A Rock And A Hard Place

I really don't know why I'm writing this post, or for whom. It seems to me that most Americans have already made up their minds about who they'll vote for come November, or if they'll bother at all to do so. It also seems to me that both presidential candidates are doing their very best to not get elected, and this makes for some very strange and scary dynamics going on right now among the voters, the American people. I'll do my best to explain what I mean...


Image by Andria - source: Flickr

to be caught between a rock and a hard place - If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.
source: Collins Dictionary

Let me preface this short post by saying that I'm writing this with one main principle in mind, a principle I hope we can all agree on; whatever our personal political preferences, ideological leanings or emotional state right now, we don't want fascism. I know it's difficult to actually recognize fascism when you're in the middle of it. When Germans, regular German citizens after the Second World War were accused of not having done enough to stop Nazi crimes against humanity during the Second World War, especially the Holocaust, do you know what their defense was? Their answer to this accusation was literally "wir haben es nicht gewußt", which translates to "we did not know". This has made the German people a laughing stock for decades in Europe; I know because I grew up in the neighboring country The Netherlands and as kids we used to make fun of our neighbors to the east, and we were taught to do so by our parents. Because how on earth did you not know? Looking back at the atrocities committed against Jews, Gypsies and the disabled, the concentration camps, how could you not have seen what was going on right before your eyes? And worse; how could you support and fight for the fascist maniac called Hitler? Nah, "we did not know" just didn't cut it.

But they really didn't know, just like a lot of Americans don't seem to know today. Fascism isn't born in a day, it isn't as if you go to sleep in a normal country and wake up in a fascist one. Instead it's a slow process, building up to full blown fascism in small incremental steps, with a short period of getting used to each little step in between. You know, the camps and cages used to detain illegal immigrants at the Mexican border are in fact proto-concentration camps. When I or others say this, we get accused of exaggerating, but maybe it'll help if I also say that this was one of the first steps the Germans got used to, got to accept as normal on their road to fascism. "They send us their criminals, their drug dealers, rapists and murderers. I'm sure some of them are good, but this caravan of people from the south poses a threat to our security and well being..." blah blah... This is in part the rhetoric that got Trump elected. When fascists and anti-fascists protested in Charlottesville, Trump said that there were "very fine people" on both sides; yet another attempt at normalizing the fascists and the first step towards demonizing the "radical left". And please, spare me the comments about Trump having condemned the neo-Nazis at hose protests, because he condemned both sides, which is the exact same thing as saying that there are very fine people on both sides. The reality is that a neo-Nazi killed someone, and tried to kill more. The reality is that most deaths by terrorism in America since 9/11, come from domestic terrorist attacks by neo-Nazis, some of which don't even realize they'are indeed neo-Nazis, the same neo-Nazis that have now found a comfortable home under Trump's fascist umbrella. The trajectory of demonizing the "radical left" is already completed as now BLM and Antifa are indeed labeled as the "real" fascists, just as Hitler managed to label the communists and socialists as his real fascists.

When I say that I have no tolerance for anyone who would willingly vote for Trump for a second time around, this is what I mean; it's a vote for fascism. The way he and his administration boast about how they'll stamp down on peaceful protesters, people who exercise their right to free speech, is yet another authoritarian move befitting any wannabee fascist leadership. Yet too many Americans are unable or unwilling to see this, as they buy in to the narrative that the protesters are the real criminals here, when in fact most of the violence is the result of police and federal agents inciting and escalating that violence. A vote for Trump in 2016 can be excused, for we didn't know fully who he would be as the POTUS, but voting for him this time around is an act of willful ignorance, an act of hate. I'm sorry if you're planning on voting for this poor excuse for a human being, because that means you're either stupid or a racist. That's harsh, I know, but it's my honest opinion. And a vote for Trump is also a vote against your own interests, even if you are such a stupid racist, because if you for one second think that Trump and his administration give a damn about your flag-waving ass, you're even dumber than I thought. And if that hurts your feelings, just remember what the far-right guru's have to say about facts and feelings...

