Index4INDEX Card 267: Shannon Miller 4

Everyone gets scared, and everyone falls. The key is to get right back up and try again.

-- Shannon Miller

For more about Shannon Miller, keep reading....


About the Quote

Everyone falls; that's just a part of life. In that regard, every one of us is the same. What separates some of us from everyone else is if we decide to get back up to continue or to try again. In some situations, it would be understandable to stay down and take the hit today in exchange for victory in the future. However, there are times when we have to rise up and continue even though it makes more sense to take the L.

We see this in team sports, especially when it happens in a tournament or championship setting. Can a team which loses multiple times early in a series come back to win? Not always, but it happens; that's why we watch the games.

We also see this in individual sports ranging from boxing to diving to gymnastics. Athletes get knocked down or make a mistake which causes them to fall in an uncontrolable manner. What matters is being able to sustain the hit or fall and keep moving forward until the event concludes.


Some (More) Information about Shannon Miller

Once retired from gymnastics competition as an athlete, Shannon Miller pursued higher education. From the University of Houston she earned undergraduate degrees in marketing and entrepreneurship. She followed that with a law degree from Boston College. Since earning her degrees she's been an advocate on behalf of women and children for health and wellness. In July 2010 she launched her company for that exact purpose.

In January 2011 Shannon Miller was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. First a tumor the size of a baseball was successfully removed from her body. That was followed by aggressive chemotherapy treatment. Given her mission to advocate for women on health and wellness issues, she was public and transparent about her own battle over ovarian cancer in order to let people know about available options. She has been cancer-free since, and she is a strong advocate for early detection of cancer.

In addition to her advocacy work, she is motivational speaker. Her specialty is speaking about the Gold Medal Mindset, which revolves around goal-setting, leadership, PMA (positive mental attitude), resilience, overcoming obstacles, and (like the late Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders) commitment to excellence. As a paid professional speaker, most of her clients are corporations and instututions of higher learning.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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