GHAWG, Uninterrupted: Act 5

GHAWG, Uninterrupted: The First Daily Zapfic Serial Published at LeoThreads

This post features Act 5-- uninterrupted, no comments-- of the daily zapfic serial #GHAWG published at LeoThreads.

Post images made using MS Paint.


  • About #GHAWG
  • Previously, in Interlude 2
  • Act 5
    • Zapfic entries from [161] 2023-August-16 through [193] 2023-September-17
  • Quick Summary of Act 5
  • Navigation to Other Acts in #GHAWG
  • When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG

About #GHAWG

Below is the description taken from the first annotated weekly summary covering #GHAWG:

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

(Hyperlinks in original)

2 months after I began publishing the daily zapfic serial, I decided to publish a weekly summary which also included commentary relevant to each zapfic entry.

The weekly summaries add depth to #GHAWG. However, they are capped at 7 entries (with perhaps a few bonus entries). With the serial entering its 6th month, it can take a while to get caught up even with the delayed weekly summaries.

Recently it occurred to me that some people would prefer to read the zapfic uninterrupted; that is, with no commentary, just the text. For this reason I will publish on a recurring basis a post containing all the zapfic entries associated with one Act (or Interlude) of the daily zapfic serial.

Eventually, these Uninterrupted posts will catch up with the daily zapfic serial. At that point, these Uninterrupted posts will be published at the end of each Act (or Interlude) as needed.

For anyone interested in commentary, start with the post featuring zapfic entries 1 through 7 along with the introduction.

Previously, in Interlude 2

Our Heroes-- both David Guardia's crew and The Mongols led by Harry Hoqualogue-- begin their ride out of STURGIS toward San Diego, California, US by being tourists at monuments such as Mount Rushmore in southwestern South Dakota and landmarks such as Devils Tower in northeastern Wyoming.

After reaching Bozeman, Montana, US they take a few days to unwind from the tension they encountered when they met at STURGIS. When they resume their ride to Portland, Oregon, US, the reletionship between David and Harry had been totally reset.

Act 5

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 161. 2023-08-16 00:01:39
Once in Spokane, Washington, we were in the Pacific Northwest. This offered us a different kind of beauty: more green, less tan & sand. Just as we had in Montana & (briefly) Idaho, we would ride I-90 to Seattle and Puget Sound.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 162. 2023-08-17 00:16:45
I-90 from Spokane to Seattle played tricks with us. From Spokane to Tokio & Ritzville, it took us closer to Oregon. Then it stayed paralell to Oregon until we hit Ellensburg and took us back toward Canada. WA-2 was straighter.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 163. 2023-08-18 00:07:36
As it was, we reached Seattle in 3 days. Since Harry's last trip there 15 years earlier, The Emerald City had turned sickly pale. It was less vibrant and more ill. That's what happens when people care about the wrong things.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 164. 2023-08-19 00:03:57
For the most part, people left us alone. Maybe it was because most of us were Mongols, or they were too focused on their daily fix. It's not what I had imagined, that much I knew. Could I expect this when we ride into Portland?

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 165. 2023-08-20 00:12:30
During a rest stop I discovered an Army & Navy store which also sold work clothes. An instruction flashed before me. When I returned, I handed my crew yellow construction coats with phosphorescent stripes and detachable sleeves.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 166. 2023-08-21 00:25:18
Even The Mongols looked at me as if was crazy.

"This is what we're going to wear when we ride through Portland," I said.

"You didn't get any for my guys?" asked Harry.

"It's not my place to tell a Mongol how to dress, Harry."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 167. 2023-08-22 00:11:30
"My mission started by delivering a message to Harry," I began. "That message also had a message for me: To ride through Portland at night. Today I realized that a few of us would be wearing yellow vests. So I bought a few."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 168. 2023-08-23 00:03:21
"If my instructions are coming to me as I need them," I continued, "then everything will come into focus as the moment draws near. I can't explain exactly what we're to accomplish, but I trust in The Lord who led us this far."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 169. 2023-08-24 00:03:18
Rhonda took a coat for herself and removed the sleeves. Sanjay, Lionel, Hank & Frank did the same. Just as The Mongols had their motorcycle club vests, now we had ours. For now, no design; just shining bold light into darkness.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 170. 2023-08-25 00:13:24
The next day we began our ride out. Just as we were passing through the Capitol Hill district we were met by a group of people curious about us. These were people ignored in favor of those attention whores hogging the spotlight.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 171. 2023-08-26 00:06:03
Thanks to the people curious about us, we discovered a block party was taking place on our route out of Seattle. At this block party were the city's elected officials, including the mayor. My new clients had a message for them.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 172. 2023-08-27 00:19:39
"We have more guests," announced the mayor. Everyone turned to us. "Tell us about yourselves. What brings you here?"

"We're just riding back to San Diego from STURGIS, baby!!" shouted Harry, with a loud roar from his Mongols.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 173. 2023-08-28 00:11:54
"However," continued Harry, "my associates"-- pointing to my crew-- "have a message for you." The mayor began to look concerned. Then I began speaking.

"I'm here to deliver a message of love and peace"-- the crowd went wild.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 174. 2023-08-29 00:17:54
--"Love one another and love yourselves as I have loved you, says The Lord." The crowd began to murmur.

