets needed for the new Ranked Reward changes
  • Most of the new Ranked Reward card art has been created and being finalized with stats and abilities
    • See Eye Candy to see options for one of the new characters!


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

Red Days:

  • Market goes up and down --> circle of life
  • Splinterlands team will continue to build and if you believe in this project, then market prices don't matter as much

Guild Brawls:

  • Brawl economy revamp is being done in the background, but no timeline on this yet
  • New Gladiators are under consideration as well

New Ability:

  • Reflect Shield (Team is thinking of maybe a better name)
    • Negates damage from Reflection-type abilities
    • Safeguards from Blast damage, Thorns, Magic Reflect, Return Fire

Market Fees:

  • DEC market fees goes mainly towards Credits Market purchases
    • Seller receives DEC when selling a card
  • Team also buys DEC every day to have enough liquid DEC for these conversions


  • Team is looking to require KYC for only specific tournaments to increase competitive integrity
    • Will probably be the bigger prized tournaments and tournament sponsor tournaments
  • Not ALL tournaments will require KYC though
  • Tournament creators can choose whether they want to require KYC during the tournament creation stages

Chaos Legion Legendary Summoners:

  • Anticipated order of release:
    • Life - Grandmaster Rathe (Moriarty95)
    • Fire - TBD (Jacekw)
    • Water - TBD (Davemccoy)
    • Earth - Immortalis (Cyguy)
    • Death - Astral Entity (Cryptoreaper)
    • Dragon - TBD (Red Panda)



New Reward Card Character Art

Option #1

Option #2

Option #3

Modern Reward Chests

New Ranked Reward Cards Wallpaper

Bronze Medal Animation

Vampiric Blossom Animation

Validator Nodes

Node Activiation Animation

CL Life Legendary Summoner - Grandmaster Rathe

CL Earth Legendary Summoner - Immortalis

CL Death Legendary Summoner - Astral Entity


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, May 16th, 1PM Eastern (5PM UTC)

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