Three Tune Tuesday | 3 Portuguese Songs | Exercise Proposal | A Unique Musical Genre

Greetings Fellow Hivers🙌

Hello dear reader! Ufff😅 I made it.... It's been a few weeks since my first post and... what a rush! 😁 I literally needed to take some time off since it was pretty overwhelming, in a great and wonderful way! And with the holidays coming it was the perfect opportunity to take some time to let sink in.

Happy new year!

I cannot express how my heart was full of love and happiness seeing and receiving all of your love and welcoming in this new world. The first one I was able to express myself freely and I must say - I'm loving it (note to self - Mcdonald's song🎤parapa pa pa🎤)!

Bare with me, dear reader, as in today I will alow myself to express yet another hidden piece of me. Today's post is all about music, feelings and possibly presenting a unique musical genre in the world to Hive (note to self - I hope they like it 😆). But first, I would like to take a moment to explain, to you dear reader, how this few weeks have been and make a few public acknowledgment as I feel they were important to my evolution here and to the development of this post.

It took me 4 or so days to answer to everyone who kindly took the time to comment my intro post. As my Resource Credits got depleted I took the message that I should be patient and interact more with the community overall. Taking my time to interact with everyone and not to rush was also advised by @ablaze, who is the first one I give my thanks 🙏 He was also the one who gave me the idea for this post, as I will explain better later.

Secondly my thanks to @creativemary with whom I had a wonderful interaction in her post about dreaming, courage and voice. Reading her post and interacting through the comments gave me the courage to explore another part of me that I have always rejected because I feel I'm no good at it and I'm very shy in this regard. And that is - music and singing! 🎼 🎤Also the very reason for this post, that much like the first one, comes with a personal confrontation too 😆 (note to self - look what you got yourself into 🙈)

👁‍🗨 You can see @creativemary post here 👉@creativemary/make-your-own-mtv 👁‍🗨

Lastly, to @samsmith1971 and @consciouscat for the kind interactions and clues in the comments of my intro post. I learned the possibility to enrich my post with GIFs, as you will see, and also be more watchful for typing errors. I expect still making a few since I'm not used to write in English, so feel free to point out any spelling errors you see.

Thank you all for being part of my personal growth and giving me the opportunity and courage to explore my voice, in so many ways, hopefully more in the near future 🙏.


Dear reader, let's get to the point? 🎹

Three Tuned Tuesday by @ablaze🙌


Last week I came across @ablaze post of three tuned tuesday idea, which in short, is to choose 3 songs and talk about them. As he encourages fellow Hivers to do the same, I now bring you, dear reader, my 3 song recommendation 😄

👁‍🗨 You can see his post and more details about Three Tuned Tuesday here 👇
@ablaze/pink-floyd-three-tune-tuesday-song-recommendations-week-31 👁‍🗨

With that being said, as it suits my mood and feelings the best, the music and artist I bring today are more like underground, emotional and deep tunes (note to self - or at least is how I feel them). So, if you find yourself in a lower mood today I invite you to get some tissue papers and allow yourself to feel those emotions, as I believe it can be the way to let them go. If you feel the need to run away from them, that's ok too. Everything in your own time. 🙌

Also the songs are in my native language which is portuguese. If you're not happy about listening to a language you don't understand I want to let you know that's exactly my purpose. I invite you to listen to the more subliminar message. To explore the emotions this songs make you feel without understanding what they are singing about.

I propose the following exercise for the fellow hivers that want to explore the more emotional side of this post. I will give some suggestions to leave you in a more relaxed state and clear mind. We will be doing this through some breathing exercises and relaxation technique I learned in my profession.
If you don't feel like doing this, that's ok too! Just skip this part and go straight to "My 3 song recommendation" part. I hope you enjoy the music, tunes and rhythms I share there😊

Exercise Proposal🧘‍♂️



I want to leave you, dear reader, with a few considerations. As this are unstructured exercises and I'm not there with you, they don't have a specific order. The main purpose is that you feel relaxed and calm. I believe it will help if you do them all in order, but feel free to do only the steps you feel comfortable. Think about what will help you the best to achieve that relaxed state.

Breathing deeply is fundamental.

Fun science fact - when we breathe deeply, specially when we make a good use of our diaphragm muscle, we actually are able to stimulate the nervous system. As the nerve that links the diaphragm to the spine, called the phrenic nerve, can trigger a response from the parasympathetic nervous system, that is responsable for unconscious mechanisms like reducing the heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline. So when we breath deeply there's usually a feeling of calm and stable emotional state as a result of this triggered autonomic response.

1. Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying on the floor). Place some pillows and/or blankets, if necessary, to make sure you're body can relax and you are warm.

2. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable. If not, fix your gaze on a point in front of you.

3. Start noticing your breathing. How it feels, the air going in and out, the movement of the ribs. Let the air fill your lungs fully, and gently exhale completely.