How "Cultural Marxism" became the Far-Right's Scapegoat

That was the rock; now the hard place... Biden and his Democrat party aren't much better. In fact, it seems to me for a long time now that the Democratic party actually wants the fascist to win, which would make them fascists as well. It's also not true that the Democrats are more to the left than the Republicans; Obama and Biden alike have admitted that they're essentially "Republican light". Biden and his VP Harris also do not represent a ticket for racial justice, as Biden himself drafted the Senate version of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in cooperation with National Association of Police Organizations, the police's lobbying group. Capitalism is a Devil and we all know that "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"; part of the criminal justice reform was that the police could not only confiscate the drugs, money and other contraband related to the crime, but that they could take literally everything from criminals. The overbearance of policing in America stems not only from an ever increasing budget, but also from this little fact; arresting criminals is part of their income. Yes, that means that the profit motive has found yet another way to ruin your lives my dear American brothers and sisters. Add to that the for profit prison industrial complex, and you know the main source of the resistance against legalizing drugs. Biden's criminal justice reforms essentially transported the Jim Crow laws to modern times as we all know which demographic is the main victim of these reforms. And Harris? Well, you need look no further than her reputation, one she's very proud of to boot, as "California's Top Cop"; she's been criticized time after time for her overzealous prosecution of drug possession related and other non-violent crimes as well as her reluctance in prosecuting police brutality. In this time of mass protests against police brutality, choosing Harris as running-mate is yet another indication of the Democrats' wish to not win in November...

I could go on quite some time criticizing both Trump and Biden, but I believe you catch my drift here; there is no right choice to make on the surface of this cesspool charade. Not voting, or voting for the Greens are therefore admirable choices in my opinion; nothing wrong with that. But... And you saw this "but" coming: as worthless as the Democrats are, even if they are closet-fascists or fascism-enablers, they can never openly rule as fascists. You see, this election, just as any other election, is a game of appearances and the Democrats are beholden to at least hold up the appearance of standing on the left side of the political spectrum. They fail hard at doing that of course, but they have the obligation of at least trying; hence their excessive "holier than thou" politically correct virtue signalling so loved by the suburbans who want to feel good bout themselves. Trump and the Republicans don't have that obligation, which is why Trump can get away with his fascist ideals in that party; fascism is nothing more than far-right populism, Hitler was a far-right populist whose first victims were the communists, anarchists and socialists of his country. He was in fact the originator of "Kulturbolschewismus" which is translated by right-wing hacks to "cultural bolshevism" or "cultural Marxism" and was also called "Jewish Bolshevism"; Hitler as well as our modern neo-Nazis believe in the conspiracy theory that blames rich Jewish bankers for all their misfortunes. And Trump apologizes for them.

How Societies Turn Cruel - feat. Sargon of Akkad

Again, if I were an American citizen I would suck up my feelings, my pride, principles and ideals and vote for Biden, just to stop the fascist train. We can deal with Biden and the Democrats later, but arresting the modern day Adolf should come first. And no, saying that a vote for Biden is just voting for a return to the circumstances that Made Trump Great isn't an argument, not anymore, not after Trump proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is indeed the typical authoritarian narcissistic "hero of the people" fascist of yesteryear. I'll try to visualize my reasoning for you if all of the above isn't enough. Imagine a train speeding along a track. Now imagine that there are groups of 10 people bound to that track with an interval of a quarter mile. It's already too late to save the first 10 people, even if we hit the breaks right now, because it takes at least two miles to stop this train. However, groups of people are bound to the track for at least the next 100 miles. So what do you do? Do you say "it's already too late, the disaster has already happened, so there's no use hitting the breaks, might as well go full speed ahead"? Or do you do the sensible thing? Also, if you're so appalled by the Democrats that you'd do anything to work against them, and you're aware that they don't actually want to win, what should you do to fight them? You should indeed vote for them, deny them their wish for a second Trump term. However you look at this disastrous situation, there is in my mind no excuse for casting a vote for the Fascist In Chief. It's that simple. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history like the Germans were. And I don't want you to be on the wrong side of history, because this time we're talking about America, the world's mightiest country with its military spread all over the world, even in Germany...

I invite you all to watch the videos. They're by a German amateur historian, Three Arrows, one of the YouTubers I frequently visit. Watch them to get some historical perspective on what's happening in America right now. The first one thoroughly debunks the "cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory that would have you believe that education is a weapon from the extreme left to poison the minds of American children and young adults. The second describes the similarities between the slow build up to fascism in Germany from the 1920s onward and the current happenings in America (and why Nazi comparisons are not only valid, but necessary). Last but not least, the below linked one might give you a perspective on the protests against the confederate statues you don't often get. It might also shine another light on the protests in Charlottesville as well as the current protests. "The Left" is not your enemy and they certainly aren't against America or want to destroy American history. If you really believe that, you're probably already too far gone. I still hope you find the time and courage to watch these videos though, maybe I'm wrong and there still is hope...

Does the Left Want to Destroy History?

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