It took place under the Alhambra



Akiro Nakamura is an educated young Japanese man who has always liked the Hispanic culture. An expert in martial arts, he decided to study Diplomacy in order to travel the world. His twin brother, Raiko, also an expert in martial arts, plans to study History, which will take him, along with his brother, to explore a world under the earth... Both share a love of photography and antiques. They always thought the two of them made a good team. Since childhood they have been inseparable. Their student years passed peacefully. Time passed and they each graduated with honors. Akiro never thought that fate would separate him so soon from his brother. His first job would take him to South America, Argentina, where he would learn Spanish. Raiko, meanwhile, would devote himself to teaching in his native country, but he would also do research on the Nasrid kingdom in 13th century Spain. In this way the brothers would share their ancient passions, as they call them .....

Akiro was happy. He worked in different countries, among them Portugal. It was there that he met the love of his life, the young Spanish girl Amelia, who would take him to Galicia to learn about the Celtic culture of his ancestors. The Celtic ruins fascinated him but, awakened in him, the passion to know the province of Granada. His beloved understood what that meant and proposed a vacation trip next summer. Meanwhile, Akiro, devoted himself to read carefully and enthusiastically, the information that his brother sent him.

The long-awaited summer arrived. Akiro and Amelia arrived in Madrid. They rested one night and the next day they took the Madrid-Granada train. They arrived safely. They left their luggage at the hotel and immediately went to visit the historical center. The next day they visited the cathedral and the Federico García Lorca Center; they also took a break in a café in the city. Then they returned to the hotel. There Amelia proposed:

-What do you think if tomorrow morning we go to the Arab quarter El Albaicin?

Akiro became even more enthusiastic and said:

-Fantastic. Iberians, Greeks, Romans and Visigoths have lived in that neighborhood, which provides a unique cultural mix. But then we go to the Alhambra. My brother informed me that the Nasrid kingdom lived there for a long time. Do you agree?

-Yes, it's fine. But I get the impression that you'll need more time to enjoy the Alhambra, Amelia answers with her perceptive gentleness.

Akiro and Raiko had a secret plan but had not told their wives. They would meet in Granada and later inform them. Raiko is afraid that his wife, Kyomi, will not understand and feel her loyalty betrayed. It seems that, immersed in his world of History, he had not realized Kyomi's subtlety and strength.
Akiro and Amelia entered the Alhambra in the morning. There they listened attentively to the tour guide who told them:

  • The name Alhambra means red fortress. This palatine city has been standing for about 800 years, its function was strategic and military. It has several secret passages; one of them was for the caliph to flee... it is said that it led to a gold mine...

Akiro's tranquility was disturbed. His head began to spin and his imagination flew. He quickly thought .... Gold, gold, gold...

-He remembered that was what his brother told him, but he didn't believe him at the time. It's fabulous, perfect!

The visit continued through the Palace, Generalife, with the famous Lions Courtyard. Then the Hall of Secrets where, Akiro, could see that he could talk without the neighbor listening .... This was great for the plan...

The next day his brother and sister-in-law arrived. After resting, they met to have lunch with a typical dish: beans with ham. There they took advantage of the occasion to tell their respective wives the secret plan... The most audacious of the twins, Akiro, announces to them with impudence and without concealment:

-We are going to look for experiences under the Alhambra. We want to have some items to sell....

Kyomi remains silent, takes a sip of wine to assimilate the news; she intuits what this means. But, at the same time, a lively and risky lady emerges and asks:

-Are you sure, what's the plan?

Amelia doesn't speak.... her skin crawls...She never thought that about her husband. Trembling and bewildered, she manages to stammer....

-That's stealing. What is going to happen to us? They never told us anything about their desire for fortune.

-Nothing that isn't calculated. You go on with your lives as normal. We'll have to pretend. We'll come tomorrow afternoon when there are more people. Raiko will go into the secret passage and take all the gold he can and some old stuff... Then we'll sell it all to the antique mafia operating in Japan. That will be enough to live our old age in peace. Remember that, with the salaries we receive, we can't give you the life of pleasure you deserve. Akiro replies

With that explanation, they finished lunch and went to rest at the hotel. The next day would be as exciting as it was eventful.

Now Kyomi understands why she always saw blueprints on her husband's desk. It was the route he would take for the robbery....Additionally, those clandestine meetings were for that.... She never imagined her husband would have such ambitions but, inwardly, she remembered and reflected:

  • I got the hero I dreamed of as a teenager but, unfortunately, he came with a flaw: he's a thief.... I trust he will come to his senses in time....

The agreed day arrived. Kyomi and Amelia would leave for Japan; they would wait for their departure and then go to La Alhambra.

Akiro and Raiko entered La Alhambra separately. They would meet in the Hall of Secrets, from there Raiko would go to the passageway and Akiro would leave like any other tourist at the end of his visit.

Raiko begins his spirited walk through the passageway. He carries his plans. The first thing he notices are as huge enclosed mounds, they remind him of the silos used to store grain. He keeps walking and in the distance he notices two men...He has nowhere to hide. He stops and remembers what his martial arts teacher always said: focus, focus... Curiosity prevented him. He followed with his eyes the trail of one of the men when, surprisingly, he observes how he crosses the wall. That didn't faze him, his intention was clear. He walked following the orientation of the plans. There his instinct told him that the enclosures, with strong bars worn by time, were prisons. That was not on the plans. He keeps walking and stumbles. He falls and hits his head. He is knocked unconscious...when he opens his eyes he sees the other man he had seen earlier. With quick reflexes he defends himself. Four other men appear. Combat ensues until only one remains. It is the famous thief nicknamed "the Arab" who has never been caught in his misdeeds. He proposes to make a pact:

-Gentleman, we can share the profits. You are new at this and I have the experience. What do you think?

Raiko had no choice.
-I agree, he replied.

The two men continued walking until they found the gold. There they grabbed what they could. They had to leave the passage at midnight... The stoic Raiko was thinking about his children all the time. Without intending to... a light came into his consciousness but... he kept quiet. They were able to walk freely out of the passageway. Raiko waited for the Arab to get out of sight. He decides to break the pact he had made with his brother. He immediately alerts the police. He tells them what happened, offering to collaborate in his capture. It was thus that the police caught the famous "Arab" and Raiko's conscience was clear. He returned to Japan where everyone was waiting for him, especially Kyomi who, upon seeing him, hugged him and said:

-This is my real hero!

It took place under the Alhambra by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2022

October 04, 2022

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