Living The Lie

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is rooted in keeping them ignorant. This quote is attributed to Maximilien Robespierre, one of the leading figures of the French Revolution, and this has always been true, but never more so than today.


source: Wikipedia

As the cardinal said to the king, "if you keep them poor, I will keep them ignorant". Throughout our human history we, the people, have always been subject to the narratives sent down to us from above. Those narratives have always served the same purpose, which is to keep us powerless and poor, and to keep us satisfied and happy with it. For ages the overarching paradigm was that of religion, the Bible to be more precise. And what does the Bible teach us? It teaches us that we are inherently evil through the story of Original Sin, the doctrine of a state of sin in which humanity has existed since the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even back then our suppressors were open about their desire for us to not know, to stay ignorant. Since very early on in our so called western cultural evolution we've been indoctrinated to see mankind as inherently sinful, to believe that we deserve any punishment baring down on us coming from some vaguely defined power high above us. The trick is to make us believe that this power is an all powerful being that can't be touched or argued with, for He resides outside of space and time, while in actuality this power is embodied in the evil pact between the aforementioned cardinal and king...

In the time of Maximilien Robespierre, who was executed in 1794, the enlightenment was in full swing, as was the resistance against against those traditional rulers from royalty and the clergy. Now it was the people's time to rule themselves, and democracy was introduced under banners that said "liberté, égalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality, fraternity). And wouldn't it have been beautiful if that had actually worked... Of course it didn't; democracy never had a fair chance against the powers that be, as the power of the church and royalty seamlessly transitioned into the power of the robber barons. You see, right around the time when the narrative of the Bible began to loose much of its foothold, due to advancing science mainly, another narrative was put in its place, the same narrative, the same lie we still keep internalized to this day; the narrative of capitalism. Capitalism, like the Bible, teaches us that we should work hard and obey the rules descended upon us from above, for that's our best and only shot at becoming truly happy in this life. Yes, this life because the fairy tale about an afterlife in Heaven where we will be reunited with lost loved ones, is a meme that's all but extinct. Our modern version of heaven is living the life of a millionaire, for almost every freedom is an economic freedom and with freedom comes happiness. Only if you have the means to do so, you're free to travel where you please, only if you have the means to do so, you have the freedom of not having to work for a living, and so on. If you have that nagging suspicion that there's two kinds of justice, justice for the ultra rich and justice for the rest of us, rest assured that this feeling is justified.

We can see this hypocrisy at work in America on TV every day. Protesters who revisit the days of the French revolution in the sense that they demand from the powers that be to be treated fairly, are smeared as being violent looters, extremist far left terrorists... And hordes of brainwashed citizens blindly believe this lie... The truth of the matter is found in the larger perspective I've tried to paint for you here today; the real looters are of course the infamous 1% who sit at the top of the capitalist food-chain, who through their institutions of banking, Wall Street, mainstream media, and their various industrial complexes have kept us ignorant and poor, just like the king and cardinal of yesteryear. Or, in the case of America in 2020, the white slaveholders of yesteryear who, Bible in hand, killed off the indigenous people and imported another people to do their hard work while treating them as less than human. Those same white Christians now support a white fascist president, and have raised 300,000 dollar in support of the 17 year old right wing white terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse, who murdered two of the protesters demanding fair treatment from their leaders. It seems that their ideology of "pro life" only counts if that life is a white embryo or a white supremacist, not when it's a black life or the life of someone fighting for black lifes. How does this jive with having Jesus as your savior? How do you not immediately see the hypocrisy here? Smearing protesters as a horde of violent looters is nothing short of ludicrous; the wave of protests that started with the murder on camera of George Floyd by the police is the biggest protest in American history. It's estimated that up until now more than 26 million Americans have participated in those protests; does anyone truly believe that the majority of those 26 million are looters, or violent? The fact that many people do believe Trump's fear-mongering about the protesters and "the left" is indicative of the power of lies put forward by those in power.

I've often called Trump a racist and a fascist, because that's what he is in my humble opinion. Obviously not everyone agrees, and I'm sometimes asked to provide proof of these claims, which is astonishing to me. I'm being asked this about the man who launched his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech in which he spoke about Mexican immigrants: "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Some of them are good people, he assumes... Trump implied moral equivalence between the white supremacist marchers and those who protested against them during the unrest in Charlottesville in 2017. And I could go on for pages full of racist remarks in speeches and on Twitter, but I won't, because if you're still blind to this man's racist demeanor, you'll probably never wake up. Maybe just read the Wikipedia page dedicated to Racial views of Donald Trump; be warned, it's a rather long read... Another sure sign we're dealing with a racist here, is to just take a look at who his most fervent supporters are; they are indeed the same white supremacists and neo-Nazis. I'm not saying that all his supporters are racist or neo-fascist white nationalists, just that it's no coincidence that his rhetoric attracts people who hold these deplorable ideologies. Trump is a racist who at one point even refused to denounce the KKK. "But that's just rhetoric! Show me one racist policy he endorsed or proposed, and then I'll believe he's a racist", is the next line of this futile defense of Trump. This demand is akin to the same demand made by those who deny that there's systemic racism: "Show me one racist law, and then I'll believe there's systemic racism". And it's not someone's actions that make them a racist; you don't have to go around shooting black and brown people to be racist. In fact most racists will deny that they're racist while claiming that "some of my best friends are black", as if that means anything... Besides the racists, white evangelicals form much of Trump's hardcore support-base; I hope my introduction can serve as a background to the below linked video that is about the Christians who, Bible in hand, support the fascist in chief...

Christian Pastor DEMOLISHES Evangelicals' Support for Trump

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