The Darkness Of Envy | Shook Chapter 17

Previous Part:
Shook Chaper 16: Case Closed

The Blue family is out to celebrate the release of Dyan's book! Cecila happens to be there too, and seeing weirdo Dyan all exited after ghosting everyone at shcool doesn’t make her too happy...


“Well, it’s been a pleasure to talk with you, Dyan… Blue right?” The news lady raised an eyebrow as she leaned the microphone towards Dyan.

Dyan turned and looked at the Blue family behind her. They were all grinning, which made Dyan’s smile grow bigger.

Dyan nodded and turned back to the news lady. “Yep. Dyan Blue.”

The news lady turned to the man holding the camera, putting the microphone back under her mouth. “Well people, that was Dyan BLUE. And we’re off.”

The camera stopped rolling and before you knew it, the news van was down the road.

Then the crowd of Blues made their way towards Dyan and she was surrounded. Maya squeezed her, while Mr. Blue, Navy, and Royal yelled compliments about Dyan’s interview. Azure jumped on Dyan and she almost fell down the driveway, but she hugged him back. Mrs. Blue came out with Bear and he began to run around the family, barking, his bushy tail waving around.

“I can’t believe you’re a famous writer now! I watched you write your book!” True yelled, her dolls at her sides.

“When you buy a sports car, can I ride in it?” asked Wild Yonder, who still had his gaming headset on.

“I couldn’t have done any of this without you all’s help,” Dyan reminded them again.

“Still, it was your dream, and you made it happen. We just helped you.” said Mr. Blue.

“You know, successful writers and their writing teams deserve a treat. How about we all go for ice cream later?!” yelled Mrs. Blue, and the whole family agreed.

When the sun was gone and the sky was a dim blue, Dyan and the Blue family went out to The Ice-creamery, a thin little ice cream shop attached to a line of stores.

One side of the shop was where people were in line ordering their ice cream, and the other side was lined with tables. Dyan zipped up her coat, as it felt like it was colder inside than it was outside.

Dyan had never been taken to get ice cream, and so for once, she had the choice to choose what she wanted, instead of taking whatever they had at the foster home. Dyan could hardly choose what to get as there were over twenty flavors.

“What are you gonna get?” she asked Navy, who was in front of her.

“Peanut-butter and vanilla. I love that combo!” said Navy.

Royal spoke up from in front of him. “If you want a dry mouth, sure, peanut butter ice cream tastes great. But I’m getting German chocolate. It’s so sweet, and I love the chewy chocolate brownie bits in it.

“I’m getting pistachio!” yelled Azure, and Mr. Blue agreed as well. “Pistachio is the best flavor, nutty and sweet, like someone I know,” he turned to Mrs. Blue, who only rolled her eyes.

The guy at the cash register looked at Dyan, his silver scoop hovering over the ice-cream tubs. “What flavor do you want?”

“Umm….” Dyan’s mind was scrambling. Which one did she want!? She decided to choose randomly. “Coffee! I want coffee ice cream!”

“Okay.” He nodded, and soon enough Dyan had a light brown ice cream with zig-zags of dark brown fudge on top.

“You do know that coffee ice cream contains caffeine right?” Navy asked Dyan. “It’s gonna be hard for you to sleep at night!”

“Well, you could have told me that before I ordered it!” Dyan frowned at Navy.

“It’s fine,” said Mr. Blue. “You two settle down.”

Dyan was pleased with the creamy, sweet coffee flavor she had gotten. She smiled and looked at stars that were beginning to sparkle about in the dark purple sky.

“Mr. Blue? Can I eat my ice cream outside?” Dyan asked.

Mr. Blue shrugged. “Go ahead.”

Maya, who was busy balancing a chocolate cookie bit on the tip of her tongue, noticed Dyan heading out. “Iw gou-hoo!” she garbled and quickly ran after Dyan.

“Coffee ice-cream is the best! It tastes a little like coffee, but really sweet!”

“You drink coffee?” asked Maya.

“No, but I’ve snuck some before at one of the foster homes I’ve lived at. All the kids there had snuck some one morning, and our foster mom kept wondering where all her coffee went!” Dyan laughed.

“Hm.” said Maya. Dyan rarely ever talked about her life in foster homes. “Still, coffee is nothing compared to cookies and cream!” Maya rose her waffle cone, which was full of the mentioned flavor.

Dyan looked up at the beautiful night sky, and when she looked down, she wasn’t pleased at what she saw. She saw Cecilia, yes, mean, bossy, shorter-than the door handle Cecilia from school. She was wearing the pink fur coat she usually wore.

Cecilia put a hand on her hip and pulled her chin up high, looking at Dyan as if she were dumber, and shorter than her.

Dyan glared back at her.

Still looking at Dyan, Cecilia yanked the store door open, and ended up walking into the glass, which made a loud ‘BUMP!’ Then Cecilia looked straight ahead and walked quickly into the ice cream shop.

While Dyan tried to evaporate her feelings of anger, Maya was laughing.

“Did you see that girl!?” asked Maya.

“Yes, but I don’t like her. She’s from my school.” Dyan looked down and focused on eating her waffle cone.

“What, she’s a bully or something?” Maya asked.


The girls ate their ice-creams quietly, the crunch of a waffle cone and swivels in seats the only things breaking the silence.

But soon Cecilia came back outside, a strawberry ice cream in a cup-shaped cone.

She headed towards Dyan's table.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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