Index4INDEX Card 257: Dominique Moceanu 3

I learned to take those experiences that were difficult in my life and in the adversity that I had overcome to use it for a positive change.

-- Dominique Moceanu

For more about Dominique Moceanu, keep reading....


About the Quote

Whatever we do in life should be of benefit to us. This includes the bad experiences and the adversity which accompanies them. If we're faced with obstacles, we need to overcome them. If we can't overcome them because we don't know how, then we figure out how to overcome the obstacle. This is knowledge we can apply to future situations.

No one likes to be on the short end of situations, but that's part of life. Finding ways to get beyond those situations is a skill we develop the more we find ourselves in these situations, and usually that's when we're younger and less experienced.

In a world in which "safety" is primary over all else, being able to handle adversity is a skill which is even more valuable. You'll know both what is good and what was bad so that you can make better decisions later.


Some (More) Information about Dominique Moceanu

Dominique Moceanu had been training with Mary Lee Tracy at the CGA (Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy) in 2000. At the US Nationals that year, Moceanu tfinished in 8th place. An 8th-place finish doesn't sound impressive, but it was enough for her to qualify for the Olympic Trials. Due to a knee injury, she needed to withdraw form the Olympic Trials.

Moceanu took a 5 year hiatus from elite gymnastics before she decided to return to competition in 2005. She was unable to compete at the Nations due to injury. Even so, she continued her training in floor exercise and the vault. After attending the USA Gymnastics national training camp, her first competition since 2000 took place in 2006 at the US Classic.

At the 2006 US Classic Moceanu had successufully executed a full twisting Tsukahara in the vault. While she had success in the vault, she did not have success with the floor exercise; she went out of bounds, then she fell. As a result, her score in the floor exercise was one of the lowest of the tournament. With or wothout controversy, this is as far as Moceanu would get in 2006.

In 2009 Moceanu graduated from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio, US witha degree in business management.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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