Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 11 - Necrons, Obelisk


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Necrons - Obelisk

Right... so I have never played against one of these before and after reading the rules for this unit, I do not think that I will ever have to fight one!

For a whopping 325pts, I think that Necron players will have BETTER things to spend their time on!

It has a 8" Move with Fly and it is Towering and Titanic.

It has an extremely beefy defensive profile with Toughness 13, 2+ Save and a whopping 24 Wounds!

However... it has some pretty niche damage output.

4x Tesla Spheres are like this each:

6 Shots at 24", Sustained Hits 2, which means a 6 to Hit will score 3 hits.
Strength 7, no AP at all and 1 Damage.

It has the Anti-Fly 4+ rule which means that it will wound any flyer with a Toughness Higher than 8 on a 4+. Units with Fly that have a lower toughness than 8 would be wounded on a 4+ or easier anyway. So this is rather niche.

Its got 1 fairly good rule that is good at stopping enemy movement but it only works on 1 enemy unit. If that unit is a "Fly" unit then it can also cause damage.

But basically for this rule to work, the enemy has to start its movement phase within 18" of the Obelisk and then the Necron activates its Gravatic Pulse on that unit.

Halve move, half Advances and half charge rolls. Even a good Mounted unit on bikes within 17" will not make a charge on the Obelisk even if they had Advance and Charge.

M12 Space Marine Outrides would go M6" (so 11" Away)
On an Advance of D6 and getting a perfect 6 it they would get 3" (now 8" away)
They could declare a charge if they are within 12" and roll 2D6 and add them together... but the Gravatic Pulse would halve that so a perfect double 6 wold be 12" and this would then become 6" and they would be 2" short of a charge!

This still needed three sixes rolled to make these distances.

There is virtually no units that can make that charge in 1 turn and the only exception I can see that CAN do it, can't hurt an Obelisk much so would not bother!

So... IF a Necron player wanted to invest 325pts into something like this... they would have to have a massive shooting potential and not good melee potential. It would also indicate that this Necron player plays against enemies with scary melee units with a low amount of elites.

Because the Gravatic Pulse can only affect ONE enemy unit a turn and thus Ork Beastsnaggas would disassemble the Obelisk no problem!

Well.. that's another one for the vault!

Thank you for reading this post! I hope that you enjoyed it!

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** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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