Shook Chapter 15 | Where Have You Been?

Previous Part:
Overnight Succsess | Shook Chapter 14

Dyan's book has sold one million copies! She's even gotten a movie deal! While she's going on TV, her classmates are just finding out where she's been all this time...


Kayla was busy sitting on the living room floor, playing with her pony toys, the couch being their stage. The news was on in the background.

She missed playing pony games with Dyan, her best friend. Dyan always made wonderful stories and adventures for the ponies to have. Kayla hadn’t seen Dyan ever since the school’s holiday break started. It was like she disappeared, and Kayla never knew her in the first place.

The local news droned on about the week's freezing weather.

“-We’ve got a 30% percent chance of snow tomorrow. But onto a special story about the girl who wrote a book and got famous overnight at age 10. We’re talking about the debut author, Dyan Blue!”

Kayla immediately turned her attention to the TV.

“DYAN!?” Then logic came back into her mind. Maybe it wasn’t the Dyan she knew. Even though her name is the same and she is ten, the Dyan she knew didn’t have the last name Blue. Despite her doubts, Kayla still kept her eyes locked on the TV screen.

She saw a huge teal-colored van at the front of a big yellow house. The news lady was talking to a kid who’s hair was a hazy blue color. He seemed dazed and confused. Then a woman came to the door, and closed it. For a second Kayla thought it was some other Dyan for sure and that’s when Dyan came out of the house, a huge smile on her face.

“Yes! This is where I live! And I’d love to have that interview!” Dyan yelled.

Kayla gasped. “Mama! Papa! Dyan’s on TV!”

Mama and Papa quickly came into the room and stared at the tv.

“Oh! She is on TV, isn’t She? Well isn’t that just lucky. And for what?” Kayla’s Mama asked and quieted down to find out the reason. Kayla already knew. Dyan had written a book so good, she had made it on TV. Kayla had always known Dyan’s stories were good!

“Go Dyan! Woo-hoo! My best friend is on TV!” Kayla yelled, and she began to jump, an uncontrollable smile on her face. A question began to bounce around Kayla's head.

Why hadn’t Dyan told her she had gotten adopted?

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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