Be Entrepreneur

A community to grow as an entrepreneur/Una comunidad para crecer como emprendedor

If you are an entrepreneur or want to start on this exciting path you have come to the right place. Ser Emprendedor is a space to share knowledge, experiences, highs and lows, motivations, doubts and everything that leads us to be better every day in this creative process of entrepreneurship.

Let's make Ser Emprendedor a community of learning, strengths, support and growth to make your dream, your project, your purpose a reality.

Si eres emprendedor o deseas iniciarte en este apasionante camino has llegado al lugar ideal. Ser emprendedor es un espacio para compartir conocimientos, experiencias, altos y bajos, motivaciones, dudas y todo aquello que nos lleva a ser cada día mejores en este proceso creativo del emprendimiento.

Hagamos de Ser Emprendedor una comunidad de aprendizaje, fortalezas, apoyo y crecimiento para hacer realidad tu sueño, tu proyecto, tu propósito


- It is recommended to publish in Spanish and English, any other language must be translated.

- The content must be original. Plagiarism and recycling of posts is not accepted.

- The publications must have a minimum length of 500 words in one language.

- The content must be closely related to the venture (See presentation post).

- Respect the copyright by making the respective references in case of using them.

- The images not owned must be taken from free portals and place the original source.

- Maintain the rules of coexistence, respect and tolerance, as well as a language free of abuse, hate or discrimination.

- No cross-posting.

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