Index4INDEX Card 165: Joe Girard 1

The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time.

-- Joe Girard

About the Quote

There's more than one way to achieve success. We could do it using all the tools available to us, and that includes whatever hi-tech is at our disposal.

Sometimes hi-tech breaks down, and that means low-tech means must be used. It may take longer than we had anticipated, and it likely won't be a fun trip to take. However, if taking that unpleasant trip is what is needed to achieve success, then we do it the old fashioned way: one step at a time.

Some Information about Joe Girard

Joseph Samuel Girardi was born in Detroit, Michigan, US on 1928-Noember-1. He died in Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan, US on 2019-February-28.

The Girardi family had come to the United States from Sicily during a period when Italians and Sicilians faced much adversity in the New Country. Joe Girardi's father was brutally hard on him, and his mother was just as loving to him. Joe Girard would credit both parents for teaching him lessons he would apply through the rest of his days.

From the age of 9 when he would shine shoes in neighborhood bars, Joe Girardi was a gifted entrepreneur. At age 11 when he was delivering copies of the Detroit Free Pess in the hours before school, he outsold his peers to such a degree that he would win cases of Pepsi Cola. He had acquired so many cases of Pepsi that he sold his excess at prices no one else could match.

As a young man he was as studious as he was entrepreneurial. However, due to an incident between him and the high school principal, Joe Girardi was dismissed from school permanently. Formal education ended at 11th grade, but the hard-won wisdom he had acquired along with his knowledge of human behavior far outstripped this situation.

Once Joe Girardi found his niche as a car salesman, he excelled at it to the point where he was fired because he was too aggresive a salesman!

It was at another dealiership where he was all set to close a deal on a car sale when the customer asked him his national origin. After he said his family had come from Sicily, the customer terminated the deal. Then he called the printer to modify his business card order by removing the 2nd "i" from his last name.

Joe Girard, as he would call himself from that point forward, was a record-setting car salesman. Between 1963 and 1978 he would sell 13,001 cars at a Chevrolet dealership. He has an entry in the Guiness Book of World Records for selling the most new cars in a single year: 1,425 new cars in 1973. This averaged to close to 6 cars per day he worked that year. His career sales record was so impressive that he became the first salesman ever inducted in to the Automotive Hall of Fame.

-- Source 1, Source 2, and Source 3

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that's currently just a table. Eventually I will make this spreadsheet searchable.

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