Maledictus Terra Book 2: Vetitum Nemus Part 1

Welcome back, everyone.

It's time to start the new adventure for the Maledictus Terra series, and I hope you all enjoy the update. To the links to the previous books, please look below!

Let's get started.
Rex looked at the foreboding forest and frowned. He, like many children from the region, had played along the edges, despite his parents telling him not to. When he was older, he had been challenged to walk into the forest. While he had accepted the challenge, he had quickly been frightened away by the strange sounds within the green and black depths. Now those sounds were more than just sounds.

He could hear insects scuttling in the undergrowth, moans of the undead that roamed, and even the gentle breeze that they could barely feel. He could also faintly make out what he thought was an incessant scream that had been following them since he and Millmor had had Robert join them.

Millmor had insisted that all three report to the castle, but Robert had been hesitant. Millmor hadn’t pressed him but rather asked the man to write a letter to the queen to at last let her know that he was alive. The man had done that but under much duress. This duress turned into almost fury when Millmor cooed a ghoul over. The ghoul wore a yellow ribbon and seemed to listen intently to what he wanted from it. It had taken the letter and scuttled its way to the castle.

“How can you allow that vile…” started Robert.

Rex growled under his breath and the old Blazeknight stopped what he was saying. While he wasn’t privy to what had happened to Rex to facilitate his new change, the human had seen his face while the three had travelled. Robert had recognized him and had demanded answers, but Rex hadn’t been ready to say anything, and Millmor had been forced to step in and stop a fight from starting.
That was several days ago and now there was an uneasy truce as the three looked into the forest. Millmor seemed to stretch his massive arms before clapping his hands together. All noise within the forest ceased.

“We will not be bothered. Most of the area we will travel is my domain. I will ask that you don’t attack anything that wanders across your path. If there is aggression, then you act. Until then, keep your weapons sheathed.”

“I’m afraid I am somewhat at a disadvantage compared to you gentlemen.” Said Robert as he raised his empty hands.

While Rex knew that the man hadn’t meant it as a jab, it came across as that and it irked him. He had already told Millmor that he wasn’t comfortable with Robert being with him, but Millmor had shut that down quickly, and the more Rex was around Robert, the more he was starting to understand.

“You hardly need much protection.” Said Millmor as he inclined his head to the weapon strapped to the man’s side. “You are fast. I have seen that. You will be fine. For the most part. Until we reach the ruins.”

“You keep talking about ruins, but there are no ruins in this forest.” Said Rex.

“Just because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. You can’t see what causes disease, but you’re smart enough not to eat rotten meat.” Said Millmor.

“That’s just common sense.”

“And that is what will keep you alive.” Said Millmor as he stepped into the forest.
Rex gave Robert a look as the human looked up at him.

“Let’s call it a truce for now.” Stated Robert.

“Fine, but keep your blade quiet, it grates on my nerves.”
The return of the crowned princes and princess and the success of another curse being broken was a cause for celebration for the kingdom of Dragonshold. Thanks to the goddess they brought with them, lands that had been blighted thanks to the fight of the Titans were cleared and crops were stronger than ever.
While Mary was grateful that the farmers were profiting once more, she was still reeling that there wasn’t one but two gods that resided in her castle. Dragonshold wasn’t a large kingdom, but it was starting to attract attention. Attention the old queen didn’t want.

Noxus was already inundated with requests for Magna’s hand in marriage. While not surprised, Mary was loath to have to write back to each suitor that her daughter’s hand was already promised to another. While few letters returned with laments of broken hearts, there were a few that demanded to know who the suitor was so they could challenge him and his kingdom. Mary had ignored those letters but knew that she couldn’t forever. Yet, how could she explain who and what Derric was?

She had always thought him a normal child with the magical ability to transform into various creatures, but this had been proven false upon the return of the children. Magna had half-demanded to speak to her mother and dragged the poor startled boy into the private chambers.

After watching the boy turn into a variety of creatures, more than a few the queen didn’t know, Magna blurted out Derric’s past. Mary had been raised among many royal houses and knew the history of the land as well as any historian, but she had never heard of people like Derric existing. She had actually started to believe that he was cursed somehow.

Once Magna had explained all that, she had delivered the news that Derric was the avatar to the new goddess, who was flitting around from farm to farm to ensure healthy growing crops. Mary had already been lightheaded at that stage and nearly collapsed when Magna explained that Mortis also had a god within him. Just when Mary couldn’t take any more tremendous news, Magna had wrapped up the whole conversation, informing her mother that she and Derric were going to wed as soon as the curse on his lands had been lifted. She wasn’t asking, she was telling her mother.

Mary was stunned. After the tirade, Magna fell silent and waited for her mother to say anything. Mary could feel her mouth opening and closing a few times before she blurted out.

“At the very least wait a year to reach maturity.”

“That’s not a no.” said Magna slowly.

“If you’re betrothed, then I don’t have to deal with suitors. However, you are too young, and…we are living in a strange world, and I can’t find a reason to say no and not worry about the castle being flattened by Derric or his goddess friend.”

“Vitex.” Said Derric.

“Not being helpful, dear.” Muttered the queen.
Over to you @zakludick
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Mortis Custos




Vetitum Nemus

by @lex-zaiyaby @zakludick
Part 1- You’re HerePart 2 -Incoming

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