(S)Election Psyop Marches On: Media Declares Biden Winner Amidst Widespread Allegations & Mounting Evidence of Election Fraud

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"Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate. They control polling places, they stop votes when their candidate’s behind, and then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts." Rod Blagojevich, former Democrat Governor of Illinois

The establishment propaganda is really going wild as this 2020 (s)election psyop is cranked into high gear, with no end in sight. After a week of slow vote counting, allegations of fraud, unprecedented social media censorship and the mainstream media setting the stage for a Biden win for days, the AP on Saturday called the race for Biden, with the rest of the establishment outlets including NBC and CNN following suit, all declaring Joe Biden the official president elect by the end of the weekend, including the so-called conservative, oft portrayed pro-Trump, Fox News.

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Trump was out golfing at the time, as if he didn't have a care in the world, possibly indicative of his certainty that the evidence he claims his team has collected will indeed prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the allegations of widespread fraud amounting to an establishment steal of the election. General Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, has alleged that CIA software Hammer and Scorecard along with Dominion voting machines are being used to flip votes and rig the election, and considering General Flynn is the former Director of the DIA, she might be privy to some insider information the general public doesn't have access to. For what it's worth, another General and a former NSA analyst have both made the very same allegations, and a pattern of vote flipping indicative of orchestrated electronic election rigging is indeed emerging.


Besides the reported Michigan "glitches" that counted 6,000 Trump votes for Biden and cost a County Commissioner his seat before being corrected, and evidence of vote flipping in a Kentucky Congressional race, there is now additional evidence documenting the same type of vote flipping as it took place in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Footage of Election Night news coverage captured by a concerned citizen documents the flipping of 19,958 Trump votes to Biden.

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Another individual witnessed the same scenario play out in Rock County, Wisconsin, with over 9,000 Trump votes being flipped to Biden votes, as The Gateway Pundit reported.

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"Maybe it is time to classify these ‘glitches’ that go only one way – in the Democrats favor – as a Strategy to steal the election, not a ‘glitch’."

Twitter of course must inform us that such claims about election fraud are disputed, and directs us to the wonderful mainstream fact-check page on fair elections, which informs us that: "Voter fraud of any type is incredibly rare in the US, according to The Associated Press and Reuters." That's a fine and dandy claim to be making, but absolutely false.

Verifiable evidence of election fraud has been documented - see http://blackboxvoting.org/ - more so in this election than ever before it would seem, although the true extent of such fraud cannot be fully known without independent investigations and re-counts in contested states, and even then there will be many unknowns, in respect to ballots counted behind closed doors which have been permanently separated from their now discarded envelopes. I have already documented many of the statistical anomalies and evidence of fraud so I won't be repeating this long list of initial red flags that anyone not living in a cave has probably already been made aware of by now. As it is, there's plenty more new evidence of the fraud stacking up almost faster than it can be kept track of, so there should be no shortage of legal evidence to include in the lawsuits set to be filed this week by the Trump team.

But despite the mounting evidence of election fraud and the known reality of some degree of voter fraud taking place in every single election, along with the ease with with electronic voting machines can be programmed to rig an election by flipping the vote with virtually undetectable software code, the media is going out of its way to push the absurd narrative that election fraud simply doesn't take place in this country in their bid to discount all such allegations of fraud. This is, in and of itself, a major red flag, for this is the same media that couldn't stop accusing Russia of election meddling for two years straight. As we should all know by now, the mainstream news bites and the narrative they create have little or nothing to do with truth, facts or reality, but everything to do with a predetermined narrative to push a desired agenda, some would even argue a predetermined agenda.

It is odd to say the least that the Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro was so confident of a Biden win in the crucial swing state that he declared in a tweet three days before Election Day that, "If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose." Much like the social engineers who somehow managed to accurately predict the arrival of a 'second wave' of coronavirus (hoax) this fall many months in advance, Shapiro too seemed to have the unique ability to peer into the future and definitively see that Trump would lose Pennsylvania, but only if all the votes were counted. According to him, that's why Trump had been "working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from this process." If Trump was only seeking to keep illegal votes from being counted as he claims, and there was in fact a conspiracy to rig the election for Biden, then it would make perfect sense as to why Trump would only lose if all the votes were counted - because the Attorney General was aware of a plot to flood precincts with fraudulent ballots late in the counting process to swing the final count to Biden. Of course this notion of illegal votes being dumped is just a wild conspiracy theory, but I can think of no other reason someone in such a key position of power could be so certain Trump would lose a swing state in a tight race, particularly only if all votes were counted. Just another one of the countless red flags being ignored by the media.

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Needless to say, is impossible not to see that the surface-level agenda here is appointing Joe Biden as the next US President, whether or not that was the choice of American voters, and then convincing the American public to accept this, by any and all means necessary. There is obviously a deeper agenda afoot, one that has already been in motion for months, culminating with this.

