Déjà Vu

Watching the reporting on the upcoming general elections in the United States of America, it's sometimes like I'm watching a rerun of the 2016 elections. And that's not a good thing...


source: Wikimedia Commons

As things stand now we'd all better get ready for another four years of fascism in earth's mightiest country. Both American political parties seem to have succeeded in their mission to beat the last ounces of political engagement out of their combined voter-bases; voter turnout will be at record lows, especially with the added complications because of the COVID-19 pandemic. And if history has shown us one thing, it's that when voter-turnout is low, the Republicans win; it's no coincidence that they are the masters of voter-suppression. The Democrats on their side have done everything in their power to chase away progressives and younger voters; choosing "Top Cop" Kamala Harris as Biden's running-mate was just the next in a long succession of slaps in their faces, and to top it all off they've allotted one full minute of speaking time for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, arguably the nation's most popular progressive at this time, during the 2020 Democratic National Convention...

Biden's Hillary 2.0 Campaign Could Be Headed For Disaster

I'll keep this post short, not only because time is once again scarce, but also because it's quite tiring and demoralizing to watch this slow-motion train-wreck in progress. The Titanic is sinking, but the band plays on as if nothing's happening; that's the impression I get from watching mainstream media, but even a lot of online media seem to just revel in classic party antagonisms and left-right rivalries, instead of fully recognizing the disaster that's right in front of their faces. Even some of the responses I got to my posts these last couple of days are disheartening in the sense that people are so sick and tired of the fake two party system, that they're not able anymore to see the differences there still are between them. I know it's probably futile, but I'll repeat it just the same: Trump is a fascist. Period. Biden is bad, but not a fascist. Third parties are a nice idea, but have no chance at all; their work, their real work is in between elections when they should build their parties from the ground up, get their people elected in state- and local elections, get some seats in congress and / or the senate, get some mayors in office and so on. Throwing everything at the generals every four years does-not-work. There's one, and only one chance to stop the fascists who've already built up a nice following among the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and that's a vote for the corporatist monster called Biden.

New Poll Reveals Biden's BIGGEST Vulnerability

Yes, there's only a fine line between full blown corporatism and fascism, but that line exists nonetheless. I know, Mussolini once described fascism as the point where the interests of government align perfectly with the interests of big industry, which is exactly what both parties are: corporate lap-dogs. So when some of my readers comment that a vote for Biden is also a vote for fascism, I understand. But you're still wrong, because once again, there's a difference between corporatism and fascism. Fascism has a couple of additional features that are completely absent with Biden and undeniably present with Trump. There's the hero-worship, a classic among fascist leaders; Trump has that, worse, he demands that. Biden not so much; "settle for Biden" didn't come falling from the sky and is a perfect illustration of how unpopular he is. His campaign counts on the anti-Trump vote, not the pro-Biden vote. No her-worship there. Then there's the violence; who needs more proof that Trump is willing to let the army loose on the American people? And there's the open racism and demonizing of vulnerable demographics; when has Biden talked about Mexicans and South Americans as a deplorable group of rapists, drug dealers and murderers? Or said that there's "fine people on both sides" when commenting on protests by white supremacists and counter-protests by anti-fascists? Again, Trump and Biden are both despicable, I think I've repeated that often enough, but one of them is the clear fascist and one of them is not. And I'm so sorry if you're not able to see that clear distinction, for we all shall suffer if Trump gets another term.


In the meantime Democrats are doing everything to lose the November election which makes sense because of how they make their money. Being the opposition party comes with many perks and enables them to keep their fund-raising machine running at full speed; yet another reason why the political fight we watch on screen is little more than a WWF charade, because no matter who wins, their bottom-line is not affected. The difference between these two is in the details; like I said, even the difference between a run-of-the-mill corporatists and a full blown fascist is rather small, which is why not only Obama, but ANY Democratic president seemingly paves the way for fascism. But, and I can't repeat this often enough, there IS a difference between the one paving the way and the one who rides on it.

Wall Street Ecstatic With Kamala Harris VP Pick

Okay, I'm done. This post turned out to be longer than I anticipated (I never prepare for these things) ad has become some sort of a reaction to the comments on my previous post. I'm so sorry for only having had the time to read them, and not to respond to them individually (yet). It's funny that I'm actually defending the Biden/Harris ticket here when they're responsible for robbing us from the only chance we had for some actual change for the good; they are the ones responsible for Bernie Sanders' loss by mobilizing their forces against him at the very last moment and saddle us with senile old Uncle Joe, the perfect candidate to lose against Trump. So I can still understand a vote for a third party or not voting at all because, strategy aside, that's actually the only morally correct choice in this quagmire. What's also funny is that the many videos I have for you today, except for the very last one, are all giving reasons to NOT vote for Biden or to not vote at all, and I agree with the content of all of them. Take that as an indication of how difficult this choice is; I wish you good luck, my American friends...

Republican Attacks On Kamala Harris Are Laughable

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