Fraud R Us

Steve Bannon, former investment banker, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News, and ex-chief strategist of Donald Trump, got arrested and indicted on charges of money laundering and fraud related to his involvement with the We Build the Wall project.



On August 20, 2020, the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment charging Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea with a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors. The men face charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. This is good news, but not good enough. You see, fraud is the standard m.o. in Washington; politicians of both parties are professional white-collar criminals who have perfected the art of defrauding the people they're supposed to serve. They are the gatekeepers for the trickle-up economy, maintaining a constant flow, a continuous transfer of wealth from the poor, working- and middle class to the rich. So Steve Bannon is not the exception but a confirmation of the rule. The exception is that Steve and his little cabal of fellow con-men actually got arrested.

In this particular case however, I can not get myself to feel sorry for the victims. Although Saagar Enjeti keeps talking about "good meaning people" and that they "deserve representation", I couldn't disagree more; people who actually support the building of a wall along America's southern border are racists in my opinion. In a country that's literally founded on immigration, there's no other reason to oppose immigrants than a disdain for those new immigrants. The economical and cultural reasons for limiting immigration specifically from the south (no wall planned along the northern border, no limitation announced for immigration of white Europeans or well educated Asians) are all nonsense; not the immigrants, but the corporations are responsible for lower wages, and it's somewhat astonishing to me that when given the choice people lay the blame at the feet of the powerless instead of the powerful. The argument that immigrants hurt the economy is laughable because the opposite is true. I'm not going to explain why; there are countless studies on this subject and they all come to the same conclusion; only first generation immigrants have a slight effect on wages and job-opportunities, but after that the effect of immigration is nothing but positive, it makes the economy grow. More people means more people need to be served, more food needs to be made and sold, more houses need to be sold or rented... It's as simple as one plus one equals two. And please don't make a fool of yourself by claiming that these immigrants are responsible for a rise in criminality; here also the opposite is true, as immigrants commit less crime than native-borns, not only in America but everywhere. Just think for two seconds and you can reason for yourself that if you're new in a country, you don't go spoiling your chances by acting like an asshole; on the contrary, you'll be especially careful to not step outside the boundaries of what's acceptable and make every effort to be accepted by "the natives".

Nah, if you're in favor of that ridiculous border wall and even stupid enough to give your hard earned money up for that end, I feel no pity for you. That also goes if you're stupid enough to fall for the "but they steal our jobs" or "they've ruined our wages" right wing talking points. So, in short, this arrest is good news all around; both the con-men and their victims got what they deserved... Of course this isn't over and they will fight back. Brian Kolfage published this on Facebook and the We Build The Wall web-page:

The witch hunt is on! I'm not going to be bullied into being a political prisoner for my beliefs. I have fought hard for these freedoms and the SDNY is on a all out assault to take down every Trump insider from the 2016 election, that means Bannon. They will ruin innocent peoples lives in order to have a war trophy pinned to the wall just before elections.

This is followed by the usual accusations against the Democrats, much of it true which shows the rot is not one-sided at all... And, if you're interested, you can still donate!! Although I believe that any new donations will be used to pay for the "super lawyers" Brian Kolfage mentions in his "fight back" post on Facebook. I wonder who will be dimwitted enough to donate to that cause even now...

Krystal and Saagar: Bannon INDICTED Revealing Deep Grifting Instinct In Republican Party

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