It was clear that a massive coordinated psychological operation was underway from the onset of the election, and became blatantly obvious at the point when mainstream outlets cut the live feed of the President's address to the nation on Thursday in which he laid out his allegations and claims of evidence of a rigged election. The establishment is no longer hiding its intentions to silence all opposition and dissent, and the presstitutes are now openly flaunting their role as the gatekeepers of approved information, what they deem 'truth' and 'lies', evidence be damned. When the American People are no longer 'allowed' to hear the US President address the country when the media deems his statements to be untrue, we have reached unprecedented territory and a milestone on the road to tyranny. More recently, Fox News cut the feed to a White House press briefing in which the press secretary Kayleigh McEnany - speaking in her "personal capacity" - claimed that Democrats were 'inviting fraud' by disallowing GOP observers to watch the Pennsylvania ballot count. Apparently this is the new normal, where only public messages approved by the media are allowed to be broadcasted to viewers, and the media decides what 'truth' you can hear and what 'baseless claims' must be censored... Particularly shocking is that these censorship policies are now extending to public officials.

This psyop includes unprecedented levels of coordinated censorship as part of the massive ongoing propaganda campaign unlike anything seen before, to create an alternate reality based solely upon the establishment narrative rolled out by the media. We are certainly in uncharted territory here, although it is becoming increasingly easy to see through the facade as a clear picture of the underlying agenda begins to emerge. The Covid scamdemic set the groundwork for this takeover, and now the social engineers are attempting to implement the new Orwellian paradigm forcefully and quickly, amidst the chaos sowed by all this election chaos. While Americans are bitterly divided against each other over the contested official 'outcome' of the election and integrity of the election itself, the technocratic tyranny is already being ramped up, and the next level of programming has arrived. They are attempting to convince Americans that we must blindly beLIEve the media and accept their pronouncements and declarations as absolute truth, and dismiss anything else as fake news. They have been doing this for years, but they are now taking it to an entirely new level. It is impossible not to see that major changes, or at least attempted changes, are underway.

Social media is playing its part and has essentially become the official arbitrators of truth, with the CIA-linked Google now determining what election news is 'truth' and what is 'baseless claim'/'conspiracy theory'. And Google has now pronounced the AP's declaration of Biden as the next American president as the only acceptable election 'truth', and they really want you to know that "robust safeguards" ensure a fair and fraud-free election, despite these safeguards repeatedly failing to do just that in absolutely every single election for at least the past two decades...

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Even more ridiculous than the dismissal of all claims of voter fraud is the notion that it's the media and not the voters and states who suddenly have the power to declare the election winner. As all of my followers well know, I am an outspoken critic of President Trump, but he seems to be on a role here as far as making coherent logical statements and speaking truth to power lately, which I might add is rather unusual for him, as with his official statement in response to this nonsensical premature media declaration of the winner of the presidential election, rightly pointing out that this media stunt is a desperate attempt to keep the truth of election fraud from being exposed, and that no state has officially declared Joe Biden the winner of the election. Indeed, in every case these results are not official until December, and yet Joe Biden eagerly accepted the media's pronouncement even as votes in several swing states were still being counted with re-counts likely in several states, it looks like definitely in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and possibly Michigan, Nevada and Arizona, depending on the outcome of the lawsuits being prepared by the Trump team and other groups in those states.

"We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

"Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room - and then fight in court to block their access.

"So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands."

- President Donald J. Trump

As Zero Hedge notes, and Trump tweeted, it's not the job of the media to choose the president, but of the states carrying out the will of the voters, as Constitutional Lawyer Jenna Ellis explains: "Joe Biden is not the president-elect just because media declares him so," she points out. "Media coordinated efforts are attempting to simply declare Joe Biden the president and ignore the rule of law, she added. And what is the truth of the matter? "There is no official winner until every legal vote is counted accurately, the states certify results, and all legal challenges are resolved."

The media on the other hand would absurdly have you believe that the winner is already known, that their premature declaration is official, and that Trump contesting these unofficial results is somehow belligerent, divisive, and "signaling a potentially turbulent transfer of power." On this issue, unlike so many other issues, Donald Trump is absolutely correct. “Since when does the Lamestream Media call who our next president will be?” Trump tweeted.

Biden didn't waste any time at all to claim the media-bestowed title of President-elect for himself, updating his social media bio to reflect the new title, as did running mate Kamala Harris.

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A pretty brazen act of disinformation for a man who is accusing Trump of spreading misinformation over claims of election fraud.

