Index4INDEX Card 275: Mary Lou Retton 5

Goals have to be realistic and flexible.

-- Mary Lou Retton

For more about Mary Lou Retton, keep reading....


About the Quote

We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations. We all want to achieve them. Sometimes, they can be. Other times, they are out of reach.

Many people dreamed of being astronauts. In some cases, they discovered that they hate mathematics, and space travel involves lots of advanced (and even basic) math. In some cases, they discovered they are prone to motion sickness. In other cases, they fall victim to bad habits.

For these people-- and many others for whom that dream went up in smoke-- adjustments and course corrections needed to be made. Maybe the math-phobes switched to the liberal arts or the performing arts. Maybe those suffereing from motion sickness chose to work in a corporate setting. As for those who struggle with bad habits, they discover ways to overcome them and along the way find something at which they are good.

On the flip side, there are people who set reasonable goals only to find themselves in position to reakize the ultimate dream in their chosen activity. There are people who want to call themselves players in Major League Baseball or English Premier League, and then find themselves inducted into the Hall of Fame. These people had achieved their goals, and they set a new course for themselves.


Some (More) Information about Mary Lou Retton

6 weeks before the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, Mary Lou Retton suffered a knee injury big enough to require surgery. Her parents founf the most skilled physician they could locate, and the physician was able to perform a minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery. As a result of this procedure, Retton was able to walk again immediately. One week after the surgery, she resumed her training for the Summer Olympics. By the time the Olympics began, Retton was fully recovered and feeling stronger than she had before.

Part of her recovery program involved physical therapy to ensure that the knee responded as intended.

Part of her recovery program incolved mental visualization. Retton would see herself performing at her best on each gymnastics apparatus. She would see herself completing each routine flawlessly. She even visualized the award ceremony where she received the Gold Medal while the national anthem played in the background. By the time the Olympics unfolded in real time for her, she was merely matching in life what she saw in her mind.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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