Are you out there? Or are you just inside there? The cases of being where we humans are from time to time!


You know, we love all the people that want to be our friends, and the more we are, the better it is, and we should work with people around us, and people are helping us to do the right choices, and all of us are either out there in the market, we are in the organizations out there or inside the building with the warmth and much pleasure, and we should love the beautiful ladies, and we should accept many variations in all the populations we are facing in the world, and we are meeting friends every place where we are, and sometimes people are known and sometimes they are unknown, and we should accept things when it is happening, but we can do people even better known in local, regional, national and international markets.

We should love all the help we can get together with the leadership and the employees, and we should do out best, with all the efforts that we are finding and using. And on TV and on radio, we are giving messages that are selling, and we should give and take messages just as they are coming, and much that is coming in the media channels can be changed to the better things, and much is about the personalities to the people, and we are getting the variations just as the people are where we are meeting the people. And all is about people and organizations, since we are humans as humans are functioning from time to time, and from place to place.

Leadership and market philosophy and strategy, are much about how we are using our restricted time when being here as humans, and we are saying and/or writing different things. And we are using these theoretical issues to govern the organizations, and we should have boards making good and right things that are happening, and human dignity and respect are something we are wanting everywhere, and we cannot have too many bad environments in the countries, but we should work with different things, and making things even better. And we should be constructively and we should always try to build the organizations and making them stronger even where we are from time to time. But we are here to win the matches and to compete, but we cannot destroy good meanings, love and good intentions and behavior about what we are as humans. And we should develop ourselves through the whole life, and every human must be engaged with which is in the front from time to time, and we can be leaders and/or employees, and sexuality is always the deepest forces that we find in our bodies, and we must organize and do the life in the ways that people are telling us, and something is related to how humans are with sins and about seeking God and Jesus Christ, but something is also about what we know, and that we are using our competences, but we should love the people we are meeting, and we should use what we know and experience different places, and all kinds of love and messages are loved many places, and we should have good manners and good behavior, and we can do the competition even better than people are doing in different schools, and therefore there can be different moods from place to place, but we should do in relation to what we have done in schools ever, and what kinds of results we have got, and we should use our humanity just as we are as humans, and we cannot do other things than what is possible in the human nature in the nature, and people are free to be engaged with what they want in life, also all the world religions, and many people believe in something in the world.

So, being out there, is about being in the markets, and we can also be in the nature, and where it is possible to be as humans where we are. And sometimes, we are just being inside the tents, the buildings, the flats, the departments, the houses and the cottages, and much more places, and we are being inside or outside the buildings, and things are either happening in internal and/or in external markets, and we can get the messages anywhere, and we can deliver messages to places where we find things being sensible and plausible about all places we can send things, and all kinds of pressures and conceivable things are inside the freedom and the diversity and the precision, and we can do things that are better than ever before.

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The history and the case of the human dignity!

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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