The VAWA Deception

Politicians, for the most part, lie to our faces for a living. Some are very good at it, like the charming and eloquent Barack Obama, some try but fail, like senile Joseph R. Biden, and one never understood his job-description and is actually honest but, isn't taken seriously by millions of voters, because how else could he have won the 2016 general elections in America?


source: Wikimedia Commons

Maybe we should be grateful that Trump is too dumb to lie, but on the other hand it's disconcerting, to say the least, that his honest bigoted and racist personality traits still manage to draw in so many enthusiastic followers. But it's not just that Trump attracts voters, it's also true that the Democrats have managed to chase away many of their voters over the past half century. Leftist parties all over the world have moved to the right after the introduction of unfettered free market capitalism in the Reagan and Thatcher years, but the leftist party of America, the Democratic Party, were the first to move and moved farthest. Neoliberalism was embraced 100% under Bill Clinton and they never looked back. And it was under Clinton that uncle Joe Biden drafted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

These past couple of days we saw the Democratic National Convention on mainstream TV every night, where the Democratic party promoted the Biden / Harris ticket with which they hope to win the general elections come November. I don't know if you saw any of it, dear readers, but if you haven't you've missed nothing at all; it was a sickening self-congratulatory fawn-fest with corporatist Democrats and "Never Trumpers" from the Republican Party falling over themselves to lavish praise on the worst Democratic candidate in my lifetime. If you paid attention to what's been said, you've noticed that almost none of this praise was about actual policies of proposals; 90% was about how good a person uncle Joe is, how everyone likes him in person to person contact, how his personal tragedies in life made him the empathetic man he is today. And that was only when the talk was actually about him; there was no time wasted to point out how bad of a person Trump is of course, for that's the only real reason sensible people will go out to vote for Biden.

The Insufferable Smugness Of The DNC & RNC

As if all of that wasn't off-putting enough, much of the time spent on his actual political achievements was focused on one thing: his Violence Against Women Act. We saw a genuine parade of female victims of domestic violence who praised Biden for fighting the good fight. When commentators on MSNBC and CNN were done fawning over Barack Obama's address, they also praised Biden for the VAWA... But it was never mentioned, not even hinted at, that this VAWA was just one tiny part of the 1994 criminal justice reform act written by Biden and passed by Bill Clinton. It's amazing how these charlatans, not just the politicians but the mainstream media as well, manage to lie by omission with such bravado. Both Biden and his VP pick Kamala Harris received campaign donations from the prison industry; Biden wrote the law responsible for the incarceration of countless young black men for non violent crimes (drug possession mainly), and Harris saw to it they were kept locked up as long as legally possible. Harris one time even refused to release them because the state of California would lose too much cheap prison labor. Most prisoners are black, they work for 1 dollar per day; that's nothing less than modern day slave labor, designed and executed by the ones America has to vote for in order to get rid of the fascist in chief... I can't even begin to imagine the predicament my voting American brothers and sisters are in right now... Watch this video to get some idea of how evil this Harris woman is, and leave the celebrating of the Violence Against Women Act to the politically unaware...

Lee Camp & Graham Discuss Kamala The Cop

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