Fractured Self, Frazzled Imagination & Tides of Corruption

This is a follow up article on Misanthropy, Sexuality & The Underworld. My intention as a Shaman is to speak & write to the few individuals who've willingly descended into the abyss only to be locked & frustrated in arrested development. My ascend from involution created the seeds of my personal redemption and I like to share my insights with the challenges I conquered. As I reflect on the last 10 years of researching my obsession with conspiracies, I've found a deeper secret.

Buried beneath the tragic experiences of the past is a mesmerizing pattern which transcends the fear of abandonment, rejection and vulnerability. As we already know, society venerates materialism, consumerism and personal detachment. This wall of silence & apathy leaves the individual isolated in a cage of self-absorption. The ability to feel authentically AND EXPRESS IT equates to arguments, negative judgments and eventual conformity. As we betray the Self year after year we become numb to the social preconditions, and internalize the suffering. Sadly, they are even times where we romanticize our self-imposed cage as necessary..."it's for the best."

I recommend some of the following material to better contextualize the overall intended message:

  • Mystery of Your Past, Present & Future (by Manly P. Hall) Lecture
  • Quechua, Tarispay Pacha...time to find ourselves.
  • Healing My Pain with the Mother Goddess
  • Sacred Bloodlines and Mysteries of the Goddess - ROBERT SEPEHR



The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true
sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and
emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of
combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes (omnes superfluities comburit). But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without
emotion. C. G. Jung - Four Archetypes (Chapter 1, 178)

The mindset an individual has created to interact with the external world, also reflects the internal psychic events which possess the mind. These emotional complexes reveal themselves most clearly through passions, obsessions and creativity. These preconditioned psychic forces emanate from a timeless past which encompass the distant memories of our ancestors.


In the Tao Te Ching, the Mother-Goddess archetype is used describe the way of life; the tao. The way of life elucidates to the honest observer a self-evident rhythm, synchronicity and emergent spontaneous order in the natural world. The seemingly contradicting elements (i.e fire & water - creation & destruction) of reality are in truth complimentary, mutually beneficial and indivisible (read more here).

There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites. This is the paternal principle, the Logos, which eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb; in a word, from unconsciousness. Divine curiosity yearns to be born and does not shrink from conflict, suffering, or sin. Unconsciousness is the primal sin, evil itself, for the Logos. --C.G. Jung "Four Archetypes" pg. 30 sec. 178

Our passions, emotions & dreams shake our foundation & inspire us to greater heights much more than reason alone. The heroic adventures found in myths captivate the imagination to such an extent that these stories become inseparable from human existence; story-telling is at its core is a human endeavor. Through the power of story-telling the individual creates a transcendental existence which can empower or dis-empower the human collective. The greatest story ever told was that of the perpetual contest between the creative forces of good and the involution of evil.


Humanity's history is replete with unnecessary conflict which ultimately has benefited a kakistocratic class of authority figures. The penchant of the fractured self to lust after absolute power over others is a universal theme found in all cultures. A culturally conditioned perspective will most likely recognize that which is most convenient to the established beliefs of the time. Today the world's prevalent social order is based on coercion, fraud & violence and it is actively defended by generations of repeaters, follow-orders and petty tyrants.


Those who seek to dominate others use the power of nightmares to coerce weak-willed fools to accept a set of beliefs with a costume to match. Moreover, when a society's foundational myths are based in erogenous beliefs these errors persist despite the self-evident truth, because it is materially rewarding to go along with the trend. The convenience of letting oneself be persuaded away from uncomfortable truths supplants the burning desire to know more, achieve more and liberate oneself from arrested-development. Society presents us with roles to play, limited paths to take and beautiful lies to long as we play along without spoiling the secret. Unfortunately, the big secret passes over our head due to its simplicity: human perception creates powerful illusions.

At the core of human development, social organization and individual aspirations is the endless bounty of imagination which fuels creation.

Imagination is the ability to visualize the external world around us and recreate it in accordance to our Will. The Self engages with the external world through what it imagines to be possible or impossible. Stories challenge us to reconsider what we've felt to be real, and also can beguile us into self-abnegation. Sophisticated con-men, powerful dictators and other power-hungry adepts use the power of dreams & nightmares to create a following. Ultimately, it is the individual who betrays his/her unique & imaginative experience in exchange for culturally sanctioned security that is at fault.

In essence, the political violence, economic downturns and social collapse are waves of corruption emanating from our frazzled imagination. The individual is awakening to a post-human world where instant gratification no longer obfuscate the source of our existential sickness. Humanity is in the eye of a socio-politico-economic storm. In this vortex, individuals are presented with an opportunity to challenge their preconceived notions.

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