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He then immediately assembled his own coronavirus task force,, admonishing all American to wear a mask. "We are still facing a dark winter," he said, signaling his own part to be played in the dark winter psyop, so it shouldn't be surprising he also chose Dr. Rick Bright, the very first 'expert' to predict the forecasted dark winter ahead, as one of the members of the team. It is becoming apparent that the dark winter psyop and election psyop are indeed intimately intertwined, just as the predictive programming in the months leading up to Election Day appeared to indicate.

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What the mainstream media and everyone parroting the 2020 establishment narrative seem to forget, or ignore, is that the election results aren't finalized until December, and they're decided by the states. In 2,000 a full three weeks after the election, Al Gore actually rescinded his concession and took his case to the Supreme Court, the issue being the Florida re-count. Under the current circumstances with a host of lawsuits pending, re-counts likely, and possible DOJ or other investigations into allegations of fraud, it there is nothing out of the ordinary for an incumbent candidate in Trump's shoes to refuse to concede. But the pressure for him to do so is becoming increasingly strong, even coming from some within his own party. If Trump concedes, there will be no lawsuits, re-counts and investigations to uncover potential fraud. It is my opinion that this is why the establishment is putting so much pressure on Trump to concede, demonizing him for standing his ground.

Biden is already attempting to act in the capacity of president it would seem, demanding the GSA transfer power, although the federal agency has issued a response saying it will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.” In other words, not until at least December, like every other election. But this one is different, and different rules are in play here.

"Joe Biden called President Trump’s unwillingness to concede the presidential election an “embarrassment” but said it wouldn’t impede his White House transition, despite a standoff with the administration that is preventing the president-elect access to key resources," the Wall Street Journal reported. Biden and the media pundits who appointed him as America's next president apparently aren't too happy that he hasn't been granted immediate access to classified information, or been approved to send representatives to "embed with government agencies," and other such things.

Even before the media made it 'official', Biden's prearranged 'win' prompted establishment leftists to begin their campaign to exclude anyone refusing to accept the sacred media narrative from Biden's new "polite" society, where dissent and asking questions immediately disqualifies people from normal life. Kind of like how they've been doing with 'Covid19' mask mandates and the coming vaccine. Comply or be excluded from society is the new normal, and it isn't stopping with the 'pandemic'.

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Anyone who so much as questions the integrity of the election results or makes allegations of fraud, should, according to Jennifer Rubin, never be allowed to serve in office, on a corporate board, or even be accepted in society. The really scary part is that they "have a list," or so they say, which will be used to exclude anyone "making baseless allegations of fraud" into the new post-2020 society. Considering there have been numerous verified cases of election/voter fraud this year, reported by mainstream media outlets themselves, one wonders how these new societal overlords plan to differentiate between the "baseless allegations of fraud" and those allegations that are reasonable and substantiated.

Considering there are over 60 witnesses with sworn affidavits attesting to fraud in Pennsylvania alone, according to Rudy Giuliani on Fox News Sunday Morning, where he laid out the evidence of fraud to be included in the Pennsylvania lawsuit set to be filed this week, alleging that over 400,000 ballots were secretly counted behind closed doors, poll watchers barred from exercising their legal right to monitor the vote count. This is just one of many allegations of various types of fraud in all the key swing states, attested to by numerous witnesses and hard evidence that has already been publicly documented. You can read a firsthand account of one of these witnesses for yourself, in his article published at The Federalist.

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Legacy media are lying when they claim that all of President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud are baseless. I know, because I argued a case on the president’s behalf in federal court in Philadelphia. - Jerome M. Marcus

By Monday evening the Giuliani interview had been wiped from YouTube, not available on the Fox channel and with all other copies removed from other channels by way of copyright strikes. This is just one small example of the widespread censorship going on. Facebook banned a rapidly growing "Stop the Steal" group as a part of the "exceptional" election censorship measures.

The social media giant's decision to remove the group was "in line with the exceptional measures that we are taking during this period of heightened tension," according to a Facebook spokesman Andy Stone who said "Stop the Steal" was "creating real-world events."

"The group was organized around the delegitimization of the election process, and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members of the group," he said in a statement.

Pointing out evidence of fraud and calling for re-counts and voter fraud investigations is now "delegitimization of the election process," and for some reason such "worrying calls for violence" from members of BLM and Antifa never seemed to get those types of groups kicked off the platform over the summer when all the violent riots were sweeping the nation.

One of the witnesses of fraud among those giving testimony in sworn affidavits is the Pennsylvania postal whistle blower who first talked with Project Veritas before going public, and was mocked as a highly non-credible fake witness by the fraud deniers, due to his anonymity and Project Veritas history. It turns out the Erie, PA postal worker, Richard Hopkins was very real, and ready to testify of the mail and election fraud he was a witness to, that postal workers had been ordered to backdate ballots to make illegal votes appear legal and thus be counted.

