Index4INDEX Card 247: Mary Lou Retton 2

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.

-- Mary Lou Retton

For more about Mary Lou Retton, keep reading....


About the Quote

A positive mental attitude attracts more positivity. A negative mental attitude attracts more negativity. While in magnetism opposites-- positive charges and negative charges-- attract, when it comes to people positivity pulls positivity toward it and negativity pulls negativity toward it.

We will get both positive and negative things when we stay neutral or don't do anything. But if we deliberately think and act positively, we attract more good things than normal. It's similar for the other thing.

For most people-- there are always exceptions-- happiness doesn't come from negativity. Some people are positive by nature, and others have to work at being more positive. For those of us who have to work at being more positive, it gets easier the more we do it. Eventually being positive becomes second nature to us, and that helps us to attract more happiness.

If the words optimism and positivity needed to have pictures beside their definitions in a dictionary, it would be the face of Mary Lou Retton. No matter how grim things could get, she was able to maintain a positive outlook and persevere through adversity until she came out the side as a winner.


Some (More) Information about Mary Lou Retton

When Mary Lou Retton went to Houston to train with legendary gymnastics coach BΓ©la KΓ‘rolyi, she lived with a host family. As a result of training between eight and ten hours a day, she had little time for schoolwork. For that reason, she switched her formal education to correspondence courses; this allowed her to complete her academic coursework at her won pace and in keeping with her rigorous gymnatics training schedule.

By the time Mary Lou Retton began to train with KÑrolyi, he had become a much more mellow person than he was when he trained Nadia Comăneci for the 1976 Montréal Summer Games. Much of that personality change was due to the nature of working under the strict orthodoxy required of Communist Bloc nations during the Cold War era. After he and wife Marta defected to the United States, they were free to workand behave as they wished.

As a Romanian coach, KΓ‘rolyi had no choice but to be a slave driver to his gymnasts. As an American coach, KΓ‘rolyi shifted to being more bear-like in his conduct: strict and demanding when necessary, supportive and uplifting as often as possible. Mary Lou Retton's faith in him as coach had been validated, and KΓ‘rolyi's faith in Retton had been confirmed and strengthened.

With just one month of training under KΓ‘rolyi, Retton went to the Caesar's Palace Invitational and won the all-around title. Although she didn't make the cut to make the team going to the American Cup Competition held at Madison Square Garden in New York, she went as a substitute. When one of the gymnasts suffered an injury, Retton took her place. Retton ended up winning this competition, and it was this performance by her which secured her berth on the Olympic team going to the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games.

-- Source


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  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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