"This includes respecting the rights of all the people calling Seattle home. ALL OF THEM-- not just those whom you favor."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 175. 2023-08-30 00:02:12
'--"Thus says The Lord," I continued. "Your people bear unbearable burdens, things to which they have rights were instead given to those airdropped into town-- and what did they leave in their wake?" The crowd became silent.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 176. 2023-08-31 00:02:03
--"An empty shell in ruins. Garbage in, garbage out"-- Boos began to be heard. "Those who could leave, left. Those remaining just want to be left in peace. BUT NO!-- they are left to deal with bad decisions made all around."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 177. 2023-09-01 00:06:00
--"I make no threats of any kind, that I can tell you," I said. "But heed my words: Serve your people as they need to be served, not as you wish to serve them. At the same time, let them live in peace; they'll produce for you."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 178. 2023-09-02 12:17:15
--"If you continue as you have, the people of this town will put you in your place. What that place is, I cannot say. Among the places they can put you are behind bars or in a pine box. Whatever you decide, the choice is yours."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 179. 2023-09-03 00:45:00
--"We were on our way our of here; out of here we will go. Thank you for your time and for this forum. May The Lord bless you in your decision making. Hasta la vista." We revved our engines to resume our egress from Seattle.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 180. 2023-09-04 01:48:39
The people at the block party were too confused to stop us from riding out of town; we rode out as fast as we could within speed limits. We took Interstate 5 past Tacoma, Camp Murray, & Olympia. Grand Mound was where we stopped.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 181. 2023-09-05 00:18:27
From Grand Mound we stayed on I-5. On our route was Centralia, Castle Rock, Pleasant Hill, Longview, and a few other places. We called it a night in Vancouver-- not the better-known Vancouver in Canada, but the one near Oregon.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 182. 2023-09-06 00:12:57
Vancouver, Washington-- north of the Columbia River, facing Portland, Oregon-- was our staging area for tonight's ride into PDX. We needed LED lanterns, so I bought some for my crew. It was a purchase I felt compelled to make.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 183. 2023-09-07 00:15:12
Night returned. Our convoy was 7 rows of 3 riders across. this time, the yellow vests were arranged in the form of a cross; this is why we had the LED lanterns. All of us-- Mongols included-- prayed for safe passage this night.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 184. 2023-09-08 00:18:30
We rode into Portland as slow as we could without stopping traffic. As dusk faded into night our moving cross lit the night thanks to the LED lanterns. Between the yellow vests and the LED lanterns, we were visible from the sky.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 185. 2023-09-09 01:28:48
It was uneventful much of the ride. It was looking as if our ride would go without a hitch. I spoke too soon. Before reaching I-5 again, demonstrators blocked us. Among them was the black bloc brigade. We were at an impasse.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 186. 2023-09-10 00:25:03
As we drew closer to each other I noticed a familiar face behind black bloc. I stopped the convoy and dismounted my trike. Rhonda, behind me in Row 2, also dismounted. The demonstrator was surprised to recognize Rhonda and me.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 187. 2023-09-11 00:25:03
"I know you," said the demonstrator.

"We know you," Rhonda answered. I looked at Rhonda, and she nodded.

"As I recall," I said to the familiar face, "you were almost left for dead in Iowa."

"We saved your life," said Rhonda.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 188. 2023-09-12 00:27:12
"What brings you to Portland?" asked the demonstrator.

"Just passing through," I replied. "That is, until you stopped us."

"What were you doing in Iowa?" asked Rhonda.

The demonstrator replied, tearily: "I went home to die."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 189. 2023-09-13 00:13:00
Rhonda & I looked at each other. Then I said to the demonstrator, "It wasn't your time to die, and it wasn't my time to die when a fuel tanker exploded in LeClaire."

"What are you saying?"

"You're ready to start your mission."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 190. 2023-09-14 00:11:21
"What's my mission?" asked the demonstrator.

"That's between you & The Lord who saved me, literally."

The demonstrator squinted hard.

"A good start to finding your mission is to walk away from this." I pointed all around us.

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 191. 2023-09-15 00:33:48
I motioned to Harry to come over. "How far is Riverside from San Diego?"

"About 100 miles north, why?"

"I know a place which can help our new friend here. If they could help the hippies in the 70s, they can truly help now."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 192. 2023-09-16 00:15:24
"So what's the plan?" asked the demonstrator. "Let us go and you stay. Keep us here, it won't be pretty for anyone. Let us go and you ride with us to Riverside with a clean slate. You're over 21, so your fate is what you make."

View thread using LeoThreads ♦ 193. 2023-09-17 00:51:48
The demonstrator went quiet, then gave the OK signal to let us resume our ride. "Thanks for letting us pass," I said. Then I asked "How about you?"

"I'll ride along."

"Ride with Rhonda behind me. Next stop, we'll talk more."

Quick Summary of Act 5

After a short layover in Bozeman-- where relations between David Guardia and Harry Hoqualogue of The Mongols had been reset-- Our Heroes resumed the ride to Portland where David was to carry out his next task.

Because of the path they took to get to Bozeman, they would first pass through Seattle, Washington, US. Just prior to exiting Seattle, David gets biblical at a block party attended by members of city government and issues a prophecy.

When they reach Portland, they ride through the city at night slowly. Surrounded by The Mongols, David's crew formed a bright cross which could be seen from the sky. Just as Our Heroes were about to exit Portland without incident, they were stopped by a demonstrator dressed in black bloc.

This demonstrator tuend out to be the unconscious person he and Rhonda Bella rescued from near death by the side of the road in Iowa. After David offered the demonstrator options for how events for them all would go, the demonstrator decided to let them pass and join them on their ride south until reaching Riverside, California, US.

Navigation to Other Acts in GHAWG, Uninterrupted

As later Acts (and Interludes) are published, this section will be updated with links to all other Acts (and Interludes).

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:

  • Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
  • Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with modified screen capture from LeoThreads as cover image) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
  • Monday -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted posts; when not available, The GHAWG Diaries


  • Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
  • Both kinds of posts-- Weekly Summaries and GHAWG, Uninterrupted-- can be accessed using the #GHAWGnav thread or from my LeoFinance profile page

Thank you for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads first daily zapfic serial. Until next time!

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