Richard Hopkins’s claim that a postmaster in Erie, Pa., instructed postal workers to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day was cited by Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation. Attorney General William P. Barr subsequently authorized federal prosecutors to open probes into credible allegations of voting irregularities and fraud before results are certified, a reversal of long-standing Justice Department policy.

But the Washington Post claims that he later recanted in comments made to the USPS Inspector General, according to anonymous officials and a declaration by the democrat-led House Committee, in their piece entitled "Postal worker recanted allegations of ballot tampering, officials say". "The failure of Hopkins’s allegations means that Republicans have been unable to produce any evidence—yet again—supporting claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election," an even more scathing hit piece by Law & Crime asserted.

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The only problem is Richard Hopkins himself immediately responded to the Washington Post's claims, denying that he had ever recanted and calling for the Post to recant their assertions, based upon anonymous sources no less. So once again the attempt to discredit this whistle blower with false claims has been exposed.

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He also went on Project Veritas once again, reiterating that he stood behind his initial testimony of witnessing fraud, and that federal agents had attempted to coerce him into watering down his initial allegations.

The establishment media will just continue to outright lie to their viewers and readers or repeat the lies of establishment players, censor evidence and allegations of fraud, and gaslight the American people. It hasn't been working so far, #StopTheSteal gains momentum as is begins to morph into a popular grassroots movement, changing the equation to a cause rather than an election, with activist groups continuing to grow and the evidence of fraud continuing to mount.

As reported by The Epoch Times, several Detroit, Michigan poll watchers have signed sworn affidavits alleging mass processing of illegal votes.

"Thousands of mail-in ballots from people who weren’t properly registered to vote were added to vote counts in Detroit, Michigan, a poll watcher alleged in a sworn affidavit."

Robert Cushman of Michigan said he observed the illegal activity when serving as a poll challenger in Detroit’s TCF Center where votes from Wayne County were counted.

His affidavit is among several attached to a lawsuit filed against Wayne County and Detroit on Nov. 8 by the Great Lakes Justice Center, a conservative-leaning nonprofit.

The suit asks the court to order “an independent and non-partisan audit” of the election, prevent the city and county from destroying evidence or certifying the election results or counting more votes until the suit is heard, order a new election, and other relief.

Allegations of witnesses included adding names and fraudulent birth dates to the poll books from ballots not matching the list of registered voters, backdating of mail-in ballots, the observation of "City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party," and the arrival of thousands of ballots all going to Biden which had been delivered by “several vehicles with out-of-state license plates.”

In Pennsylvania, where dozens of dead people were issued absentee ballots and at least 31 of them cast votes by mail, analysis of the state’s voter database has found another statistical anomaly of far more epic proportions, with over 23,000 mail-in ballots returned before they were ever sent out, at least according to the Secretary of State's records. One was even returned six days before it was sent out, quite the feat!

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USPS field engineers who were consulted said the return dates shown in the database are “impossible," according to The Epoch Times. Obviously.

Nearly 35,000 more ballots were marked as being received the same day they were sent out, another impossibility, unless they were all delivered the same day they were mailed and every single one of these voters somehow managed to check their mail, fill out their ballot and rush it to a drop-off location in time to be collected by the end of the day. Furthermore, considering the average delivery time for a piece of first class mail was 2.5 days at the end of October, even the 43,000 ballots returned two days after being sent out are highly suspect. One would expect to see an average total turnaround of at least three to six days or more, maybe closer to the three to four days if everyone was rushing to immediately manually drop them off the day after getting them, rather than mailing them back. As far as the 23,00 ballots returned before they had ever been received, this is more solid evidence of fraud. Either that or major problems with the Pennsylvania state database indicating extreme incompetence. Either way, it doesn't help to invoke a strong sense of trust in the Pennsylvania election system.

More ballots with Trump votes continue to be found in the trash around the country, this time a trash bag full of discarded ballots, all but one being Trump votes, found outside a polling station in Oklahoma.

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And now, according to the official numbers, Biden has not only received a record number of total votes - more even than Obama did in his landslide victory - but has also received the highest percentage of the popular vote for a presidential challenger since FDR in 1932 at 50.8%, surpassing Reagan's 50.7% in 1980.

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Just a little hard to believe considering how unpopular "creepy Joe" Biden is, struggling even to rally a small crowd at campaign events, and widely mocked, or pitied, for the apparent early onset of dementia clearly rendering the most unpopular establishment candidate the Democratic party could have nominated as unfit for the Office of President. But now he's suddenly the most popular candidate in American history! Right... Those who actually buy that will believe anything, even that 23,000 ballots being returned before they were ever mailed somehow doesn't constitute evidence of fraud. And anyone who says otherwise is a die-hard Trump supporter peddling "baseless claims," and should be banished from American society forever for their 'crimes' against the technocracy.

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