Shook Chaper 16: Case Closed

Previous Part:
Shook Chapter 15 | Where Have You Been

Dyan's on the news, and her best friend Kayla has just found out. She's not the only one who's been searching for Dyan. Foster Care's been on the look out for a missing kid, and this ten year old newly-published authorlooks familiar...


“So Dyan, you’re the 10 year-old writer who’s taken kids by storm with your new book, Spirit and the Aliens! tell us, what gave you the idea for such an inspiring book!” The news lady gushes.

“Well, for years I’ve had the ideas about the adventures of a girl named Spirit, so I decided to make them into a story! I was inspired by lots of real people and places,” Dyan smiles, glancing at the group of people behind her who, for some reason, all have blue hair.

“Seriously!? Dyan got on the news!? She’s such a scaredy cat though! She couldn’t even face Old Husk!” Cecila yelled, staring at the screen, watching Dyan smile and bounce around like an idiot. The more she watched her, the more Cecilia wanted to crunch the remote or beat that girl to bits. Why couldn’t Cecilia be on TV, getting interviewed for a wonderful thing she made!?

Cecilia’s mom, who was grabbing breakfast plates off the table, heard her. “She can be a scaredy cat all she wants, Cecilia . She's on TV, you’re not.”

Cecilia growled. She had spent about an hour yesterday telling her mom how cool she thought the book would be, only to find out that it was written by Dyan Blue, who was not a smart adult with a cool imagination, but dumb old scardey Dyan from School. Cecilia couldn’t believe Dyan had gotten adopted.

And just when she thought the day couldn’t get any worse, her mom yelled, “Besides, didn’t you want that book?”

Cecilia had to fight the urge to scream or break the remote.

“Not anymore.”

Mrs. Moleti was at an Airbnb sitting on the bed, multi-tasking as usual. Watching a judge TV show while scrolling her phone. She carefully remembered to turn her hair dryer off once done using it. After all, she didn’t want to start another fire.

That’s when she stopped scrolling at one of the headlines. 10 YEAR-OLD GIRL HAS OVERNIGHT SUCCESS WITH BOOK, Spirit and the Aliens. Mrs. Moliti clicked on the article mainly because the picture was of a girl she felt she had seen before. Mrs. Moleti grabbed her folder full of foster kid documents. She flipped to Dyan’s page, and lined it up with the girl on her phone.

The same hair. The same face. the same name. The girl in Mrs. Moleti’s documents and the girl on the phone were the same. The only thing different was that while Mrs. Moleti had been informed that Dyan’s last name was Smith, this news article stated that her last name was Blue. And that she lived on Adventure Ridge.

“The Blue household huh?” Mrs. Moleti mumbled to herself. “Maybe I’ll take a trip there and see just what you’re up to.”

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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