4. Slowly begin to deepen your breathing. Do about 8 ou 10 respiratory cycles.

5. Listen to the music.

6. Write down what emotions you felt (any you can name or identify).

7. Repeat for each song from the begining (you can listen just 1 song/day)

I would love to read your thoughts about this and if you feel comfortable, please share what emotions you got and your oppinion in the comments. There are no such thing as wrong answers as the same song can trigger different emotions on different people. I look foward to read them all 😊

Dear reader, are you ready to board on this ride with me? Get ready. Breathe. Listen. 🎧

My 3 song recommendation 🎼

1 - Manuel Cruz - Ninguém é quem queria ser

Amor dá-me tesão is the name of the first solo project of Manuel Cruz, launched back in 2008. In this 40 music disc 😱 is where this song is included.

As I researched to bring this information to you, I now realize that are many songs of him I still haven't listened (note so self - so excited!! 😁) and I know by heart more than a few! To give you, dear reader, an idea of my obsession with him I've been listening to Manuel Cruz for the past year - on repeat mode!, everyday.

This song leads me to a place of reflection. Thinking in who I am and want I want to be. Makes me feel like I'm trying to stay afloat, fighting towards the unreachable. Like when you have a nightmare and you're trying to catch up to someone or something but never being able to do so.

But, shouldn't I embrace who I am right now? The pressure I input myself to be better and the perfectionism also reflects the thinking that myself at the moment is not good enough, and needs to be improved in order to be accepted and validated.

And as he says in the chorus...

Ninguém é quem queria ser. Eu queria ser ninguém.

I won't translate it because I don't wanna disrespect the meaning of the words, as my native language can be very ambiguous, but feel free to search for yourself if you want to 😊

Fun cultural fact - Portugal is a small yet old country. We have more than 850 years of history and our native language is very peculiar. We even have words that don't have translation (that I know of) like saudade. This word refers to the feeling of missing someone or something. To a feeling of longing to return home as portuguese were the people who discovered half the world by sea.

2 - Madredeus - Haja o que houver

Haja o que houver belongs to the album O paraíso, launched in 1997. This song, from Madredeus, a musical portuguese group that combine popular music with that unique genre I will talk about in the last song. Saving the best for last 😆

This tune leaves me with saudade. A feeling something was lost and the faith it might return someday to us, even if in an unexpected way. Makes me feel sad and hopeful at the same time. If I would find myself in a deep feeling that everything is lost, be a love, a family member, motivation to work, this is the kind of song that makes me feel better. After feeling all the sadness that there is to feel I become much lighter and with hope.

Dear reader, get ready for the last one, as it will be intense! Have you ever heard of Fado?



Silêncio que se vai cantar o Fado | Silence, that Fado will be sung
A popular portuguese expression when someone is about to sing this musical genre

3 - Mariza - Ó gente da minha Terra

This music leaves me speechless... The lyrics are a poem by Amália Rodrigues a pioneer in Fado music and considered the best. Amália had that unique voice you only see once in a lifetime. Mariza then adapted the song , in 2001, in her own way. I must say it's my favorite so far.

Fado is a unique musical genre, created in Portugal and was declared by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity! Fado was present in the everyday life and was about singing the daily narrative. It's usually followed by the portuguese guitar that has 6 pairs of strings and sounds a bit different than a classic guitar.

This song makes me feel proud. A suffered pride from common struggles of the people. As Fado is unique from my country I can't maintain impartiality. This lyrics are so emotional that portuguese people can feel that union even from a great distance. Once again, I feel it's related to the fact that portuguese were great explorers of the sea thus saying goodbye to loved ones was a common thing as well feeling saudade , that longing to return home.

If you were amazed by the song and want to hear it again, I think it's worth checking this live version and see it to the end. You will see how much emotion and feelings Mariza gives to every word of Amália's poem. And also notice the portuguese guitar and its melodies 😃 I get goosebumps every damn time! Live version - Ó gente da minha terra

Final Considerations 🎻

Uff 😅... Dear reader, that was a long run of emotions was it not 😆? I started writing this post last week and inicially my intentions were to make a simpler/shorter post but then the words just seemed to flow and I let it. Whenever I write a post, it is with the intention of letting thoughts and words flow freely and honestly, whether the result being a long or short post.

The exercise proposal was not original intended, it just occurred to me as I writed, but it seemed a fun way to interact more with the community. To be fun, uplifting and bringing great music to the Hive blockchain.

I don't know if any fellow Hiver as already talked about Fado as I'm a newbie, so feel free to comment with a link to posts with more Fado songs 😊

I really hope you liked it, both the full version as the short one if you skipped the "Exercise Proposal" part 😚 I say goodbye now, dear reader, and leave you with a GIF that I believe best describes the emotions that these great songs left me 🙏


The images used are not my own and you can find them on GIF Powered by Tenor.

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