Fellow Scholars and Scribes! I bid you welcome to the second annual SCRIBE SPOTLIGHT! πŸ™Œ glasses get broken πŸ™Œ

Each year we take a month to celebrate and commemorate our most diligent and talented authors. πŸ•Ί


The Scholar and Scribe Invitational concludes in 24h! Still got time to submit an entry. ✍️
Congratulations @nkemakonam89! You receive 1 HSBI for delightfully engaging on @whywhy's spotlight. πŸ™Œ

Criteria for being chosen:
Your staked Scribe; your activity in the community; the number of writings you have posted; as well as your overall conduct with other members.

All quotes in this showcase are from the spotlighted creator's works.

Our spotlight authors will receive 4 HSBI, 500 Ecency Points and 175 Pizza tokens as a token of the mod team's gratitude for their presence in the Scholar and Scribe community.

Up next we got a cat whose consistency knows no bounds. They pounced on the scene with an appetite for writing that couldn't be quenched. They prowled, asserting dominance and marking their territory. Before you knew it, another post would come. Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I bring to you... πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯

πŸ‘ rak7 πŸ‘

Pardon the cat metaphors. I don't know what came over me. πŸ˜… I promise to never do that again. Now, you must admit they were aptly used though. I was not exaggerating when I so vividly described rak7 arrival in the community.

When someone likes to write - they like to write. Shocking, I know. Rak (I hope I can call you Rak) has proven that their love for the craft transcends the mundane. Encroaching on obsessiveness, harnessed by boundless creativity. A potent cocktail for becoming an excellent author.

@rak7's style is most interesting. It resembles almost a theatre play and is by all my accounts unique. It's honestly a breath of fresh air seeing someone come up with something new and interesting. Here's a series that nicely showcases this interesting perspective.

CLICK HERE TO READ "The Bounty Hunter's Odyssey"

The series I linked is ongoing. I chose the latest chapter so you guys can have the links of the available chapters and easily read along. πŸ•Ί

What I meant by perspective is the mix of 3rd person-limited and omniscient. This has been done before, yes, but never in the theater-eque style that Rak has. The feel itself reminds me a lot of old-school comic books. I'm talking 60's. I love that there is a narrator priming us and hyping us up for what's in store.

The city seemed different to Thomson as he walked its streets, the knowledge of Bellini's reach casting long shadows over the familiar sights. With his son and Vincent at his side, he headed to a safe house, the first step in dismantling the remnants of the criminal empire.

@rak7 is also versed in different genres. Injecting some much-needed, and frankly lacking, romance in the community. The following link is to the last chapter, so make sure to scroll down so as to not get spoiled.

CLICK HERE TO READ "Lovers in Tokyo"

The writing style is much more traditional here, quaint. Which I think suits this wholesome story just fine. This, combined with the now omniscient perspective creates this cozy. safe feeling.Which again, suits this type of story just fine.

As days turn into nights, Emi starts visiting Haruki more often. They converse in broken sentences, laughter, and gestures. One day, Emi scribbles on a piece of paper, "Your music speaks to me." Haruki, reading it, smiles and writes back, "And your presence gives it meaning."

A staple of the S&S community and a very competent author who is willing to experiment. Hardworking and consistent, they have shown us that steady effort pays off in the long run. I hope tor read many more diverse and interesting tales from this cat of ours. 🐯

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About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

Thank you for reading this Scribe Spotlight!

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen.

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